Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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prayer"<br />

experience."<br />

movie."<br />

glad."<br />

years!"<br />

world."<br />

tidal wave of<br />

while she was in<br />

Hollywood, that the moving message of<br />

her book might become the heart also<br />

of the movie, to carry its message to the<br />

heart of America. In the letter just re<br />

ceived she says, "Someday, I hope to be<br />

able to tell in detail the exciting story<br />

of what prayer did for the<br />

As technical adviser for the screen<br />

play in Hollywood, she went through<br />

some "bad<br />

moments,"<br />

when she saw the<br />

producers "on the verge of very wrong<br />

decisions."<br />

Her faith often "wavered and<br />

faltered"; how was God to guide those<br />

who often were not even aware of Him,<br />

and who perhaps did not even seek His<br />

guidance<br />

"With Complete Integrity"<br />

But, she writes, "On January 21 in<br />

Hollywood, 80 clergymen Protestant,<br />

Jewish, and Catholic<br />

saw the rough-cut<br />

version of this movie. Their overwhelm<br />

ing reaction was, 'We didn't think Holly<br />

wood could do it!' " She is overwhelmed,<br />

she says, with gratitude that the spirit<br />

of the book is so faithfully carried<br />

through in the movie; that Richard<br />

Todd impersonates Peter Marshall "with<br />

complete integrity"; and that "big<br />

chunks"<br />

of Marshall's sermons in his<br />

own words are spoken on the screen<br />

this "for the first time in motion-pic<br />

ture history." She herself saw it March<br />

7 in New York "an awe-inspiring and<br />

humbling<br />

In her letter dated March 15 she again<br />

appeals for a tidal wave of prayer that,<br />

as Peter again preaches to vast audi<br />

ences across the land, God will open the<br />

hearts of the people to receive the mes<br />

sage.<br />

United Presbyterian<br />


NEW KORK CITY, April 2 This<br />

Easter, when Americans will traditional<br />

ly throng to worship services in their<br />

greatest numbers, the nation's churches<br />

will welcome more new members than<br />

ever before in history, according to the<br />

Rev. Berlyn Farris, executive director<br />

of the Department of Evangelism of the<br />

National Council of Churches.<br />

"The Lenten Season of 1955 will see<br />

more persons uniting with the Christian<br />

churches of America than in any other<br />

similar time," he declared. "A rising tide<br />

of religious interest and evangelistic ac<br />

tivity<br />

on the part of the churches, and<br />

particularly of the laity, can point to<br />

this."<br />

nothing less than<br />

Dr. Charles "Chuck" Templeton, na<br />

tionally known evangelist who has travel<br />

ed in 26 states during the past 12 months<br />

said he has seen "unmistakable evidence<br />

of the greatest interest, in evangelism in<br />

my<br />

memory."<br />

Speaking<br />

as evangelism<br />

secretary of the 2,000,000-member Pres<br />

byterian Church, USA, Dr. Templeton<br />

said that last year his<br />

304<br />

denomination<br />

"had the greatest results from its evan<br />

gelistic program in all its history." He<br />

predicted that the trend will carry into<br />

this year.<br />

Some 90,000,000 persons in the U.S.<br />

are enrolled as members of Christian<br />

churches an all-time high. Of these,<br />

2,500,000 joined the church during the<br />

past year. Another 35,000,000 chiefly<br />

children and young people belong to<br />

Sunday Schools. The Religious Newsweekly<br />

On Easter this year the churches of<br />

the United States were attended by a<br />

greater number of people than ever be<br />

fore in the history of this nation or any<br />

other. This at least is the opinion ex<br />

pressed in a recent issue of the popular<br />

weekly magazine,<br />

"Newsweek."<br />

In its<br />

survey of religion in the nation as of<br />

"Newsweek"<br />

the present time,<br />

said in<br />

part :<br />

"The resurrection was celebrated<br />

in the nation's churches by some ninety<br />

million persons, the highest church-go<br />

ing percentage of total population in the<br />

country's history. Some fifty-seven per<br />

cent of all Americans (paid) homage be<br />

fore some altar to the risen Christ; a<br />

century ago it was only sixteen per cent.<br />

This fourfold -expansion cannot be dis<br />

missed as an empty statistic. Rather, it<br />

apparently symbolizes a steady growth<br />

of America's belief in God, and an in<br />

creasing desire to participate in the life<br />

of His churches. American church mem<br />

bership since the turn of the century has<br />

increased more than twice as fast as the<br />

population. But even the numerical<br />

growth has been overshadowed in recent<br />

years by the obvious vigor and scope of<br />

America's religious life. If the United<br />

States is undergoing a genuine religious<br />

revival<br />

that it is<br />

and there is every indication<br />

the rebirth is one which has<br />

been fostered by preacher and parishion<br />

er together in unprecedented co-opera<br />

tion to spread the Word of God." We can<br />

be grateful that as Bishop Kennedy of<br />

the Methodist Church expresses it,<br />

"Something has happened! Something<br />

tremendous!"<br />

Let us hope that it is still<br />

happening<br />

every day.<br />

not on Easter day alone, but<br />

Influencing Our Little Ones<br />

"When we go dead, then we are going<br />

to live again. That makes us<br />

Thus spoke four-year-old Johnnie<br />

writer's little nephew.<br />

the<br />

"When we die that's the end of us,"<br />

said a niece, nicknamed "Johnnie," who<br />

is ten years old. These two Johnnies<br />

belong to the same Christian communi<br />

ty. And yet how different!<br />

The ten-year-old "Johnnie"<br />

the case with the younger Johnnie<br />

as was<br />

did<br />

not give expression to views which ori<br />

ginated with her personally. She voiced<br />

the religion of her larger surroundings.<br />

The ten-year-old has been exposed to<br />

non-Christian influence. The stamp of<br />

the world has been impressed upon her<br />

young soul. As a natural reflex the<br />

language of the world flows from her<br />

lips.<br />

Another True Story<br />

A boy had attended a certain school<br />

up to the fourth grade. In this school<br />

the Bible was honored. Then his pa<br />

rents moved, and the boy went to<br />

another school. One day, in Spelling,<br />

the word "create" was in the word<br />

list. The class was asked to use the<br />

word in a sentence. The new boy held<br />

up his hand and said: "God created<br />

the This was met by a telling<br />

smile from the teacher, and the whole<br />

class burst out laughing. (Fourth grade,<br />

"Well,"<br />

mind you!) said the teacher,<br />

"there are still some who believe that."<br />

No subject not even Spelling is<br />

safe in the hands of an unbelieving<br />

teacher. Ridicule on the part of the<br />

teacher and classmates is a deadly wea<br />

pon of destruction. Who can stand under<br />

its withering effects in more mature<br />

years <br />

How many children of the King are<br />

exposed to the attack of the enemy<br />

while at school<br />

Know this: a child<br />

of the King taught by worldly teach<br />

ing is royalty set up as a target in<br />

easy range of the enemy.<br />

"To mispronounce a word is a griev<br />

ous blunder, to misquote an author is<br />

a crime<br />

but to put a kink in a stu<br />

dent's thinking is to tamper with his<br />

eternal destiny."<br />

Stearns<br />

National Association of Christian<br />

Schools, <strong>54</strong>2 S. Dearborn St., Chicago<br />

5, Illinois.<br />


A Slaveholder had committed the care<br />

of one of his teams to a faithful slave<br />

for some years; at last one of them died.<br />

While the slave was burying the faithful<br />

animal, the other horse came across the<br />

field and stood by, watching the opera<br />

tion as a silent mourner.<br />

The master said to the slave, "I be<br />

lieve Dick loved Billy." Instantly the<br />

slave replied, '"Course he did, Massa;<br />

why they pulled together for twenty<br />

It is the pulling together of the<br />

various Christian forces against the<br />

common enemy and for a common cause<br />

that will unite the hearts of the follow<br />

ers of the Master.<br />

J. W. Knopp, D.D.<br />


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