White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Chapter 6The Italian guidebook, Gambero Rosso,also selects the best restaurants, theequivalent of 2.2% of the nati<strong>on</strong>altotal. The guide has a three-symbol(forks) system for indicating quality. Inabsolute terms Lombardy is rankedfirst with 213 restaurants menti<strong>on</strong>ed,followed by Lazio with 180 andTuscany with 174. The calculati<strong>on</strong> ofthe percentage of restaurants withGambero Rosso forks out of the totalrestaurants in the ISTAT survey givessimilar results to the percentage withMichelin “knives and forks”: Trentinocomes first (10.5%), followed bySardinia (9.4%) and the Veneto(6.9%). The regi<strong>on</strong>s with the largestnumber of restaurants with forks are:Trentino (97% of restaurantsmenti<strong>on</strong>ed in the guide have forks),Friuli Venezia Giulia (94%) andLiguria (89%). At the bottom of theclassificati<strong>on</strong>, just under half therestaurants (approx. 48%) in Lazio,Calabria and Basilicata included in theguide are given a quality rating.In the category of large internati<strong>on</strong>alhotels, 50% offer Italian cuisine(Accademia Italiana della Cucina,2007). In Italy itself the qualitysituati<strong>on</strong> is much different. Very fewluxury hotels can boast a high-qualityrestaurant recognised by the specialistguides. In Italy the <strong>on</strong>ly five-star hotelawarded the Michelin five “knives andforks” is La Pergola in the HotelRome Cavalieri Hilt<strong>on</strong> in Rome. Eightluxury hotels have been given fourMichelin “knives and forks”: <strong>on</strong>e inAlta Badia, <strong>on</strong>e in Milan, three inRome, two in Capri and <strong>on</strong>e atRavello.Lastly, it is worth menti<strong>on</strong>ing that thetaste system can rely <strong>on</strong> an extensivenetwork of associati<strong>on</strong>s (360 ofvarious sizes <strong>on</strong> a nati<strong>on</strong>al or localscale with diverse aims and interests,ranging from supporting producers toorganising “academies” or cookeryschools).Distributi<strong>on</strong>, communicati<strong>on</strong>s andpromoti<strong>on</strong>Distributi<strong>on</strong> - Given the size of farmand food businesses (the average jobsper enterprise is 6.5), xxv most typicalregi<strong>on</strong>al products are sold directly atthe place of producti<strong>on</strong>.The distributi<strong>on</strong> system is basicallyorganised in three channels:• Direct sales• Local shops, local eatingfacilities, agritourisms• Speciality shops (outside theproducti<strong>on</strong> area).Almost all typical products are sent toregi<strong>on</strong>s outside the local and regi<strong>on</strong>almarket. xxvi This means that themedium-size distributi<strong>on</strong> channels arethe most used. At times distributi<strong>on</strong>appears to be somewhat inadequatesince in many cases, c<strong>on</strong>trary toexpectati<strong>on</strong>s, quality products can notbe found in local shops.There are 56 publicly-run large winecellars in Italy, mainly c<strong>on</strong>centrated inthe central and northern regi<strong>on</strong>s, thelargest number being in Piedm<strong>on</strong>t,while there are very few in theMarches, Umbria and Lazio.In recent years, the development ofthe Internet has offered smallproducers more opportunities forselling their products (e-commerce). AWHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 145

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