Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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"Tourist<br />

Tragedy<br />

By Edwin Raymond Anderson<br />

V)<br />

NUMBER 8<br />

Two men traveled side by side one Spring morn<br />

ing to that low mound of earth a short distance with<br />

out the Jerusalem gates, which is known as "Gor<br />

don's Calvary," and reputed to be . . THE<br />

.<br />

. place.<br />

They stood upon that bleak bit of lifted ground,<br />

each occupied with his own thoughts. If this were<br />

actually the place where the dear Lord was crucified,<br />

"who died to save us it would be difficult to<br />

frame the thoughts into words. Several moments<br />

passed . . . then the first of the two reached into a<br />

pocket, drew forth note-book and pencil and scrawled<br />

the line, "Visited Calvary today," snapped both back<br />

into pocket and went back to the city.<br />

The other watched him go down and away. Then<br />

his eyes slowly turned back to that bleak spot. Sud<br />

denly tears spurted from his eyes, his frame began<br />

to tremble, and overcome with holy emotion, he fell<br />

upon his knees, lifted those misted eyes to the skies<br />

and hoarsely whispered, "My Lord and my God!"<br />

Two men . . .<br />

striking pictures of the many who<br />

profess to honor the Name which is above every<br />

Name and who pretend to enter somewhat into the<br />

wonder and the glory of Calvary ! The one is a tourist<br />

with a collection of facts on file. The other is a<br />

warming"<br />

worshiper with a "strange of heart which<br />

has lifted those filed facts, under the kindling of<br />

the Holy Spirit, into acts-on-fire, expressed in fer<br />

vent doxology. And as in such cases, the question is<br />

naturally formed out of the picture, "which man is<br />

representative of yourself, dear reader, in cold, actual<br />

truth"<br />

Are you a doctrinal tourist Are you a de<br />

voted worshiper There is "a great gulf fixed" be<br />

tween the two, measuring the actual state of the<br />

heart and life before the Lord who died for both on<br />

the bloody gibbet.<br />

A spiritual writer of another generation has<br />

marked the danger of, "trafficking in unfelt truth,"<br />

and in this generation one must admit with deepest<br />

grief that the traffic is unbearably heavy. Somehow<br />

we find it all too easy to complain about the liberals<br />

in our midst who traffic in unknown truth, dealing<br />

with things they know nothing of where spiritual<br />

reality is concerned. But to whom much is given<br />

much shall be required, and where truth which is<br />

known in the head is tragically "unknown" in the<br />

heart and life, the disaster is all the greater, and<br />

severe. The woes which the Lord<br />

judgment intensely<br />

pronounced in the days of ministry in flesh upon<br />

earth, were directed to those who were custodians of<br />

the divine revelation, and who had betrayed their<br />

charge with that brand of spiritual sophistication<br />

which had drained all the practical life out of the<br />

vessels. A hum-drum holiness is far worse than a<br />

base heathenism in the sight of the Holy One who<br />

ever desires truth in the inward parts, not the up<br />

ward regions.<br />

We are fast becoming<br />

a people of "religious<br />

tourists,"<br />

who know all the chapters-and-verses, who<br />

can "reel favorite verses at the drop of an invi<br />

tation, who attend all the "top-flight" meetings and<br />

hear the "cream of the who are found regu<br />

larly in the front seats of the outstanding rallies<br />

and conferences, and dwell in densest spiritual dark<br />

ness for all of that. Where are they to be found in<br />

the time of holy quietness where is the hunger of<br />

innermost heart after the deeper wellsprings of<br />

holiness where is the measure of their outreach<br />

after pure worship "in spirit and in truth" "Thou<br />

empty,"<br />

shalt be missed for thy seat shall be will<br />

alas(!) be the verdict written against the many<br />

who pride themselves upon their doctrinal correct<br />

ness and splendid orthodoxy.<br />

Somehow I sense that far too many of us know<br />

too much, even where the Word is concerned. "If<br />

them"<br />

ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do<br />

saith the Lord, and all true doing begins with the<br />

doxology of praise and worship. What unhappy<br />

Christians we are, if knowledge has not deepened<br />

(Continued on Page 119)

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