Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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. This<br />

cometh,"<br />

roof."<br />

preparation. But there is a rich bless<br />

ing<br />

for those who receive the Sacra<br />

ment in a worthy manner, in Christ<br />

Jesus.<br />


February 23, 1955<br />


Psalms :<br />

FAITH<br />

Matthew 8:10.<br />

Rev. John O. Edgar<br />

125:1-5, page 320<br />

118:1-6,<br />

119:1-4, page 293<br />

<strong>54</strong>:1-5, page 137<br />

References:<br />

page 284<br />

Matt. 17:20; Heb. 11:1-3,5; Luke 18:<br />

41-43; James 2:17-18; Matt. 9:22; 21:21;<br />

Mark 11:22.<br />

Faith is a term which is used rather<br />

loosely by many people. Even those who<br />

have a secular philosophy of life de<br />

clare that a person must have faith.<br />

We<br />

commonly hear it said that one<br />

must have faith in himself, and it is<br />

indeed a necessary virtue. All great and<br />

famous men have had at least a meas<br />

ure of faith in self. With some it may<br />

even have been to the point of bragga<br />

docio. Babe Ruth would step into the<br />

batter's box, point his bat at the stands<br />

behind second base and proceed to<br />

knock the baseball into those stands.<br />

He couldn't have done it if he had not<br />

had faith in his ability as a baseball<br />

player.<br />

Another application of the term faith,<br />

is the faith which we must have in<br />

others. When we board a railway train<br />

we have faith that the engineer is a<br />

competent man,<br />

and is capable of hand<br />

ling the train. When we are sick we<br />

employ a doctor and we need to have<br />

faith that he is a skilled physician, and<br />

we must also have faith in the medi<br />

cine which he prescribes. It is also<br />

necessary to have faith in democracy,<br />

in our country and in our banks.<br />

The faith of which Jesus spoke is an<br />

entirely different kind of faith than<br />

that given in the examples above. He<br />

spoke of<br />

that faith which applies to<br />

the realm of the spirit which bears<br />

upon our relationship to God. Faith is<br />

the conviction that there is a spirit<br />

ual power which operates in our lives;<br />

it is a looking unto God for help; it<br />

is the hand which reaches out and takes<br />

God's gifts and provisions. Faith re<br />

cognizes the providence of God and<br />

trusts that whatever may transpire in<br />

our lives is for our perfecting and for<br />

God's glory. It is the spirit which Job<br />

had in the midst of his suffering and<br />

loss that he could say, "Though he<br />

slay me, yet will I trust Him."<br />

In the passage before us we find<br />

an example of great faith on the part<br />

February 2, 1955<br />

of the centurion who came to Jesus,<br />

seeking help for his afflicted servant.<br />

It was so remarkable a faith that Je<br />

sus in commenting on it, prefaces it<br />

with "verily"<br />

(amen).<br />


centurion was not a Jew, but a<br />

Roman. He was an officer and a man<br />

with authority. Usually<br />

we think of<br />

army men as being rather rough char<br />

acters, and lacking in spiritual discern<br />

ment. (Happily, there are many excep<br />

tions, and this Roman was one of them).<br />

In spite of all the temptations which<br />

were about him, this man had main<br />

tained a fine perception of<br />

spiritual<br />

things. It is all the more noteworthy<br />

that he had probably been an idolater,<br />

but in his dealings with the Jews had<br />

learned that there was a true revelation<br />

from God. He must have been a novice<br />

in spiritual things, but that did not<br />

detract from his measure of faith. Per<br />

haps it was a case of those things which<br />

have been "hidden from the wise and<br />

prudent and revealed unto babes."<br />

There was in this man a human kind<br />

ness and humility which the military<br />

life had not been able to sour or de<br />

stroy. He was tenderly anxions about<br />

his servant, who,<br />

according to Luke,<br />

was dear to him. His humility is seen<br />

in his attitude toward Christ for he<br />

said, "I am not worthy that Thou<br />

shouldest come under my<br />

Thus,<br />

he lays his case before Christ with<br />

faith that the Master will not turn a<br />

deaf ear to,<br />

his humble petition.<br />


The centurion knew that he him<br />

self could do nothing for the servant.<br />

Although he could say to one " go and<br />

he goeth, and to another come and he<br />

he could not command the<br />

power of healing in his own strength.<br />

But having heard of the miracles which<br />

Jesus had performed, he came to Jesus,<br />

doubting nothing, expecting the com<br />

plete restoration of his beloved serv<br />

ant.<br />

Moreover, he perceived that no mater<br />

ial means was necessary for Christ<br />

to perform the miracle. He said to<br />

Jesus, "Speak the word only, and my<br />

servant shall be healed. Sometimes<br />

Jesus did use material means,<br />

as in<br />

the case of the blind man whose eyes<br />

He anointed with clay.<br />

But the cen<br />

turion had progressed in faith to the<br />

point that he knew that if only a word<br />

was spoken the miracle would<br />

take<br />

place. He was trusting in the unseen<br />

power of the Spirit.<br />

Last summer while on a fishing trip<br />

in Quebec, I saw a huge log boom (about<br />

30,000 logs) which was being<br />

moved down a river to a paper mill. The<br />

boom was being drawn by<br />

a boat which<br />

seemed<br />

but little larger than a goodsized<br />

row boat. How could so tiny a<br />

boat move so many logs The answer<br />

was given us by a native with whom we<br />

talked. About a mile down the river<br />

there was a rock. A long cable was<br />

attached to the rock<br />

and the other<br />

end was fastened to a winch on the<br />

boat. As the winch wound in the cable,<br />

the boat had the power to move the<br />

logs. The cable was under water where<br />

we could not see it, but it was the con<br />

necting link which gave the boat its<br />

power. In like manner faith is the<br />

invisable line which links us with God,<br />

and enables us to perform the apparent<br />

ly impossible. When we are bound to<br />

omnipotence we become co-laborers<br />

with God. Here is the explanation of the<br />

power exercised by the heroes of the<br />

faith. F. B. Meyer said, "We never<br />

test the resources of God until we at<br />

tempt the impossible."<br />

A<br />



What rejoicing came to the heart of<br />

Christ as he saw the centurion's dyna<br />

mic faith. We are told that He marvel<br />

ed at it. This is not the only time<br />

Jesus praised people for their faith,<br />

for we read also of the woman who was<br />

a sinner who came and anointed His<br />

feet. Moved by her act of faith and de<br />

votion, Jesus said, "Thy faith hath sav<br />

ed thee." (Luke 7:50). On another oc<br />

casion He used the same words in ad<br />

dressing one of the blind men whom<br />

He had healed. (Luke 18:42).<br />

Jesus praised the centurion's faith<br />

because he had not had the opportuni<br />

ties that had been given to the Jews.<br />

"I have not seen so great faith in<br />

Israel."<br />

The Jews should have believed,<br />

but because of the hardness of their<br />

hearts they rejected Christ, declaring<br />

that He was an imposter. Perhaps that<br />

same condition may exist in some hearts<br />

today. There are people who have been<br />

born in the church and who have been<br />

faithful attenders, but they have failed<br />

to exercise the measure of faith which<br />

should be theirs in view of their oppor<br />

tunities. So often the demonstrations of<br />

great faith are on the part of those<br />

who have recently been converted and<br />

have taken God at His word. God has<br />

honored their faith and given to them<br />

the victory the victory which every<br />

true believer should be able to claim.<br />

As Jesus rejoiced in the demonstra<br />

tion of faith by the centurion, so He<br />

also rejoices today when people exer<br />

cise their faith. "Fear not little flock,<br />

for it is your Father's good pleasure to<br />

give you the kingdom." The kingdom<br />

comes by faith and the Lord is waiting<br />

to give it to His people. We honor Him<br />

when we come to Him in faith.<br />

(Continued on page 80)<br />


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