Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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sorrowing."<br />

come."<br />

strings,"<br />

wine."<br />

you."<br />

ulate"<br />

mother."<br />

also!"<br />

The Editor's Page<br />


When "Rusty" Williams came home from school<br />

late, wearing a 'shiner,' it resulted in an investiga<br />

tion which revealed that Rusty had retaliated when<br />

a larger boy than he had insinuated that Rusty was<br />

a 'Sissy' on account of his high curly pompadour. In<br />

the family debate that followed, Rusty and his father<br />

Danny Williams supported the affirmative of the<br />

question: "Resolved that Rusty is now sufficiently<br />

advanced in life to shed those long curls and have a<br />

manly haircut." The negative was upheld with con<br />

siderable vigor by his mother and older sister. For it<br />

seems to be a natural trait of mothers to view with<br />

reluctance the passing of babyhood of the young<br />

est child. The booties, the soft soled slippers are pre<br />

cious relics salted for preservation in Mother's tears.<br />

So the Mother of Jesus brought forth her first<br />

born child, wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and<br />

laid Him in a manger. This kindly intentioned treat<br />

ment must not be so confining as it sounds, for we<br />

have no record of lasting resentment on the part of<br />

anyone subjected to it, though the same may not be<br />

true of being "tied to Mother's apron a later<br />

stage. That the boy Jesus was properly restrained<br />

and disciplined is evidenced by the confidence of His<br />

parents in Him when He was twelve years of age<br />

-when they assumed that He would be in their homebound<br />

company. That He was more than willing to be<br />

left 'behind is apparent by the advantage He took of<br />

His several days of freedom to be "about His Fa<br />

ther's business," and to ask and answer questions of<br />

the doctors of the Law, and to astonish, and even<br />

confuse them by His Socratic astutenes and simplici<br />

ty.<br />

That He considered this freedom well within His<br />

rights is shown by His answer to His mother's re<br />

proachful look and gentle rebuke, "Why hast thou<br />

dealt thus with us Thy father and I have sought<br />

you<br />

"Why did you seek me Did you not<br />

know that I must be in My Father's house " And He<br />

went down with them to Nazareth and was obedient<br />

unto them. And He began His ministry at about thir<br />

ty years of age. Don't you think He felt those swad<br />

dling clothes binding Him through all those years<br />

But even those thirty years of subordination did<br />

not satisfy that maternal instinct for regency. But<br />

even after His public ministry had well begun, His<br />

mother came to Him with at least a hint of authority<br />

There was<br />

in her voice to say, "They have no<br />

no suggestion of what He should do, but would he not<br />

do something Jesus answer was an appeal to the<br />

Statute of Limitations, veiled in mild but unmistak<br />

able language ; "0 woman, what have you to do with<br />

me My hour has not yet His mother said to<br />

the servants. "Do whatever He tells It sounds<br />

like a mutual understanding that His filial obliga<br />

tions had been paid in full, and from now on He was<br />

taking orders only from His Father in Heaven, and<br />

she immediately turned the servants over to His<br />

management.<br />

We know of no further interference on the<br />

mother's part until near the end of His ministry. His<br />

popularity had passed its zenith, and there was a ris-<br />

324<br />

ing tide of opposition that was no longer concealed.<br />

Nazareth was openly hostile and would have pushed<br />

Him over a cliff had they been divinely permitted.<br />

Rumor had it that Herod was seeking His life. Judea<br />

was lying in wait with stones, until the disciples<br />

feared for His life and theirs if He dared to go there.<br />

The rulers had a price on His head, and were only<br />

waiting for the Passover season to be over to kill<br />

Him. What could a mother do but interfere and bring<br />

Him home as one "beside himself" And who but a<br />

mother could persuade her other sons to go with her<br />

to bring Him home So we find Jesus talking to a<br />

great crowd of people, so many that Mother and sons<br />

could not get near Him, so the word is passed from<br />

one to another, "Thy Mother and thy brethren stand<br />

without, seeking thee." And He answered, "Who is<br />

my mother, and who are my brethren " And stretch<br />

ing out His hand toward the multitude He said, "Be<br />

hold my mother, and behold my brethren. For whoso<br />

doeth the will of My Father, the same is my brother<br />

and sister and He was not to be swaddled<br />

by any family circle ties, nor pressured by public<br />

opinion.<br />

"The Return From Calvary" is a heart touching<br />

picture familiar to most of you. Mary is climbing the<br />

hill and entering Jerusalem on the arm of her newly<br />

assigned son John, the Beloved Disciple. But they<br />

stop to look back to that tragic hill where the three<br />

crosses stand silouetted in the distance. Their eyes<br />

are holden of course against the coming resurrection.<br />

The day's happenings must have seemed to them as<br />

a terrible nightmare too impossible to be true ! But<br />

there stood the crosses against the sky! There was<br />

no denying the facts. Did Mary who treasured so<br />

many things in her heart think back to those happy<br />

days when "she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes,<br />

and laid Him in a manger Of the happy day when<br />

they presented Him in the temple, and those old<br />

saints came out and blessed the child; but kind old<br />

Simeon looked her sadly in the eyes and said, "Yea,<br />

and a sword shall pierce thine own heart This<br />

day was that prophecy fulfilled. Oh, for those happy<br />

days of the swaddling clothes, but He had outgrown<br />

them, in spite of all she could do.<br />

And yet that very evening two comparative<br />

strangers would take Him down from the cross, and<br />

lovingly wrap Him in linen swaddling clothes, and<br />

put Him in a new tomb, and roll a stone over the<br />

door. Later the Roman Government would put their<br />

seal upon it, and make it as sure as they could and<br />

set a watch. SWADDLED !<br />

From the day that Mary first swaddled Him to<br />

the present it has been the chief end of the world,<br />

the flesh and the devil to keep Him bound. And<br />

again we say, you and I are also guilty. But even<br />

death could not hold Him.<br />

The Roman Catholic Church is swaddling Jesus<br />

Christ by putting Him into subjection to the "immac<br />

Virgin Mary, and swaddling Him in the infalli<br />

bility of His so-called Vicar, the pope. Swaddling<br />

Him in the filthy rags of false traditions, but He to<br />

whom all power has been given will not remain con<br />

fined.<br />


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