Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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gospel."<br />

us."<br />

night.'"<br />

Glimpses of the Religious World<br />

Frank E. Allen, D. D.<br />

Cowboy Game Fatal to Boy<br />

The above is a headline in a daily<br />

paper before me<br />

as I write. The boy had been playing cowboy in a barn at<br />

his home and the rope became tangled around his neck and<br />

he was strangled. Nearly all boys want to play cowboy<br />

these days, and much of the fun may be quite innocent.<br />

However, it is common for boys to play cowboy or bandit<br />

with toy revolvers and often they point it at some friend<br />

and pull the trigger. This is not a wholesome type of<br />

fun, but the danger is that one day the boy<br />

of a real revolver and pretend to play<br />

will get hold<br />

with it when he<br />

points it at some one and it may be loaded. Many acci<br />

dents occur in this way and some of them are fatal. Parents<br />

should guard very carefully the play of their children, the<br />

shows which they<br />

see and the television displays as well<br />

as the comic books. Comic books are to blame for many<br />

bad ideas in the minds of children, but let us not fool our<br />

selves into thinking that they only<br />

The Piney Woods School<br />

are to blame.<br />

The Piney Woods School was started in a small way<br />

by Laurence C. Jones, a modest Negro educator, who want<br />

ed to help his own people in a country<br />

section of Missis<br />

sippi, about 50 miles from Jackson. Dr. Jones has kept<br />

the school going by securing small gifts from people of<br />

modest means. Recently a popular television program,<br />

"This Is Your Life," without previous announcement,<br />

brought L. C. Jones to appear on its screen. At the close<br />

of the program Dr. Jones and his friends told the story<br />

of Piney Woods, and the master of ceremonies, Ralph<br />

Edwards, suggested that those who wanted to help this<br />

deserving cause could each send a dollar to the school.<br />

At the last report the gifts have already amounted to<br />

5625,000! The Piney Woods post office has had to hire<br />

extra help, and the Trust Company of Jackson where the<br />

dollar bills are accumulating to form an endowment for<br />

the school, hired 50 extra employees to work after bank<br />

ing hours just to count the money. What a powerful in<br />

fluence TV can be for good also what for evil!<br />

Gift for Cyprus<br />

We are pleased to read in a letter from Rev. Clark<br />

Copeland that Mr. Weir had received a check for $10,000<br />

from the Crowell Foundation for the Larnaca building.<br />

He also reports that the building in Nicosia is progress<br />

ing so that it looks like a building and is expected to be<br />

ready for the opening<br />

of school next September. Perhaps<br />

some day our missions or our CAM movement may have<br />

an opportunity over the air like that of the Piney Woods<br />

School.<br />

Mr. Copeland also states that in their work of evan<br />

gelism some children who came running to receive tracts<br />

tore them up, but there are others who receive them<br />

gratfully. Paul had preached in Cyprus before he wrote<br />

to the church at Philippi: "Some indeed preach Christ<br />

even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: the<br />

one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing<br />

to add affliction to my bonds: but the other of love, know<br />

ing that I am set for the defense of the<br />

114<br />

Encouragement in Syria<br />

One of the teachers, Michelene Aeesa, of our schools<br />

in Syria has written recently that The Fellowship among<br />

the students chose for this year's motto, Rom. 5:8, "But<br />

God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we<br />

were yet sinners, Christ died for<br />

The girls were di<br />

vided into two groups and so many have been attending<br />

that they hold their meetings in a room where there are<br />

the most benches. The writer says:<br />

"Last week there<br />

were 48 girls and 8 stood all the time for there was no<br />

room to sit. Today Miss Helen was the speaker and there<br />

were 53 girls beside the two student leaders; the Moslem<br />

girl<br />

brought 38 and the Christian 25." This is providing<br />

a wonderful opportunity to witness to all, Christian, nomi<br />

nal Christians and Moslems. We at home should uphold<br />

this work, as well as elsewhere with our prayers.<br />

Woman Judge and the Bible<br />

The Moody Monthly gives us the following item:<br />

"Honoring both her promise and her Bible, Judge Fannie<br />

E. Burch was sworn into office in Livingston, La., as the<br />

first woman to hold a major judgeship in Louisiana. Ful<br />

filling a pledge, Judge Burch opened court in Division<br />

A of the 21st Judicial District by reading a Scripture<br />

verse (Ps. 1:1,2).<br />

"The entire court was silent as she read: 'Blessed<br />

is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the un<br />

godly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in<br />

the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of<br />

the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and<br />

Keep the Old Church<br />

Dr. Oswald J. Smith explains why his church in<br />

Toronto, which is 100 years old and overcrowded will not<br />

be enlarged for at least another year, as he says: "We<br />

see to it that we give more to missions than we spend on<br />

ourselves at home." During 1953 his congregation, known<br />

as "The People's Church," spent $43,000 at home and about<br />

five times that amount $225,000, on 350 missionaries.<br />

Testimony of an Ex-Mason<br />

The Rev. M. L. Haney has been a minister in the<br />

M. E. church for over 50 years and an evangelist for 30<br />

years. He tells of his experience both in joining and leav<br />

ing the Masonic Lodge in the current issue of the Chris<br />

tian Cynosure. Two men urged him to join, one a preacher<br />

and the other a class leader. They stated that he could<br />

do a great deal of good to young men in their lodge. He<br />

joined. After he had a deep conviction of his sin and his<br />

duty to God, he wrote: "Next lodge night came around<br />

and I as new convert, was on hand; I put on my little<br />

apron and sat down to take in the excellencies of my new<br />

brotherhood. I had not been seated long when the Holy<br />

Spirit suggested that I look around and see my brethren.<br />

I slowly and thoughfully scanned the whole circle and to<br />

my surprise there were the most profane men in the city,<br />

drunkards and vile characters mixed up with a few good<br />

men. Having made the survey and considered the heart<br />

relations I was brought into with these characters, the<br />

Holy Spirit as by a pen of fire, wrote these words on my<br />

heart, 'Come out from among them, and be ye separate.<br />

saith the Lord.' I tarried not to confer with flesh and<br />

blood, but obeyed the heavenly vision, and at the opening<br />

(Continued on page 119)<br />


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