Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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more."<br />

say."<br />

right"<br />

sorrow."<br />

work."<br />

. .<br />

right"<br />

wisdom"<br />

and should see the effects in our new<br />

manner of life. And if it is a living faith<br />

the fruits will be seen. "If there be life<br />

in the body, the pulse will beat; and if<br />

there be faith in the heart it will<br />

So the wise man endued with knowl<br />

edge will show out of a good conversa<br />

tion (manner of living) his works with<br />

meekness of wisdom. Such a one might<br />

be described as a man of "practical wis<br />

dom in pious living." (Vincent). Char<br />

acter, a good life and right conduct are<br />

the evidences of true wisdom and the<br />

requisites of all worthy teachers. The<br />

man of true wisdom must prove the<br />

superiority of his wisdom by his good<br />

life.<br />

"Knowledge is proud that she has<br />

learned so much<br />

Wisdom is humble that she knows no<br />

In these verses in James we have a con<br />

trast between the wisdom which is not<br />

from above and that which is<br />

from<br />

above. There is the true wisdom and the<br />

counterfeit. Christ is the true Wisdom.<br />

"But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus who<br />

of God is made unto us, Wisdom . . . I<br />

Cor. 1:30 Bitter envying (jealousy) is<br />

an evidence of the lack of true wisdom.<br />

True wisdom is lacking<br />

where there is<br />

not the good life. "What you are speaks<br />

so loudly that I cannot hear what you<br />

So character reveals the nature of<br />

our wisdom.<br />

The wisdom of the world is "earthly,<br />

sensual, devilish." And as we would ex<br />

pect this wisdom has always been a<br />

curse. It has produced factions and jeal<br />

ousy. Jealousy has been described as<br />

"sorrow at other men's goodness and joy<br />

at other men's<br />

This sin pro<br />

duces confusion and every vile deed.<br />

In our Covenant (1871), "we abjure<br />

and condemn infidelity,<br />

under all its<br />

various aspects, atheism . . . pantheism<br />

. . . spiritualism . . . indifferentism .<br />

formalism .<br />

. . and we might add athe<br />

istic communism and materialism. The<br />

working out of man-made systems,<br />

earthly wisdom, if it can be called wis<br />

dom, has been and is responsible for<br />

world conditions. Yet men continue to<br />

reject the True Wisdom. If "might<br />

makes<br />

(earthly wisdom)<br />

then<br />

wars and fightings will naturally follow.<br />

But this claim that "might makes<br />

is earthly, sensual and devilish. What<br />

a terrible thing war is and who can even<br />

imagine the sufferings and horror of a<br />

possible third World War!<br />

The licensing of the liquor traffic,<br />

evidently a product of earthly wisdom,<br />

causes "confusion and every<br />

vile<br />

deed"<br />

disorder, pauperism and crime.<br />

Materialism and the inordinate desire<br />

for money is not heavenly<br />

380<br />

wisdom. How<br />

much strife is caused by the love of<br />

money! There are lawsuits, jealousies,<br />

separated families . . . W.<br />

J. Bryan said,<br />

"Those who live for money spend the<br />

first half of their lives getting all they<br />

can from everybody else and the last<br />

half trying to keep everybody else from<br />

getting what they have away from<br />

them; and they find no pleasure in<br />

either half."<br />

But there is the true wisdom. This<br />

wisdom makes for righteousness. "And<br />

the fruit of righteousness is sown in<br />

peace for them that make R. V.<br />

peace."<br />

We cannot secure peace by compromis<br />

ing with evil. In striving for righteous<br />

ness there may be conflict, misunder<br />

standing and suffering, but it is the way<br />

to peace. To give up that which is right<br />

for the sake of peace will not make for<br />

peace. Peace is one of the fruits of<br />

righteousness.<br />

This true wisdom has seven-fold ex<br />

cellence. Is this primarily a wisdom of<br />

the heart It is first "pure." Purity is<br />

its essential nature. It is free from all<br />

wrong motives. It is not numerically,<br />

but first essentially. (Vincent). This<br />

wisdom, coming from above, even from<br />

God Himself, is pure. How many times<br />

did James see this kind of wisdom ex<br />

emplified in Jesus as they played and<br />

worked together in that home in Nazar<br />

eth! What a lasting effect this perfect<br />

example had upon James!<br />

It is also peaceable. The beatitude<br />

about the pure in heart is followed by<br />

the beatitude concerning<br />

"peacemakers."Matt.<br />

5:8-9. Why should purity of<br />

heart lead to peace Another character<br />

istic of true wisdom is gentleness. Gen<br />

tleness made Jesus great. Psalm 18:35;<br />

Matt. 12:20; Mark 10:13-16; Isaiah 40:<br />

11. Jesus was infinite in power, yet in<br />

finite in gentleness too.<br />

Perhaps the expression "easy to be<br />

entreated"<br />

is one of the most appealing.<br />

It is easy to approach some people.<br />

Those who come to Jesus in all sincerity<br />

and truth found Him most approach<br />

able, available and able. We are urged<br />

to come boldly unto the Throne of<br />

Grace (Heb. 4:16). He will in no wise<br />

cast out those who come (John 6:37).<br />

"Come."<br />

His gracious invitation is,<br />

Matt. 11:28-30. All of us have been<br />

greatly blessed and our lives have been<br />

enriched because our teachers have been<br />

patient and longsuffering with us. They<br />

have been easily entreated<br />

true wisdom.<br />

a sign of<br />

This ideal wisdom is full of mercy<br />

and good fruits. What a blessing a good<br />

teacher is! Is it any wonder that the<br />

multitudes were astonished as they lis<br />

tened to Him Who spake as never man<br />

spake Matt. 7:28<br />

Men possesed with true wisdom arenot<br />

"time<br />

servers,"<br />

influenced by par<br />

tiality and hypocrisy. There is no shift<br />

ing of convictions to gain favor, no pre<br />

tense and no attempt to be evasive.<br />

Evidently there are many<br />

attempts to<br />

use words to conceal the real convic<br />

tions. Liberal leaders have been accused<br />

of using the language of the orthodox to<br />

deceive their hearers. This kind of wis<br />

dom is described above as "earthly sen<br />

devilish."<br />

sual, They try to blow both<br />

hot and cold at the same time.<br />

Questions<br />

1. What is the relation between char<br />

acter and true wisdom<br />

2. Why are men opposed to the "true<br />

God<br />

Prayer<br />

as revealed in the Word of<br />

For the C.Y.P.U. Conferences.<br />

For the work of the Church in For<br />

eign Fields.<br />

For the Christian Amendment Move<br />

ment.<br />

W. M= S. Department<br />

Mrs. Ross Latimer. Editor.<br />

Prayer Hour, 1:00 P.M. Monday<br />

The 37th Annual Meeting<br />

of the<br />

Philadelphia Presbyterial was held at<br />

the Orlando Reformed Presbyterian<br />

Church, May 10 and 11.<br />

The Theme<br />

was "The Open Door" I Cor. 16:9.<br />

Supper was served to the guests on<br />

Tuesday evening. This was followed by<br />

the evening meeting at which Rev.<br />

A. W. Smith preached. After the serv<br />

ice a Reception was held in the Social<br />

Room of the Church.<br />

Wednesday consisted of the meeting<br />

of Presbytery and Presbyterial in the<br />

morning and afternoon. At noon a fill<br />

ing meal was enjoyed at the Broadway<br />

Methodist Church, prepared by the<br />

women of that same church.<br />

Wednesday evening a Fellowship din<br />

ner was held in the Social Room for<br />

the guests and host congregation. At<br />

the 8:00 p.m. meeting those present<br />

witnessed the Licensure of Robert Mc<br />

Cracken. During the day Mr. Mc<br />

Cracken had given his trial pieces, to<br />

be climaxed by this memorable event.<br />

Miss Elizabeth McElroy<br />

gave the<br />

missionary address to bring to a close<br />

this meeting of Philadelphia Presby<br />

terial.<br />

The Fellowship Class had a covered<br />

dish supper at the church May 20. Mr.<br />

Bob Simon showed some films for the<br />

entertainment.<br />


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