Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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Glimpses of the Religious World<br />

Frank E. Allen, D. D.<br />

Boy of 12 Can Choose<br />

The highest court of New York State has upheld a de<br />

cision to the effect that a boy of 12 has a right to choose<br />

his own religion. The mother, who is a Christian Scientist,<br />

had made a premarital agreement to rear him in the Roman<br />

Catholic religion.<br />

India's Enforcement Problem<br />

India is troubled with the enforcement of the prohibition<br />

law just as the U. S. has been in the past. There is said to be<br />

much bootlegging and illicit distillation of liquor. The min<br />

istry in one state was forced to resign as a result of a<br />

no-confidence vote over the drink problem.<br />

A Student Revolt<br />

David lamented, "How are the mighty fallen!" and if<br />

he were here today he might weep over the fall of many<br />

colleges which were founded for the purpose of giving Chris<br />

tian instruction. William and Mary College has had a re<br />

cent "student<br />

revolt"<br />

which originated because of restrictions<br />

on fraternities which are housed in college-owned buildings<br />

on the campus. One of the chief complaints of the students<br />

was the prohibition of serving liquor to minors, even though<br />

this is in violation of the law of Virginia. The students<br />

burned the dean of the college in effigy.<br />

Bible in Schools<br />

A bill has been introduced in the State Legislature of<br />

California to permit moral instruction in the public schools<br />

including Bible reading. The measure would authorize the<br />

State Board of Education to prepare a syllabus of Bible and<br />

other moral books for classroom instruction.<br />

A Retreat in Belgium<br />

The Roman Catholic hierarchy has brought such strong<br />

pressure in favor of subsidies in mission schools in the Bel<br />

gian Congo that the government has retreated from its stand<br />

against them. The government now agrees to pay these sub<br />

sidies although they had decided that there should be less<br />

tax money spent on sectarian projects.<br />

To Curb Obscene Publications<br />

Bills have been introduced in both the Senate and the<br />

House to give the Postmaster General more power in sup<br />

pressing or impounding mail which contains obscene material<br />

which violates existing statutes. Last year such a bill passed<br />

the House but failed in the Senate<br />

Must Observe Holy Days<br />

There is a bylaw in Montreal, Canada, which provides<br />

fines for all stores which are not shuttered on 7 Roman<br />

Catholic holy days of obligation. This year police of that city<br />

issued more than 300 summonses to firms staying<br />

open on<br />

the Roman Catholic feast of the Epiphany in violation of the<br />

bylaw. Seven of the large city stores are contesting this or<br />

der. The Quebec Court of Appeals has upheld the bylaws, but<br />

it has been appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada. Those<br />

who are wilfully blind to the oppressive methods of the Ro<br />

man Catholic Church, where it has a strong majority, should<br />

take note of such actions and consider.<br />

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Southern Baptists<br />

The Southern Baptist Convention now has an all-time<br />

high in a membership of more than 8,000,000, and its giving<br />

to all causes was more than $300,000,000 during the past<br />

year.<br />

Convention of the NAE<br />

The 13th Annual Convention of the National Association<br />

of Evangelicals is to be held in the Sherman Hotel, Chicago,<br />

111., April 18-22, 1955. The main part of the Convention will<br />

begin on Tuesday evening, April 19, with Dr. Harold J. Ockenga<br />

as the main speaker. On the same evening a part of<br />

the service will be under the direction of Dr. Carl F. H. Hen<br />

ry and the Social Action Commission with Lt. Gen. Harrison<br />

as the speaker. On Wednesday morning in the Social Action<br />

group the subject will be on "Spiritual and Moral Values in<br />

Public Education." The main speakers on that subject are<br />

Dr. Glenn L. Archer, Dr. Mark Fakkema, Dr. Frank E.<br />

Gaebelein, and Dr. R. H. Martin.<br />

A Revival in Argentine<br />

Mr. Olav Eikland, writing in UEA says: "The religious<br />

atmosphere (of Argentine) had been preserved in calmness.<br />

For centuries Roman Catholicism had kept its people in<br />

circumspect formalism while the voice of Protestantism was<br />

hardly audible in the broad stream of the<br />

masses."<br />

When the<br />

evangelist T. Hicks arrived in Buenos Aires he secured an<br />

interview with President Peron who received him cordially<br />

and granted permission for- him to hold mass meetings with<br />

access to the press and the radio. The evangelical leaders of<br />

the city<br />

co-operated and meetings were crowded out from<br />

one meeting place to another with 100,000 people to hear the<br />

Gospel. Bibles were sold until the supply was exhausted.<br />

Forty thousand Bibles and Testaments were sold. Eighty<br />

thousand people signed cards and the established churches<br />

in Buenos Aires saw their congregations doubled, tripled or<br />

quadrupled at once. People began to testify in the stadium,<br />

on the streets, in the trains and busses. Some testified before<br />

priests when the priests denounced the meetings during<br />

mass. Mr. Hicks said: "There was a great deal of opposition<br />

from the main church of the land (Catholic) ....<br />

the<br />

greatest opposition was from the Communist elements. Their<br />

propaganda was terrific and fierce!"<br />

French Movement Against Alcohol<br />

There is an article by Ernest Gordon in United Evangeli<br />

cal Action (Feb. 15) entitled, "The French Movement against<br />

Alcohol."<br />

He writes: "France is showing us the way! Its<br />

experience of near-prohibition in wartime opened the eyes of<br />

the medical profession to the profound relations between<br />

drink and disease. They started scientific investigation in the<br />

fields of pathology, economics, demography. These confirmed<br />

their<br />

observations."<br />

There followed a National Committee<br />

for Defense Against Alcoholism which published and circu<br />

lated a great deal of literature and hundreds of thousands<br />

of tracts and posters were distributed. Careful investigations<br />

were made and the injurious effects of alcohol were shown<br />

in schools and to the people and officials of France.<br />

The writer closes his article thus: "Now Premier Men<br />

des-France is dramatizing the anti-alcohol movement by<br />

(Continued on page 136)<br />


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