White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Chapter 12sustainability. In this caseenvir<strong>on</strong>mental sensibility reflects anattenti<strong>on</strong> to the landscape in which thecultural, architectural and local heritage,like natural and energy resources, arec<strong>on</strong>sidered primary essential resourcesto be protected.12.3 The Italian modelItaly is a country of architects. Nomatter how we approach the analysisand comparis<strong>on</strong>s with internati<strong>on</strong>aldata, this is the c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>. Figures for2006 published <strong>on</strong> the website of theC<strong>on</strong>siglio Nazi<strong>on</strong>ale ArchitettiPianificatori Paesaggisti C<strong>on</strong>servatori lviiireveal that Italy has the largest numberof architects registered with theprofessi<strong>on</strong>al order (123,083, <strong>on</strong>e every470 inhabitants, compared to theEuropean average of 1 every 1,148) andthe largest number of architecturestudents (76,041, <strong>on</strong>e every 761inhabitants, 5% of the Italian universitypopulati<strong>on</strong>) in 17 faculties.Table 12.1 – Architecture students in EuropeCOUNTRYArchitecturestudentsRegisteredarchitectsArchitects/populati<strong>on</strong>Architecturestudents/populati<strong>on</strong>Architecturestudents/overallstudentsItaly 76,041 123,083 470 761 5%Germany 45,000 103,000 797 1,824 2%Spain 21,275 32,628 1,214 1,861 6%Uk 7,948 30,600 1,925 7,413 1%France 19,000 27,000 2,228 3,166 1%Greece 2,007 14,500 731 5,282 1%Belgium 6,880 10,500 973 1,485 3%Portugal 8,213 8,586 1,181 1,235 2%Netherlands 5,100 7,650 2,039 3,059 1%Denmark 2,048 6,500 815 2,588 1%Switzerland 2,581 6,200 1,177 2,828 3%Sweden 1,300 5,376 1,656 6,846 0%Norway 1,000 3,600 1,222 4,400 1%Austria 10,166 2,342 3,459 797 5%Ireland 650 2,300 1,584 5,606 1%Finland 1,400 2,280 2,257 3,675 1%TOTAL 210,609 386,145 1,005 1,842 2%The architectural cultural debate is verylively in Italy and involvesinternati<strong>on</strong>ally renowned historians andcritics. The country hosts the mostimportant exhibiti<strong>on</strong> of worldarchitecture: the Venice Biennale. In2008 the eleventh editi<strong>on</strong> dedicated tothe theme of Out There: ArchitectureBey<strong>on</strong>d Building, under the directi<strong>on</strong>of Aar<strong>on</strong> Betsky, attracted over130,000 visitors for the durati<strong>on</strong> of justover two m<strong>on</strong>ths.WHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 279

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