White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Chapter 7televisi<strong>on</strong> in 2000-2005 reveal asystematic downturn in the number offilms broadcast by generalist televisi<strong>on</strong>.In this period there was an overall fall infilms broadcast of around -18%, and ifwe c<strong>on</strong>sider <strong>on</strong>ly Italian films, the dropwas even greater (around -35%). Bothpublic and private televisi<strong>on</strong> networksseem to prefer other formats, such asficti<strong>on</strong> and reality shows which, asmeasured by audience data, more closelyreflect viewers’ tastes. Moreover, thepressure from advertisers leads televisi<strong>on</strong>programmers to give precedence toother programmes rather than to films,in order to have a steady flow of incomefrom advertising (<strong>on</strong> the grounds ofmore predictable audience sizes) and tobe able to interrupt programmes withcommercials organised in a packagedmodular way.Figure 7.9 – Number of films broadcast by generalist televisi<strong>on</strong> (2000-2005)Film itaFilm totSource: our elaborati<strong>on</strong> of Osservatorio dell’Audiovisivo and Auditel dataAs regards the nati<strong>on</strong>ality of filmsbroadcast <strong>on</strong> televisi<strong>on</strong>, yet again thatUS films show greater marketpenetrati<strong>on</strong>: <strong>on</strong> average Italian filmsaccount for 35% of the total filmsbroadcast, whereas US films accountfor 40%. The share of Italian films,moreover, has recorded a sharp drop inthe period c<strong>on</strong>sidered, falling fromaround 39% in 2000 to 30% in 2005.WHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 177

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