Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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Glimpses of the Religious World<br />

Frank E. Allen, D. D.<br />

Bingo in the Churches<br />

In the current issue of Christian Herald there is an ar<br />

ticle entitled, "Bingo<br />

Shame of the Churches," in which<br />

the writer affirms that though the Protestant churches<br />

have pronounced bingo a vicious form of gambling, yet the<br />

authorities of the Roman Catholic Church have given the<br />

game their official blessing and also their enthusiastic spon<br />

sorship. The manufacturers of gambling paraphernalia have<br />

repeatedly shown that Catholic churches are among the<br />

country's biggest buyers 'of bingo equipment. And crime<br />

commissions investigating the enormous profits derived by<br />

gambling syndicates, have long recognized church bingo<br />

as the financial bulwark of the Catholic church's parochial<br />

school system. Bingo is said to have more devotes than all<br />

other games of chance. The "nickles and dimes," which the<br />

Catholic clergy dismiss as inconsequential, annually roll up<br />

into hundreds of millions of dollars to produce one of the<br />

nation's largest gambling enterprises<br />

either in or out of<br />

the church. Even when church games are run as the Catho<br />

lics say,<br />

"honestly,"<br />

the gambling<br />

odds are as high as 70<br />

to 30 against a player being given a fair chance for his<br />

money. The "bingo<br />

addict"<br />

is a type of player in whom greed<br />

and avarice are stimulated to a similar kind of enslavement<br />

as that of the hopeless alcoholic.<br />

Cleanup of Comics<br />

In the city of Des Moines, Iowa, forty-five druggists<br />

have pledged to clear their drugstore racks of all objection<br />

able comic books. They are asking<br />

drive.<br />

No Lynchings<br />

others to join in the<br />

No lynchings have been reported in 19<strong>54</strong>. There were<br />

none reported in 1952 and 1953, and so this year there was<br />

no report along this line by<br />

Tuskegee Institute which has<br />

reported the lynchings for many years in the past. It is<br />

to be hoped that lynchings are a thing of the past. In the<br />

years past such countries as India and some in Africa have<br />

made unfavorable propaganda of the lynchings in the U.S.A.<br />

The Quakers, at a cost of $4,000, in order to counteract such<br />

propaganda, sent a white housewife accompanied by a Negro<br />

young woman who works in a Philadelphia settlement house<br />

on a "journey of friendship" around the world. They spent<br />

periods as guests in eleven different countries as a part of<br />

such a mission. How many instances of friction due to race<br />

prejudice might be eliminated if men would remember that<br />

God has created all nations of one blood to dwell on all the<br />

face of the earth.<br />

Selling Pork in Israel<br />

A case against the selling<br />

of Pork in Israeli was car<br />

ried to the Supreme Court which ruled that municipal au<br />

thorities may not ban the sale of pork by ordinance so long<br />

as there is no national law against its sale. It is expected<br />

that the question of the sale of pork will be raised in the<br />

Israeli Parliament.<br />

The Fourth Health Problem<br />

Alcoholism has been authoritatively declared to be the<br />

No. 4 heaith problem in the United States. This comes from<br />

66<br />

the Keeley Institute, of Dwight, II]., which has made an ef<br />

fort to cure alcoholics for the last 75 years. Reports given<br />

out by United States Health inform us that alcohol addiction<br />

is 10 per cent more prevalent than tuberculosis, 50 per cent<br />

more prevalent than cancer, and 225 per cent more prevalent<br />

than poliomyelitis.<br />

Released Time Education<br />

The Board of Education of New York City reported that<br />

2,285 more public school pupils attended released-time re<br />

ligious education classes in December than in the same<br />

month last year.<br />

Mission Airplane<br />

Some Baptist churches in the Carolinas, and one in<br />

Texas, have presented a light airplane to the Southern Bap<br />

tist Foreign Mission Board. The plane which cost approxi<br />

mately $5,000 will be placed at the disposal of Mr. John S.<br />

Oliver, missionary to the State of Piaui, Brazil. This will<br />

make five planes which the Board now has to cover long<br />

and difficult distances of travel in the interior of Brazil.<br />

U. S. Men in Spain<br />

There were many of us who protested against the U. S.<br />

granting large sums to aid Spain in the form of establishing<br />

military bases there so long as Spain is under a dictator and<br />

radical Catholic control. Before long, if plans are carried out,<br />

there will be a large number of U. S. citizens employed by<br />

the U. S. military authorities in Spain and there will be mil<br />

itary<br />

and air units assigned to that country. But listen! A<br />

report from Madrid states that United States and Spanish<br />

military leaders have granted the Roman Catholic Church<br />

the right to sanction or forbid marriages between United<br />

States citizens of mixed religions in Spain. It means that<br />

if a Protestant from the U. S. desires to marry<br />

a girl in<br />

Spain he will have to become a Catholic or submit to the<br />

Catholic rules of marriage with a Protestant, namely, that<br />

all the children must be brought up in the Catholic faith. It<br />

is feared that many young men will live in concubinage ra<br />

ther than accept the Catholic rules. This violates the<br />

American view of the separation of church and state and<br />

interferes with the liberty<br />

of service personnel who are<br />

helping in Spain. Very recently a friend was telling this<br />

writer that a chaplain of his denomination had helped to<br />

enlighten 75 young women in Italy in the Protestant faith<br />

after servicemen had married girls of Italy. This would<br />

be prohibited in Spain. Christians should write to their con<br />

gressmen protesting against the Spanish ruling.<br />

N. A. E. Headquarters<br />

The headquarters office of the National Association of<br />

Evangelicals has been moved from Chicago to Wheaton, Illi<br />

nois. The Midwest Regional office of the NAE will remain in<br />

Chicago in order to serve the greater Chicago area.<br />

Revision of Scofield Bible<br />

A committee of scholars has begun work on a revised<br />

edition of the Scofield reference Bible. The chairman of th s<br />

committee is Dr. E. Schuyler English who said after the<br />

(Contonued on page 74)<br />


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