White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Chapter 5squares – to the equati<strong>on</strong> Milan equalsfashi<strong>on</strong>. Milan is also the Italianadvertising capital with an elaboratesystem of players. Creatives,photographers, image-makers,c<strong>on</strong>sumer-trend gurus and fashi<strong>on</strong>media directors thr<strong>on</strong>g the placespromoting or launching the advertisingfor products and brands.Industrial outlets, megastores andsmall creative emporiaFrom the geographical point of view,the Milan area is a large district ofbuying opportunities. This not <strong>on</strong>lyapplies to the luxury shops in Via dellaSpiga and Via M<strong>on</strong>te Napole<strong>on</strong>e, butalso the industrial outlets, shoppingmalls and small hip emporia in theTicinese, Navigli, and Brera areas(Bov<strong>on</strong>e et al., 2005) and majorprojects like the c<strong>on</strong>troversial Città dellaModa (“Fashi<strong>on</strong> City”).5.6 The fast-changingfashi<strong>on</strong> marketEthic fashi<strong>on</strong>Ethic fashi<strong>on</strong>, i.e. fashi<strong>on</strong> based <strong>on</strong> theselecti<strong>on</strong> and certificati<strong>on</strong> of materialused to make clothes and investmentsin sustainable producti<strong>on</strong> systems, hasbeen growing for the last 15 years, asdem<strong>on</strong>strated by an Internati<strong>on</strong>al TradeCenter study presented at the ethicalfashi<strong>on</strong> workshop during the Romefashi<strong>on</strong> shows. In the UnitedKingdom, for example, the ethicalfashi<strong>on</strong> market, grew by 30% from2004 to 2005 and is worth 43 milli<strong>on</strong>pounds, 2.1% of the overall fashi<strong>on</strong>market.According to the Italian Ethical andEnvir<strong>on</strong>mental Certificati<strong>on</strong> Institute,Italy is ranked last in Europe as ac<strong>on</strong>sumer and producer of organicclothes (leading producers includeThink Pink, with its Nature Labcollecti<strong>on</strong>, and Lifegate jeans). The useof organic textiles, transparent labellingsystems and a more sustainableproducti<strong>on</strong> chain can increasepurchasers <strong>on</strong> a potential market ofaround 12 milli<strong>on</strong> euros. In the wake ofthis trend, over the past few yearsluxury ethical fashi<strong>on</strong> is also growing:cosmetic products but also hautecouture clothes (see for exampleGattin<strong>on</strong>i’s wedding dresses) madewith material from renewableresources.Fashi<strong>on</strong> and technologyTechnology and fashi<strong>on</strong> are now aninextricable combinati<strong>on</strong>. On <strong>on</strong>ehand, technology has entered textileand clothing manufacturing and, <strong>on</strong> theother, fashi<strong>on</strong> has began to “dress”technology.Let us look at both trends.The producti<strong>on</strong> of textiles with a hightechnological comp<strong>on</strong>ent mainly cameinto being in the world of sport, inwhich tracksuits, but also bathingcostumes and clothes in generalguaranteed maximum comfort andoptimal performances. From the worldof sport, high-tech clothes spread toWHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 125

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