Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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system,"<br />

all<br />

is the greatest force to control lawlessness and<br />

crime.<br />

We believe that the <strong>Covenanter</strong> Church renders<br />

special service by the high standard of truth which<br />

of the Lord<br />

it teaches. We proclaim the Kingship<br />

Jesus Christ. He is Lord over the whole of man. He<br />

is Lord over our doctrines, and we cannot give them<br />

up because they are unpopular, or to suit our own<br />

desires or convenience. He is Lord over our worship.<br />

We still sing in worship the Psalms, and we still<br />

leave out of our praise service instruments of music,<br />

because we believe this is His appointment. He is<br />

Lord of our life among men. We believe that this<br />

rules out membership in a secret order. We believe<br />

that in our social life, in our business life, in our<br />

political life we must give Him the first place. We<br />

believe that He is Lord of nations, the divinely ap<br />

pointed King of kings and Lord of lords, and that<br />

nations should acknowledge His supreme authority.<br />

Since our nation makes no acknowledgment of Him<br />

in the fundamental law, the Constitution, we do<br />

not seek political office nor vote for others to hold<br />

office. We bring no railing accusation against those<br />

who differ with us on some or all of these points.<br />

To use the words of Abraham Lincoln, "with malice<br />

toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in<br />

right,"<br />

the right as God gives us to see the we cleave<br />

to our profession of faith, and strive to finish the<br />

witness which we have received from our fathers.<br />

We believe that this congregation renders a distinct<br />

service in holding and in proclaiming this high stan<br />

dard of truth and of loyalty to truth.<br />

The Church is a Nation's Protecting Wall<br />

The temple was finished and was dedicated.<br />

But Jerusalem's wall lay in ruins. Over fifty years<br />

later Nehemiah came to the city. At his urging a<br />

host of earnest men got to work. There were those<br />

who kept aloof the nobles of the Tekoites put not<br />

their necks to the work of their Lord. But many<br />

wrought faithfully, and often the work was done<br />

by individuals or groups over against their own<br />

houses. They were working both for themselves<br />

and for their city. And the wall was finished.<br />

Let us apply this all to a wall which we need<br />

around our homes and our nation, not a wall of ma<br />

terial weapons and defenses, but a wall of spiritual<br />

protection. There can be such a wall. And in a real<br />

sense, in building the house of God, we build this wall<br />

around our homes, our cities and our nation.<br />

Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse in his survey of<br />

19<strong>54</strong> in the January issue of his magazine Eternity<br />

ended a brief discussion of the relations of our Amer<br />

ican oil interests and our government with Arab<br />

countries and Israel with the statement that if the<br />

United States favors Israel against the Arab states,<br />

God cannot allow Russia to strike us, but that if we<br />

side with the Arabs against Israel, we will have lost<br />

our protection. We disagree with him in the apparent<br />

implication that the righteousness required of our<br />

nation for its safety from the Russian foe is limited<br />

to taking the part of this new Jewish nation against<br />

its enemies. We agree in two ideas suggested, that<br />

God can keep a nation secure from enemies, and that<br />

His requirement for the giving of such security is<br />

obedience to His law.<br />

It was sin and disobedience that brought judg<br />

ment on the nations round about Israel and on Israel.<br />

The cup of their iniquity become full. Because Israel<br />

326<br />

sinned, she was delivered into the hands of her ene<br />

mies. Her earthly kings helped her to f<strong>org</strong>et her<br />

heavenly King; and the nation that will not serve<br />

Him shall perish. God's command to nations is "Kiss<br />

the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from the<br />

way when His wrath is kindled but a little." "Right<br />

eousness exalteth a nation."<br />

"Blessed is the nation<br />

whose God is the Lord."<br />

In commanding that the men go up regularly to<br />

Jerusalem for the appointed feasts, God gave the peo<br />

ple assurance of protection for families and posses<br />

sions left at home. "No man shall desire thy land."<br />

In the days of the Judges deliverance and peace came<br />

when Israel repented and made a new effort. When<br />

Sennacherib threatened Jerusalem, Hezekiah laid the<br />

matter before the Lord. The Lord disposed of the at<br />

tacking army. Solomon, wisest of men, said, "If a<br />

man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his ene<br />

mies to be at peace with him."<br />

We think of our nation's sins<br />

robberies, gam<br />

bling (including the unrighteous plots at Harrisburg<br />

within the week), murders, sins of impurity, the<br />

liquor traffic with its train of evils, profanity, Sab<br />

bath desecration, disregard for God and for His law,<br />

sins of fathers and mothers, and sins of our young<br />

boys and girls. The wall around our persons, our<br />

homes and our nation is crumbling. We keep wonder<br />

ing if an atomic war is about to bring our day of<br />

judgment.<br />

The way to build up the wall is to build the house<br />

of God, and to maintain its worship, its fellowship,<br />

its service. Then from our churches will go forth<br />

bands of boys and girls, and of men and women,<br />

whose hearts God has touched, to touch the lives of<br />

all the people of the land, and to touch the nation's<br />

life for God. This is our hope.<br />

Will all of you who are here tonight join hearts<br />

and hands in building the house of God and the wall <br />

You come from different communities and from dif<br />

ferent churches. You have a common goal. Will you<br />

build, every one of you Will you begin by building<br />

each one over against his own heart and his own<br />

home Will you say with Joshua of old, "As for me<br />

and my house, we will serve the Lord " Let us arise<br />

and build.<br />

As this house is dedicated this evening and as<br />

we rededicate ourselves, may joy fill our hearts. May<br />

the blessing of God which maketh rich and addeth<br />

no sorrow rest upon the old house and the new, and<br />

upon all who come here to worship. To this commun<br />

ity and to a wide circle of influence may He make<br />

this house and these people a blessing.<br />

"BACK TO BASICS" . . . continued from front page<br />

the marvel of these modern methods. It is horrible<br />

to behold the "Hollywood in so much of<br />

Christian work, as if the message of salvation were<br />

otherwise crippled or bereft of its life-giving power.<br />

But the Lord is the same in every direction.<br />

There is the same gospel. His call to the gospeleers<br />

is the same ; men and women "on fire ... out . . .<br />

aflame,"<br />

out and out . . . heart's with passion for<br />

the sake of the Man of Calvary. When He has the<br />

whole man as the living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1), then<br />

and not until then ! does He have His Basic Method<br />

of moving on and out with the Message. Let us never<br />

lose sight of that in these days of clamoring changes.<br />


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