White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Chapter 15Key decisi<strong>on</strong> 2Pursue initiatives in order to:• recognise talents involved in the field (except for a few sectors alreadyhighlighted by the media, most excellent creatives are not known by thegeneral public)• give talents greater dignity and promote the diffusi<strong>on</strong> of role models• implement tutoring programmes (“adopt a creative”)• support the setting up and development of creative communities• recognise and develop places of creative learning.Ambiti<strong>on</strong> 3. Guarantee the generati<strong>on</strong>al turnover of creative talent in thecultural industryCreativity is expressed in ways which are revealed in time and places through “waves” ofgenerati<strong>on</strong>s: e.g. fashi<strong>on</strong> in Milan in the 1970s, fashi<strong>on</strong> in Paris in the 1960s, design inMilan in the 1970s, and Italian comedy films in Rome in the 1960s. Sustaining <strong>creativity</strong>means that each generati<strong>on</strong> must expresses a level of <strong>creativity</strong> at least equal to that of theprevious generati<strong>on</strong>.To maintain high standards of <strong>creativity</strong> and competitiveness at internati<strong>on</strong>al level forItalian products, there is a need to select fresh ranks of stylists, designers, artists,composers, filmmakers, architects and creatives to guarantee future generati<strong>on</strong>s havehigh levels of <strong>creativity</strong>.Key decisi<strong>on</strong> 3Creativity can be produced in at least three ways, which must be subject toreform policies:• improving academic and professi<strong>on</strong>al training, raising the standards ofteaching and the c<strong>on</strong>tent of study programmes, developing moreinterdisciplinary studies and freedom of expressi<strong>on</strong>;• including learning by doing and learning <strong>on</strong> the job in training programmesto enable young people to acquire tacit and explicit knowledge based <strong>on</strong>company practice and traditi<strong>on</strong>al knowledge• developing policies to attract young talents from abroad and to preventItalian talents from having to emigrate.Ambiti<strong>on</strong> 4. Training systems and human capital: the origins of <strong>creativity</strong>The Italian educati<strong>on</strong> system lags behind those of Europe, Japan and the USA in terms ofquality. Urgent reform is required, not <strong>on</strong>ly at administrative level but also in terms ofteaching techniques and c<strong>on</strong>tent so that educati<strong>on</strong> enables students to give free expressi<strong>on</strong>to their <strong>creativity</strong>.On the job training is an excellent widespread possibility in Italy. Moreover, in theacademic and professi<strong>on</strong>al world it is currently underused and often <strong>on</strong>ly takes the formsof disappointing, ineffective workshops.WHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 342

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