White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Chapter 11obvious example is the USA and thekind of tax incentive system developedin a country in which patr<strong>on</strong>age,d<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong>s and volunteer work are keyelements in the instituti<strong>on</strong>al system. InItaly the situati<strong>on</strong> is different. I believethat what is more significant is thepsychological incentive that ourmuseums seem unable to handle. Whathas a greater value, a br<strong>on</strong>ze bust or aplaque in the museum or a 19%reducti<strong>on</strong> in tax due or other deducti<strong>on</strong>sof cultural c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s from income?Effects <strong>on</strong> museum managementAs some sceptics of free admissi<strong>on</strong> haverightly pointed out the positive effectsof increases in visitors tend to disappearafter a year or so. I believe this accurateobservati<strong>on</strong> must be interpreted asfollows: visitors are initially attracted bythe free admissi<strong>on</strong>, but then they maynot return to the museum if theexperience of the visit has turned out tobe disappointing. In other words, theflow comes to a halt and settles at theusual historic figures, if the museumdoes not improve the quality of itsexhibits, services and exhibiti<strong>on</strong>s. If it isboring, why return?If funding is performance-related, thengood management and producti<strong>on</strong> oftemporary exhibiti<strong>on</strong>s, for whichadmissi<strong>on</strong> is justifiably charged, becomemore important. Tickets c<strong>on</strong>stitute aprimary source of income and pay forresources. But this no l<strong>on</strong>ger means just<strong>on</strong>e or two scanty exhibiti<strong>on</strong>s a year, butfour or six thematic exhibiti<strong>on</strong>s ofvarying quality and size to capture newvisitors at all times. Performance-relatedfunding will thus encourage theproducti<strong>on</strong> of more temporaryexhibiti<strong>on</strong>s.C<strong>on</strong>gesti<strong>on</strong> and compulsory bookingFor the major museums, free admissi<strong>on</strong>and voluntary c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s could turnout to be a boomerang, especiallybecause of the costs of c<strong>on</strong>gesti<strong>on</strong>. Achange in this directi<strong>on</strong> couldexacerbate the dramatic visitor pressure<strong>on</strong> the usual excepti<strong>on</strong>al places of artand culture.As the ec<strong>on</strong>omists say, entrances mustin some way be “rati<strong>on</strong>ed”. There arenot many ways to do so: either the costof admissi<strong>on</strong> is increased, but here weare suggesting free admissi<strong>on</strong>, or wemust be rec<strong>on</strong>ciled to queues due todemand in excess of the supply capacity.There is another less invasive and lesscostly possibility for rati<strong>on</strong>alising visitorflows: compulsory booking. This is akind of queue, but has the advantagethat it can be managed a good deal inadvance. Moreover, visitors-tourists canbe spread out over l<strong>on</strong>ger periods, thusfavouring smoother tourist take-up alsoin other sectors such as the hotelindustry. Lastly, when faced with alengthy wait, tourists could be induced –through a dedicated awareness andinformati<strong>on</strong> campaign – to organisetheir itineraries by choosing to visit theso-called minor museums, which areoften <strong>on</strong>ly minor in name.WHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 272

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