Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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stroyed"<br />

Like Daniel, let us pray on and let us labor on,<br />

for Daniel's God is our God, and His Mediator is our<br />

Christ, ready to hear and also ready to answer and<br />

give redemption and victory to His own.<br />

Ill<br />

Christ Demands Submission of All Men and Nations,<br />

Exalted above All<br />

It is said of Christ, "By me kings reign, and<br />

princes decree justice." We are told in the words of<br />

the apostle Paul that Christ became man, "humbled<br />

himself, and became obedient unto death, even the<br />

death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly<br />

exalted him, and given him a name which is above<br />

every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee<br />

should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth,<br />

and things under the earth ;<br />

and that every tongue<br />

should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory<br />

of God the Father."<br />

Ascension and Crowning<br />

The Psalms portray the ascension of Christ and<br />

Daniel portrays his crowning more vividly than else<br />

where in the Bible.<br />

The Psalmist said :<br />

"God is ascended with a shout,<br />

The Lord with trumpet sound.<br />

Sing praise to God our King : sing praise,<br />

resound."<br />

Yea let His praise<br />

What a glorious reception in heaven our Lord<br />

received as portrayed in another Psalm ! It may have<br />

been sung in honor of the return of the ark to Je<br />

rusalem, but how much more truly did it tell of the<br />

ascending Lord!<br />

The host of angels accompanying Christ as He<br />

ascended seem to sing in a loud voice :<br />

"Ye gates, lift up your heads on high;<br />

Ye doors that last for aye,<br />

Be lifted up, that so the King<br />

may."<br />

Of glory enter<br />

The guardian angels seem to ask,<br />

"But who of glory is the King"<br />

The reply comes back:<br />

"The mighty Lord is this;<br />

Ev'n that same Lord that great in might<br />

And strong in battle is.<br />

Ye gates, lift up your heads on high ;<br />

Ye doors that last for aye,<br />

Be lifted up, that so the King<br />

may."<br />

Of glory<br />

enter<br />

Again the guardian angels call:<br />

"But who is He that is the King<br />

Of glory Who is this"<br />

The heavenly<br />

escort exclaims in reply:<br />

"The Lord of Hosts and none but He<br />

The King of glory is."<br />

Thus the Psalms give us a glorious picture of<br />

Christ's ascension, but it was given to Daniel to see<br />

a vision in the seventh chapter which takes us be<br />

yond the veil to the very throne of God, in a manner<br />

which is not even revealed in the gospels.<br />

358<br />

Daniel saw till the thrones were cast down and<br />

the victorious Christ came into the presence of the<br />

Ancient of Days, God the Father, who was sitting<br />

upon the throne in all His glory. He saw one like the<br />

Son of Man (Christ Jesus) come with the clouds of<br />

heaven to the Ancient of Days, and they brought<br />

Him near before Him. "And there was given him do<br />

minion, and glory and a kingdom, that all people, na<br />

tions and languages should serve him: his dominion<br />

is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass<br />

away,<br />

and his kingdom that which shall not be de<br />

(7:9-14).<br />

Here heaven is opened and we are given a pic<br />

ture of Christ being crowned as Mediatorial King by<br />

God the Father.<br />

The Psalmist was directed to say of this con<br />

quering King:<br />

"Jehovah to my Lord hath said,<br />

Sit Thou at My right hand<br />

Until I make thy foes a stool<br />

stand."<br />

Whereon Thy feet may<br />

Always King<br />

The exercise of the kingly office of Christ be<br />

fore and after His resurrection was much the same<br />

as the exercise of an earthly king before and after<br />

his coronation. The ceremony of the coronation<br />

makes a public display of the sovereign's investiture<br />

with kingly power, but his authority and power may<br />

have existed long before.<br />

Christ is before all things, and by Him all<br />

things consist. All things were created by Him and<br />

for Him. In all things He should have the pre-em<br />

inence (Col. 1:16-18).<br />

In the day in which we live when there is so<br />

much defection in the church and so much rebellion<br />

in the state, we see the need of a new realization of<br />

Christ the Mediator upon the throne, and of Him<br />

holding all peoples and all nations as a drop in a<br />

bucket, by His almighty power.<br />

The Right to Demand Submission<br />

We should remember that this is the outstand<br />

ing book of the Bible dealing with Gentile nations.<br />

We have here the record of the rise and fall of three<br />

world-conquering kings, and of another king which<br />

was used of God to carry out His will toward His<br />

people.<br />

Daniel had reproduced and interpreted the<br />

dream of the wicked tyrranical king, Nebuchadnez<br />

zar, which taught him that Christ, the stone cut out<br />

of the mountain, was not only over him, but had<br />

power to destroy him and all the succeeding kings.<br />

After interpreting another dream which showed that<br />

Nebuchadnezzar should be brought low, and if he did<br />

not repent would lose his reason and be degraded to<br />

the statue of the beasts of the field until he should<br />

be ready to recognize the power and dominion of<br />

Christ, in place of<br />

repenting he became more<br />

haughty and the sentence was carried out. After he<br />

had thus suffered and his reason returned to him<br />

he was willing to admit that the Most High ruleth<br />

in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of<br />

the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto<br />

thou"<br />

him, what doest<br />

Tested by Fire<br />

Moreover, Daniel had seen the effort of Nebu<br />

chadnezzar to force all the people of his realm to be<br />

come idolaters and bow before his golden image:<br />


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