White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Chapter 88.5 The individual sectorsAt this point we shall offer a(necessarily brief) descripti<strong>on</strong> of themain features and requirements of thethree sectors.Publishing: market weaknesses. Asfar as the customer base is c<strong>on</strong>cerned,we should remember that the Italianbook market is not <strong>on</strong>ly notoriouslypenalised by the above-menti<strong>on</strong>ed limitsto the Italian-speaking world. Italy isalso a country with few readers, andwith a distributi<strong>on</strong> system that is lessefficient and dynamic than in othercountries.In fact, the figures <strong>on</strong> Italian readershave recently been carefully studied byan expert <strong>on</strong> the media ec<strong>on</strong>omy, MarcoGambaro , in an essay (Tirature 08, ilSaggiatore, Milan 2008) that enables usto debunk a number of clichés. Forexample, Italian publishing’s sales perinhabitant is 73 euros, less than the 79euros in Germany but not so very muchless as <strong>on</strong>e might have expected. Thepercentage of those who read books forpleasure (42% of those who read a bookat least <strong>on</strong>ce a year) is not very differentfrom that of France and Germany(40%). So how can we explain the factthat the number of books bought perinhabitant in Italy is much lower than inthese other countries? Here come twofurther significant figures. Firstly, Italyhas a greater number of people who d<strong>on</strong>ot read even <strong>on</strong>e book a year (ac<strong>on</strong>sequence of lower levels ofeducati<strong>on</strong>): basically there is a largerpercentage not <strong>on</strong>ly and not so much of“weak” readers as n<strong>on</strong>-readers.Sec<strong>on</strong>dly, compared to other countries,Italy has a much lower percentage ofpeople who buy handbooks and works<strong>on</strong> practical subjects rather than worksfor entertainment or school. This is asector in which Italian publishing isgreatly handicapped.These remarks, which naturally are opento discussi<strong>on</strong>, show <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>e hand howeasy it is to fall into clichés and, <strong>on</strong> theother, the potential for achieving a morebalanced situati<strong>on</strong>, in a sector howeverweak, by for example boosting thehandbook sector. On the other hand,<strong>on</strong>e should not forget that manuals andhandbooks require bigger investmentsthan ordinary books, since the readersof these kinds of books generallydemand well-edited and complete series,and they typically are l<strong>on</strong>g-sellers, whichyield fruit over several years.The distributi<strong>on</strong> of books has alsochanged in recent years through abroadening of the customer base. In the1990s the traditi<strong>on</strong>al bookshop, whichwas a great resource for habitual readersbut often intimidated those not sofamiliar with books, has been flanked bychains of multimedia stores, both Italian(Feltrinelli-Ricordi, Coop) and foreign(Fnac). Moreover, an important newdistributi<strong>on</strong> channel for books has beentheir sale as news<str<strong>on</strong>g>paper</str<strong>on</strong>g> supplements, amass phenomen<strong>on</strong> now in decline.There has also been a c<strong>on</strong>stant growthof sales in supermarkets and other salespoints (a rise of over 30% in the lasttwo years) and <strong>on</strong> the Internet. Thesedistributi<strong>on</strong> channels encourage the saleof c<strong>on</strong>solidated products rather thannew works. As a manager in theperiodical sector commented: “Thebooks which we sell with news<str<strong>on</strong>g>paper</str<strong>on</strong>g>sare ‘re-run’ products, already wellproven and basically guaranteeing saferesults.” The supermarkets, <strong>on</strong> the otherWHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 199

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