White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Notescountries must incorporate the existing DOC, DOCG and IGT into the two EU labels ofDOP and IGP (PDO and PGI in English). In Italy, this means that DOC and DOGC wineswill become DOP, while IGT wines will become IGP, with all the attendant problems thatwill be involved in adapting the system of denominati<strong>on</strong>s. At present (February 2009) thisissue is still a thorny issue. The Ministry for Food and Forestry Policies seems to offerassurances about the possibility of c<strong>on</strong>tinuing to use DOC, DOCG and IGT in future sincethey are seen as traditi<strong>on</strong>al indicati<strong>on</strong>s (art 54, par. 1, Reg. EC 479/2008 and Reg. EC753/2002) and therefore are included in the automatic mechanism established by art. 51 forexisting denominati<strong>on</strong>s at the date of applicati<strong>on</strong> of the new CMO. These denominati<strong>on</strong>s willbe entered in the Register of Denominati<strong>on</strong>s, but will still be subject to EU c<strong>on</strong>trols andcould be cancelled if they do not c<strong>on</strong>form to the said regulati<strong>on</strong>.xvii AGER srl, C<strong>on</strong>federazi<strong>on</strong>e Nazi<strong>on</strong>ale Coldiretti, 2005.xviiiThe protected areas c<strong>on</strong>sidered are nati<strong>on</strong>al and regi<strong>on</strong>al parks. They do not includeprotected areas with no typical products or no producers meeting the Slow Food selecti<strong>on</strong>criteria.xix Atlante dei prodotti tipici e tradizi<strong>on</strong>ali della Aree Protette, edited by Ministero dell'Ambiente,Slow Food and Legambiente, in collaborati<strong>on</strong> with Federparchi (2002).xx ISMEA data, December 2006xxi ISMEA data, December 2006xxii http://www.gastr<strong>on</strong>auta.it/. For cultural tourism see also Chapter 12.xxiii Cf. Fabio Taiti “L’enogastr<strong>on</strong>omia dà più gusto al turismo italiano” – La Rivista del Turismo2/2007, Touring Club Italiano.xxiv A.S.I.A or the Annuario Statistico delle Imprese Attive. Drafted by ISTAT, this yearbookprovides a statistical picture of the Italian producti<strong>on</strong> system.xxv ISTAT 2004, Struttura e dimensi<strong>on</strong>e delle imprese.xxvi ISMEA: December 2006, I prodotti DOP, IGP e STG.xxvii UNIONCAMERE, Camere di Commercio Italia – in collaborati<strong>on</strong> with IstitutoGuglielmo Tagliacarne – Nomisma, Rapporto sul settore vitivinicolo 2007Notes Chapter 7xxviiiBy Europe we mean the following countries in Western Europe: Austria, Belgium,Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, and the UnitedKingdomxxix In 2005 the average ticket price was 6.41 dollars in the USA (a rise of around 50% <strong>on</strong> 1995)and 6.88 euros in Europe (+34%).xxx Many British films, however, are actually produced by the US majors; we will discuss thispoint below.xxxi This analysis does not include the United Kingdom, <strong>on</strong> grounds of logic and uniformitywith other countries. Since the United Kingdom is an English-speaking country it has aprivileged relati<strong>on</strong>ship with American cinema, as highlighted by the large number of filmsjointly produced with American companies. These nominally British films or joint UK-USproducti<strong>on</strong>s are actually US producti<strong>on</strong>s made in the UK.WHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 375

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