Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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me."<br />

weak."<br />

watch."<br />

cup"<br />

wilt."<br />

ideas which the author seems to be<br />

stressing.<br />

They may<br />

come from one<br />

verse or a group of verses. But as you<br />

get the ideas written before you, it<br />

will be easier to narrow down to the<br />

main point. If the same idea is' ex<br />

pressed two or three times, it's a pretty<br />

good hint as to what the title should<br />

be. This is the hardest part of the<br />

study and probably<br />

will require the<br />

most time and thought. However, if this<br />

step is done carefully<br />

on each chapter<br />

of the Book, you'll be surprised to see<br />

the purposes and contents of the whole<br />

Book lying right there in front of you.<br />

B. Best Verse<br />

The second step of our study is to<br />

choose out of the verses of the chapter,<br />

one verse which you consider to be the<br />

best verse. You may select one verse,<br />

and the next person may have an en<br />

tirely different verse. In such a case it<br />

is wise to have some good reasons for<br />

choosing the verse you did. Often times<br />

you'll find two or three verses that<br />

seem to be best verses, but for the<br />

sake of this study, eliminate all but.<br />

one. Then write that verse and list be<br />

low it two reasons why<br />

C. Covenant<br />

you chose it.<br />

The third step of this study is both<br />

practical and personal. Of the four, I<br />

believe this step can be of the greatest<br />

benefit in your Christian life, if it is<br />

carried out. In this C step, we are<br />

to find a verse which affects our lives,<br />

and then apply it to our own situation.<br />

You may want to use the Best Verse<br />

which you chose. The distinction how<br />

ever between B and C is that in C<br />

you answer the question, "What am I<br />

going to DO about it" Select a verse<br />

which deals with a sin in your life,<br />

something in you which you know isn't<br />

coming up to God's standard, then<br />

write your covenant. A suggested way<br />

to start your application would be in<br />

these words, "By the grace of God, dur<br />

ing this week I will . . . Let me give<br />

just one word of caution don't promise<br />

more than you plan to DO.<br />

D. Difficulties<br />

This last step needs very little ex<br />

planation, and probably will be the<br />

easiest of these to do. Under "difficul<br />

ties"<br />

you simply list the things in the<br />

chapter that you don't understand. The<br />

value of this is that at some later time<br />

you can bring up<br />

your problems in a<br />

discussion group and find your answers<br />

there; or, another possibility is to take<br />

your list of difficulties to your pastor<br />

who can probably dissolve them for you.<br />

A good way to> discover difficulties is<br />

to ask yourself the question, "Could<br />

I explain this to someone else"<br />

That's the end of this A.B.C.D. meth<br />

od of Bible Study. I hope you find it<br />

profitable and that you will not only<br />

keep this study that you've done for<br />

reference, but also go on through the<br />

other three chapters of II Timothy and<br />

finish the good work you have begun.<br />

Suggestions for the Leader:<br />

1. Be sure to have pencils and paper<br />

ready.<br />

2. Do the study yourself, before you<br />

come.<br />

3. Allow time during the meeting for<br />

each member to do the study and<br />

give assistance to those who need it.<br />

4. Pray the prayer of the Psalmist:<br />

"Open Thou mine eyes<br />

to behold<br />

wonderous things out of Thy law."<br />

(Psalms 199:18).<br />


by Mrs. Philip W. Martin<br />


March 13, 1955<br />

Scripture Text: Mark 14:32-42<br />

Memory Verse: "Watch ye and pray,<br />

lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit<br />

truly is ready, but the flesh is<br />

Mark 14:38<br />

Psalms<br />

Memory Psalm for March, Psalm 130 :<br />

1-5, page 325<br />

Psalm 41:5-8, page 105<br />

Psalm 69:1-4, page 166<br />

Psalm 18:12, 13, 16, page 37<br />

In our study last week we learned<br />

about how the sacrament of the Lord's<br />

Supper was started or instituted by<br />

Jesus Christ. Jesus told His disciples<br />

that this was the night when He would<br />

be taken from them to be crucified. He<br />

told them that all of them would for<br />

sake Him this night. Peter, the one who<br />

was always speaking, said that even<br />

if everyone else left Jesus, yet he<br />

(Peter) would not. Jesus said to Peter,<br />

"This day, even in this night, before the<br />

cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me<br />

thrice."<br />

But Peter insisted that he would<br />

even go so far as to die with Jesus.<br />

Peter was trusting in his own strength<br />

to keep from giving in to the tempta<br />

tion that would come to him that night.<br />

You and I can overcome temptation<br />

only by God's strength. Paul said, "I<br />

can do all things through Christ which<br />

strengtheneth<br />

Jesus took His eleven disciples with<br />

Him out to the Garden of Gethsemane.<br />

They were all sad because Jesus had<br />

told them that this night He was going<br />

to be taken from them. He told eight<br />

of His disciples to stay in a certain<br />

place and He took three disciples closest<br />

to Him Peter, James and John with<br />

Him farther into the Garden. Jesus was<br />

a man as well as God. And, being a man,<br />

He desired companionship, but at the<br />

same time He knew that no sinful hu<br />

man being could go through this awful<br />

trial with Him. So He told His three<br />

close disciples, "My soul is exceeding<br />

sorrowful unto death; tarry ye here, and<br />

He went a distance from the<br />

disciples and poured out His soul to His<br />

Father in prayer. "Abba,<br />

Father, all<br />

things are possible unto thee; take away<br />

this cup from me: nevertheless not<br />

what I will, but what thou<br />

"this<br />

By<br />

Jesus meant the awful suf<br />

ferings of His trial and crucifixion.<br />

Jesus returned to the three and found<br />

them asleep. They just couldn't stay<br />

awake. Wasn't Peter the one who had<br />

boasted that he would never leave Je<br />

sus Jesus said to Peter, "Simon, sleepest<br />

thou Couldn't you stay<br />

awake and<br />

pray with me just one hour" I'm sure<br />

Peter must have felt rebuked and re<br />

solved this time to stay<br />

awake. Jesus<br />

went away again and prayed just about<br />

as He had prayed before. He was sweat<br />

ing<br />

not just little beads of sweat, but<br />

great drops of blood. His heart was be<br />

ing broken for you and for me.<br />

He came back and found His disciples<br />

asleep again. A third time He prayed,<br />

"Father, if this cup may not pass from<br />

done."<br />

me except I drink it, Thy will be<br />

He came back to His disciples again and<br />

said, "Sleep on now and take your rest.<br />

Judas is here in the garden bringing a<br />

lot of soldiers to take me The<br />

prisoner."<br />

disciples wakened with a start, and,<br />

sure enough, there was Judas coming to<br />

give Jesus a kiss<br />

not a kiss of love, but<br />

a sign to these wicked men that this was<br />

Jesus!<br />

This is a very sad story. But, my<br />

young friends, why did Jesus go all<br />

through this awful suffering He had<br />

never done any sin. He was not born a<br />

sinner as you and I are. Why then, did<br />

He do it The answer is found in that<br />

old, yet ever new, verse, John 3 :16. "For<br />

God so loved the world, that He gave<br />

His only begotten Son, that whosoever<br />

believeth in him should not perish, but<br />

have everlasting<br />

life."<br />

This is not the<br />

end of the story of His suffering for sin.<br />

We shall continue in the next lesson.<br />

But let us begin to see how much we<br />

owe to our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We<br />

could never begin to pay Jesus for His<br />

suffering for us. But we can only start<br />

to show Him how thankful we are that<br />

He took the punishment for the sin of<br />

all who will receive Him into their<br />

hearts. Have you received Him into your<br />

heart<br />

ECHOES . . . Continued from page 121<br />

Dr. Taylor closed his letter by saying<br />

that the Evangelicals in America "hope<br />

that the Greek government will hence<br />

forth take a more active roll in gaining<br />

an atmosphere of friendliness toward<br />

Evangelicals in Greece."<br />

February 23, 1955 123

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