White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Chapter 9Table 9.5 highlights the main uses ofICT. In general, the comm<strong>on</strong>est usesare for access to financial or bankingdata and the acquisiti<strong>on</strong> ofinformati<strong>on</strong>. Much less use is made fortraining staff, or the acquisiti<strong>on</strong> ofaftersales services. It must be stressedthat the latter activity is very closelylinked to the development of adedicated applicati<strong>on</strong> software able toprovide the firms with ICT platformsto interact with players and welldefinedvirtual envir<strong>on</strong>ments withregulated access. The sharp differencebetween small and medium firms, <strong>on</strong><strong>on</strong>e hand, and large companies, <strong>on</strong> theother, is not surprising, especially asregards the diffusi<strong>on</strong> of the latter twotechnologies. In both cases the smallfirms are below the nati<strong>on</strong>al average,albeit <strong>on</strong>ly just, whereas large andmedium to large companies havemuch higher figures. As regardsgeographical distributi<strong>on</strong>, interestinglythe largest percentage of firms usingthe Internet to train its own staff is offirms located in the South, with <strong>on</strong>epercentage point higher than theNorth. The situati<strong>on</strong> is inverted,however, as regards acquisiti<strong>on</strong> ofaftersales services, where theNorthwest is the area with the highestpercentage, closely followed by theNortheast and then the other areas.Table 9.5 – Companies with at least 10 employees and an Internet c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> bypurpose of useAccess tobank/financialservicesEducati<strong>on</strong>andtrainingstaffAcquisiti<strong>on</strong>of info <strong>on</strong>markets(e.g. prices)Acquisiti<strong>on</strong>of servicesand info indigitalformatAcquisiti<strong>on</strong>of aftersalesservicesCompany Size(No. Employees)10-49 76.3 12.4 63.4 45.5 24.350-99 88.7 16.7 70.3 61.9 32.4100-249 89.2 22.5 78.4 67.3 35.3250 And Over 85.6 30.0 83.5 74.1 36.1GeographicalDistributi<strong>on</strong>Northwest 79.7 13.4 67.6 49.2 27.5Northeast 81.0 13.7 62.3 49.4 26.7Centre 77.0 12.1 63.2 46.1 24.4South & Islands 70.6 14.3 64.5 45.6 21.2Italy 77.9 13.4 64.7 48.0 25.5WHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 223

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