Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org

Covenanter Witness Vol. 54 - Rparchives.org


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cat"<br />

vain."<br />

cat."<br />

planned for next year. Non-Communist Asia lacks<br />

unity but not potential strength. The Western atti<br />

tude, and particularly the American attitude, should<br />

therefore be one of<br />

discriminating thought about<br />

Asia and resolute adherence to our own political prin<br />

ciples. We must sympathize with all Asia but dis<br />

tinguish between the cry of those countries we can<br />

usefully help now (Free China, South Vietnam, Thai<br />

land, etc.) and those (the mainland Chinese) whose<br />

hopes for true progress may have to wait. If we show<br />

this discrimination and resolution, our stand in Asia<br />

will be supported by Asia's own best strength,<br />

and<br />

none need wait in<br />

The challenge of all this to evangelicals should<br />

be evident. Just to list some of them should be<br />

sufficient: 1) Half of the world's people are nonwhite;<br />

2) The non-Christians of the world are not<br />

antagonistic to religion ; 3) Religion in non-Christian<br />

countries plays a larger role in national life than it<br />

does in America; 4) Communism can be swayed by<br />

religious opinion; 5) Christian America must extend<br />

social and economic aid to Asia ; 6) Non-Communists<br />

in Asia are numerically more than a match for Red<br />

China; 7) The Asians have a deep-seated need for<br />

hope and progress.<br />

All of the needs of Asia and Africa and the<br />

rest of the world, too could be met if evangelicals<br />

would unite in one great effort to present Christ and<br />

Christianity as the Hope of the World. This is the<br />

true challenge of Bandung.<br />

(ERA-4/27/55)<br />



A houseful of happy mice and a wonderful out<br />

look on life. There were spacious cupboards with<br />

food, and shelves for capers, and soft wool for nests,<br />

yes, and a career-bent housekeeper not much given<br />

to domestic arts. All was going well for the mice<br />

until one day, alas, a kitten came into the house an<br />

innocent furry little kitten. But soon, how very soon,<br />

that kitten became a huge mouse-eating cat. Life<br />

became dangerous for the once happy mice. They<br />

called a council. No mouse could think of a solution<br />

until one very wise young mouse exclaimed, "Let's<br />

put a bell on the How happy they were, f<strong>org</strong>et<br />

ting their plight for a moment, until one very wise<br />

old mouse ventured, "But who will put the bell on<br />

the<br />

So far as we have been able to learn that still<br />

is an unsolved question. With a Cat in the house,<br />

mice can only exist in terror for their very lives<br />

without hope, peace, safety, or happiness till tragedy<br />

trips them up. DO I DARE speak from the<br />

point of view of one woman and in behalf of wo<br />

men only<br />

How often we women are like mice. We live in a<br />

fine world of plenty and life is grand, until one<br />

day something comes into our lives yes, a CAT, if<br />

you please, and no solution seems to help. The aw<br />

ful handwriting appears on the wall. There is no<br />

one to put the bell on the CAT.<br />

In life we see many many women like that. This<br />

problem his become greater in proportion than any<br />

epidemic of measles in our generation. The medical<br />

profession proclaims that about 75% of their patients<br />

312<br />

are victims of mental and emotional disturbances pri<br />

marily. With our American way of life our high ed<br />

ucation, our fine social set-up, our leisure, our church,<br />

our creed, our revered background, yes, and we claim<br />

the second birth, and life could be so wonderfully<br />

abundant but for the CAT, and there is yet no prac<br />

tical solution.<br />

That Cat may exist in any of various feline<br />

forms: it may be financial difficulties, or family<br />

troubles, or losing a job, or an unsuccessful mar<br />

riage, or incompatible in-laws. Perhaps its an insane<br />

fear of some dread disease, or it may stem from<br />

pain of a very real illness. There may be the death<br />

of a loved one, life may be completely changed and<br />

a new pattern for living demanded. It could be a<br />

neighborhood row or a feud in a women's group.<br />

Could it be the children have grown and left mother<br />

unable to cope with life Or might it be the death<br />

of the last hope of finding a husband or having a<br />

baby or that age or, or, just that sinister CAT<br />

ad infinitum. In any case this cat looms up chok<br />

ing us and threatening our very lives. Our play house<br />

is toppled, our fun ruined, our future menaced, and<br />

life is no longer normal.<br />

Ah, we might expect such<br />

tragedy among the<br />

heathen and the ungodly, but we are astounded when<br />

Christian friends, fallen in despair, resort to hys<br />

teria, mental disorder, divorce, suicide, or perhaps<br />

just yield to a low plane of unhappy existence with<br />

out hope for that abounding life. For them there<br />

is no one to put the bell on the CAT.<br />

Christ came that we might have life and that<br />

we might have it more abundantly, and we know the<br />

Bible is full of the promises of God, and God never<br />

fails. We know this life has its troubles, and these<br />

trials should make us stronger and better. So who is<br />

to blame for this sinister CAT that warps and ruins<br />

life, driving its victims, sometimes, beyond that<br />

tragic point of no return<br />

Who is to come forth with a practical solution<br />

The church does not meet the need. Fine or<br />

thodox sermons do not seem to be the answer for<br />

mending broken hearts and crushed souls. Society<br />

has its education and its psychiatrists, but few of<br />

us have the desire or means for an effective psycho<br />

analysis. We have long prided ourselves in our re<br />

form and missionary enterprises and community<br />

projects all very necessary, but how little we have<br />

to offer the woman baffled and suffering emotional<br />

collapse because of the CAT. Her world of friends<br />

may suddenly become uninterested, unsympathetic,<br />

perhaps critical and antagonistic regarding her as<br />

one to be blamed for her pitiful state. Where is she<br />

to turn in seeking help Who is there to help her<br />

put a bell on the CAT<br />

Did someone say something about looking for<br />

a challenge Did anyone ever get the idea there are<br />

no opportunities for pioneering souls today If you<br />

are looking for a challenge, open your eyes and ears.<br />

and most of all your heart ; for here is a wide open<br />

field. Look about you and see the need. Come down<br />

from your pinnacle of high intellect and stand on a<br />

mutual level for (don't look now) but psssttt ! that<br />

CAT lurks on YOUR side, and sooner than you think,<br />

your pedestal may topple. Offer a helping hand. Set<br />

yourself to the task of finding a solution<br />

solution. There is a solution. We need your help !<br />

Anne HOWE<br />

a practical<br />


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