Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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people."<br />

ago,"<br />

waiting."<br />

ahead"<br />

one."<br />

ing the war, thought that he was dead. But in the<br />

providence of God his life could not be terminated.<br />

Christ wanted to give him life eternal because He<br />

knew what a blessing he would be in the ensuing<br />

years. For ten solid years he has been on his bed<br />

of affliction 85% incapacitated, paralyzed on one<br />

side, blind in one eye and constantly<br />

shaken with<br />

convulsive fits. Can a man like that be used as a<br />

missionary <br />

Through his "execution" experience and what<br />

followed he accepted Christ as his personal Sav<br />

iour. In the morning, disregarding physical excru<br />

ciating pain, he and his wife always start the day<br />

with the singing of a Gospel hymn. He has become<br />

the unexplainable sufferer of Greece. People passing<br />

by stop in to see what it is all about. Everybody<br />

gets from his mouth a living testimony to the sav<br />

ing grace of the Lord Jesus. They are all amazed at<br />

how a man who has suffered so much can be so<br />

happy and rejoicing. He always has his answer<br />

ready: "It is Christ revealed in the Book," he says<br />

of the New Testa<br />

as he hands the visitor a copy<br />

ment. The word about Ge<strong>org</strong>e Galanakis spreads<br />

like wild fire. Men and women stream into his little<br />

8'xl0'<br />

room eager to know what makes him happy.<br />

Thus his room, bare as it is with only a bed, chair<br />

and a tiny table, has become a great evangelistic<br />

center. There is nothing that breaks his heart more<br />

than to have to send people away without giving<br />

them God's Word. One night as I visited him the<br />

first thing that he said to me was : "Did you bring<br />

me Scriptures There are so many Mean<br />

while a brother who was there informed me that<br />

they hardly had anything to eat that day,<br />

and yet<br />

instead of<br />

asking for something for his stomach,<br />

he asked for the Bread of Life for other starving<br />

souls. Maybe after you read this short sketch of<br />

the life and industry of this invalid missionary,<br />

you will never permit him to send away anyone<br />

empty-handed.<br />

His Story in a Newspaper and<br />

the Athens Radio Station<br />

As the word about Ge<strong>org</strong>e Galanakis spread<br />

even among influential people, the medical editor of<br />

a large Athens newspaper and one of the broad<br />

casters of the Athens Radio Station heard about<br />

him. From the columns of the newspaper and<br />

through the radio everyone was invited to write<br />

to this exceptional man and find out the secret<br />

of his happy life. The invitation was especially di<br />

rected to shut-ins, invalids and patients in the hos<br />

pitals and homes. The assurance is given that<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e, who has been through some of the most<br />

trying experiences, is able to spread hope where<br />

there seems to be no hope.<br />

As soon as these announcements were given<br />

out our invalid missionary found his little room<br />

flooded with letters from all over Greece. "I never<br />

realized,"<br />

said Ge<strong>org</strong>e, "that there are so many af<br />

flicted people and so many who long for happiness.<br />

I have no doubt that this earth is inhabited by un<br />

happy And now as a result of this, our<br />

brother is in full time service for the One who<br />

came to give the joy that no one can give and no<br />

one can take away. "Ever since my<br />

years Ge<strong>org</strong>e wrote in a most recent report,<br />

"I have always believed that the Christian should<br />

salvation four<br />

never wait for opportunities for witnessing to come<br />

May 4, 1955<br />

to him, but he should try to create such opportuni<br />

ties. Thus I try to use every experience of my life<br />

Christ."<br />

for the purpose of witnessing for my And<br />

he surely does in spite of the fact that he can never<br />

leave his tiny room. END.<br />

Dreams Becoming a Reality<br />

The Lord has finally given us the "go<br />

signal on several long planned important projects.<br />

Since the completion of our second orphanage build<br />

ing, in faith we have launched out and are now estab<br />

lishing in that building a workshop and a print shop<br />

for the vocational training of the children. Further<br />

more we are purchasing 100 acres of farm land for<br />

the needs of our orphanage work. Last month we<br />

sent $4,000 as the first installment for the realiza<br />

tion of these important projects. Another $21,600 is<br />

needed for the final completion. If every one reading<br />

this paper sends $5 designated for this purpose this<br />

work would indeed be a reality. It may foe of interest<br />

to you to know that there are over three million out<br />

of the seven millions who live in Greece who earn less<br />

than $10 a month. Aren't you glad you are on the<br />

giving end instead of on the receiving "Blessed is<br />

he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver<br />

him in time of trouble." (Ps. 41:1)<br />

American Mission to Greeks<br />

MISSIONARY FACTS . . . Cont'd from front page.<br />

als in training. The idea is prevalent in foreign<br />

lands that money grows on trees in America, and<br />

young nationals in training can easily be tempted<br />

to ask their correspondents in America for money<br />

to help them in various ways. The trouble is this<br />

money doesn't help them. It tempts them to feel<br />

proud that they are "attaches" a western capital, in<br />

stead of glorying in their being ministers of and sup<br />

ported by the indigenous church. They can easily ac<br />

quire a "superior" attitude.<br />

Training programs that steer clear of these pit<br />

falls are the ones that pay off in realizing their<br />

aim, for no people or tribe is ever evangelized from<br />

the top downward, but from the grassroots of the<br />

population upward.<br />

Erection of Church Buildings<br />

The indigenous principle of missionary work<br />

calls for great caution in the erection of church<br />

buildings. Surely God would say to many a mission<br />

as He said to David, "Whereas it was in thy heart<br />

to build a house for my name . . nevertheless thou<br />

.<br />

shalt not build the house A missionary re<br />

said "all over there are fine church build<br />

cently<br />

ings and about ten people worshiping in each<br />

With but few exceptions, mission-financed church<br />

buildings have done more to hinder the indigenous<br />

church than to help it.<br />

How much pride would we take in our own<br />

church buildings in this country if they were great<br />

cathedral-like structures built by agencies from<br />

other countries and of architectural types utterly<br />

foreign to us Dare we rob any group of Christians<br />

of the privilege to build a chapel, hallowed by their<br />

own sacrifice and labors, that parallels their own<br />

economic level and ability to maintain And until<br />

they are sufficient in number to build themselves<br />

a humble chapel, is it not more natural and Scrip<br />

tural that some Christian should have the honor of<br />


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