Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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gregation appreciate greatly the fellow<br />

ship with and help of the young men of<br />

the Seminary and, having known them<br />

in this way, will follow each of them<br />

in his ministry<br />

prayers.<br />

with our interest and<br />


The Women's Missionary Societies<br />

of the congregation sponsored a mission<br />

ary Conference March 20-23. On Sab<br />

bath evening our Pastor Dr. Lathom<br />

preached a fine sermon on "Missions in<br />

the World Today." Tuesday evening it<br />

was our privilege to hear Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Kenneth Sanderson tell about our work<br />

in Syria. On Wednesday evening Mr.<br />

Chester Fox, Treasurer of the Foreign<br />

Board, spoke on the problems con<br />

fronting this part of our Church's work.<br />

Questions by those present were asked<br />

and answered by Mr. Fox. It was a<br />

very<br />

profitable evening. We felt that<br />

this project was very much worth-while.<br />

Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Mclsaac were in<br />

Harrisburg, Pa. attending<br />

an Educa<br />

tional Convention. Dr. Mclsaac was<br />

President of the Pennsylvania Associa<br />

tion of Liberal Arts Colleges for the Ad<br />

vancement of Teaching. While on the<br />

same trip they visited their daughter<br />

Louise who lives in Washington, D. C.<br />

Mrs. Howard McAnlis has returned<br />

after spending the winter with daugh<br />

ters in Vermont and New Jersey.<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke and Dr.<br />

Edwin C.<br />

Clarke spent some time in<br />

Philadelphia during the vacation.<br />

Our mid-week Prayermeetings have<br />

been most interesting<br />

and the attend<br />

ance very good. Various <strong>org</strong>anizations in<br />

the congregation and Sabbath School<br />

have presented the special work they are<br />

doing. These programs have shown that<br />

all are active in the Lord's work and<br />

have stimulated our prayer activity on<br />

their behalf.<br />

A daughter Roberta Lee was born to<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dwyer on March 15.<br />

Congratulations. !<br />

Dr. R. I. Robb was the assistant at<br />

our recent Communion. He gave us ex<br />

cellent preaching. One member was re<br />

ceived on profession of faith in Jesus<br />

Christ, James Bradley Goe, two by cer<br />

tificate from other congregations, Dr.<br />

Doris Birkie from Wampum, Pa.,<br />

Presbyterian Church; Mrs. Minnie Goe<br />

was restored to membership. The fol<br />

lowing were baptized, two infants,<br />

Vickey Jean Hardies, daughter of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Charles Hardies and David<br />

Alan Gache, son of Mr. and Mrs. John<br />

Gache. Also James Bradley, Robert<br />

David, Thomas Charles, Terrell Ruth,<br />

children of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Goe.<br />

We welcome all these to our Christian<br />

fellowship.<br />

286<br />


After a covered dish supper, the Rev.<br />

Robert Tweed showed slides of his trip<br />

to the Holy Land. Everyone enjoyed the<br />

pictures very much, even<br />

though we<br />

had to find our way home through a<br />

sudden spring snowstorm.<br />

We were glad to have the opportunity<br />

of hearing Paul Robb from our Semi<br />

nary preach for us once again before he<br />

leaves for Los Angeles.<br />

Robert McCracken preached Sabbath<br />

April 3rd. While our pastor assisted<br />

communion at the Belle Center con<br />

gregation.<br />

Our spring communion was held April<br />

17, with Dr. S. Bruce Willson assisting.<br />

Preparatory services were the preceding<br />

Thursday and Friday evenings. Dr.<br />

Willson is a former pastor and we are<br />

always glad to welcome him to our pul<br />

pit.<br />

SAN DD3GO<br />

We wish to thank the following gen<br />

erous friends for gifts recently received<br />

for our church Building Fund: Mrs. J.<br />

M. McDowell, Mrs. J. H. McBurney,<br />

Almonte Congregation, Pittsburgh Pres<br />

byterial, and Kansas Presbyterial. We<br />

now have about $1,200.00 in our Build<br />

ing Fund. We hope to start our much<br />

needed addition as<br />

soon as we have<br />

sufficient funds to pay for the neces<br />

sary materials. Our Bible School at<br />

tendance last Sabbath was 223 (this in<br />

quarters built to accommodate 150), so<br />

we do need more room!<br />

There are still some openings for<br />

teachers in our part of the State. If<br />

interested in locating where you can help<br />

in the work of the Kingdom as well,<br />

write the California Teachers Associa<br />

tion, 1625 So. Figuero, Los Angeles 14,<br />

asking for placement in the San Diego<br />

area, or write the pastor, Rev. J. D.<br />

Edgar, 10140 Crestview Heights, La<br />

Mesa, California, giving your qualifica<br />

tions.<br />

If you are out-of-bounds and would<br />

like to get where you can be useful in<br />

the Lord's work, we'd like you to con<br />

sider San Diego. Or, if you need to<br />

move for reasons of health, San Diego<br />

can offer you many advantages and an<br />

opportunity to serve the Lord in help<br />

ing build up His work in our church<br />

community. There are many types of<br />

employment and self-employment op<br />

portunities available here. The pastor<br />

will be glad to answer your questions.<br />


The Annual Congregational Meeting<br />

was held following a supper on Tuesday,<br />

April 12. The Pastor introduced a Visi<br />

tation Evangelism Program. At the re<br />

commendation of the Deacon Board, the<br />

Congregation voted to secure bids and<br />

to proceed with a program to paint the<br />

outside of the Church. Congregational<br />

Officers elected were: Chairman, J.<br />

Clyde Dunn; Secretary, Mrs. Geneva<br />

Elliott; and Treasurer, Neeland B. Sie<br />

bring.<br />

Recent improvements to the Church<br />

include new cornices in the Prayer Meet<br />

ing Room made by Mr. R. Wendall<br />

Speer, and new drapes and curtains in<br />

the Sabbath School Room made by Mrs.<br />

Elliott and her committee from the two<br />

missionary societies.<br />

The Thirty-sixth Annual Convention<br />

of the Colorado Women's Presbyterial<br />

was held in the Greeley Church on Wed<br />

nesday, April 20. Miss Blanche McCrea<br />

of Cyprus was the Missionary Speaker.<br />

A full Report of the Presbyterial will<br />

appear in the <strong>Witness</strong>.<br />


The Rev. Joseph Caskey assisted in<br />

the communion services the week end of<br />

April 10. He brought interesting, help<br />

ful messages. James Preston Robb, son<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robb, was<br />

baptized.<br />

Miss Mary McCrory has returned to<br />

her home here after some weeks of con<br />

valescence following major surgery in<br />

the Stormont-Vail Hospital, Topeka. She<br />

was able to attend some of the com<br />

munion services.<br />

Some men of the congregation partici<br />

pated very ably in a home talent play,<br />

sponsored by the Denison Men's Chris<br />

tian Fellowship, to augment the fund for<br />

floodlights for the ball field on the<br />

school grounds.<br />


March 17 was a red letter day for all<br />

the Irish in the Fellowship Group (and<br />

all those who aren't Irish), for a St.<br />

Patrick's Day party was held at the<br />

home of Betty and Verd Dunn. The<br />

theme was complete from Irish potato<br />

race to Irish folk songs sung by the host<br />

ess. Very tasty refreshments were served<br />

at the close of this entertaining evening.<br />

Again on April 1 the same group<br />

journeyed by Ferry boat to Bremerton<br />

for a pot luck dinner at the home of Kay<br />

and Evelyn Gilchrist. Although most<br />

everyone was on guard for the usual<br />

April fool jokes, a few new jokes put a<br />

lot of life in the party and we all en<br />

joyed the evening immensely.<br />

The semi-annual Congregational meet<br />

ing was held April 12 with the following<br />

persons elected to office: Chairman,<br />

Thomas Rea; Secretary, Jean Dill; Pre<br />

centor, Donald Crozier; Assistant Pre<br />

centor, Mrs. Marian Martin.<br />

Time April 15, Place, Seattle Church<br />

basement. Event, Mr. Joseph Fleming's<br />

annual dinner for the Congregation and<br />

friends. A delicious roast beef dinner<br />

was served to some 125 persons. A pro<br />

gram followed consisting of local talent<br />


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