Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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obligations"<br />

ourselves"<br />

works."<br />

views."<br />

and in a very real sense it is. It is a very long and<br />

far-reaching interruption. How many plans are up<br />

set by death ! How much seemingly good and neces<br />

sary work is interrupted by the angel of death ! The<br />

interruption caused by death is one that we will all<br />

experience some day. When the angel of death calls<br />

we must obey the summons. Everything must be<br />

laid aside at once. We can't bribe the angel of death<br />

or keep him away.<br />

And yet, looked at aright, death is not really<br />

an interruption. If we trust and love the Lord Jesus<br />

Christ, if we are living daily in union and fellowship<br />

with Him and in obedience to His will, then death is<br />

not really an interruption but a promotion to higher<br />

service. One of the things we are told about heaven<br />

is that there "His servants shall serve Him." That<br />

heavenly service will be the continuation and consum<br />

mation of the service begun here on earth.<br />

Let us then make sure that we are Christ's<br />

that we have chosen Him as Saviour and are con<br />

secrated to His service. Then the so-called interrup<br />

tions of life we shall be able to regard as His ap<br />

pointment, and when the last interruption of all<br />

comes and death calls, it will seem to us the voice<br />

of Christ inviting us to higher service.<br />

The Reformed Presbyterian <strong>Witness</strong><br />

OUR OBLIGATIONS . . . Cont'd from page 37<br />

recognition of need, in "accepting the Covenant of<br />

Grace."<br />

We acknowledge that we sin and fall short<br />

of the glory of God. That we are frail creatures and<br />

that any hope of acceptance rests in the provisions<br />

of God's grace offered to us in Christ Jesus our Lord.<br />

2. We "undertake<br />

promising to seek<br />

to conform our lives to the teaching and example of<br />

Our Lord Jesus Christ in the testimony of a consist<br />

ant, godly life. In this we promise to "endeavor to<br />

forsake all that is sinful and that would compromise<br />

our witness."<br />

3. To this end "we promise to avail<br />

of the means of grace and the opportunities of stew<br />

ardship of the whole life, in service as well as in<br />

monetary giving.<br />

4. We do solemnly purpose to "seek first the<br />

righteousness"<br />

Kingdom of God and His<br />

with all of<br />

its implications in opposing evil in high places and<br />

furthering that which is right and good in Church<br />

and State.<br />

should be given that<br />

Now a concluding warning<br />

our chief purpose in renewing our Covenant should<br />

not be the blessing which we may anticipate, but,<br />

instead, that God's name may be glorified in the act<br />

of renewal and in the continuing life of obedience<br />

which should flow from the Covenant renewal. Then<br />

the grand purpose should one day be attained that,<br />

"All ends of earth, remembering Him,<br />

Shall turn repenting, to the Lord ;<br />

The kindreds of the nations then<br />

To Him their homage shall accord;<br />

Because the Lord the kingdom owns<br />

And rules above all earthly thrones."<br />

GLIMPSES- Continued from page 38<br />

"The worst kind of religion is no religion at all, and those<br />

men who live in ease and luxury, indulging themselves in the<br />

amusement of going without religion, may be thankful that<br />

Tither's Corner<br />


Rev. Sam Boyle's article of December first on a<br />

new minister for Japan stated that if the 2000 adult<br />

members, supposed to be furnishing the bulk of the<br />

church's giving, would increase their gifts by $58.00<br />

each, the over-all asked for budget woud be sub<br />

scribed.<br />

Mr. Boyle's home congregation decided to do<br />

something about it. So a pledge-card was distributed<br />

on Sabbath, December 26, which reads as follows :<br />






1955."<br />

MARCH 1,<br />

This would seem an inopportune time to present<br />

a card like that. First, because an offering was to be<br />

taken for the building fund for their new church.<br />

Then there was the regular fund that comes Sabbath<br />

by Sabbath. Besides all that, it was the day set for<br />

the offering for National Reform. A pledge-card on<br />

top of all that on the same day<br />

So What I copy from their church bulletin of<br />

January 2, 1955.<br />

Treasurer's Report on Collections<br />

for December 26:<br />

National Reform Association $106.04<br />

Building Fund 515.00<br />

Synod's Budget 608.00<br />

General Fund 183.95<br />

Total $1412.99<br />

Pledged to Synod's Budget (Pledge Card) 1036.00<br />

(of which $608.00 was paid that day)<br />

Well, there it is folks and from a congregation<br />

which now has no church building and is without a<br />

pastor to lead them! Knowing Topeka as we do we<br />

are not too greatly surprised.<br />

Be it known that Topeka congregation has not<br />

asked or authorized us to publish these facts but<br />

we take it that church bulletins are public property.<br />

Besides we deem it a good way to "consider one an<br />

other to provoke unto love, and to good<br />

D. H. Elliott<br />

they live in lands where the gospel they neglect has tamed the<br />

beastliness and ferocity of the men who, but for Christianity,<br />

might long ago have eaten their bodies like the South Sea<br />

Islanders, or cut off their heads and tanned their hides like<br />

the monsters of the French Revolution.<br />

"When the microscopic search of skepticism,<br />

which has<br />

hunted the heavens and sounded the seas to disprove the ex<br />

istence of a Creator, had turned its attention to human society,<br />

and has found a place on this planet ten miles square where<br />

a decent man can live in decency, comfort and security, sup<br />

porting and educating his children unspoiled and unpolluted;<br />

a place where age is reverenced, infancy respected, manhood<br />

esteemed, womanhood honored, and human life held in due<br />

regard<br />

when skeptics can find a place ten miles square on<br />

this globe where the gospel of Christ has not gone and cleared<br />

the way and laid the foundations, and made decency and se<br />

curity possible, it will then be in order for the skeptical liter<br />

ati to move thither, and there ventilate their<br />

January 19, 1955<br />


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