White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center

White paper on creativity - ebla center


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Chapter 10been little explored by countries witheven more robust ec<strong>on</strong>omies.In this short introducti<strong>on</strong> we obviouslycannot tell a story requiring asystematic approach embracing all theapplicati<strong>on</strong> fields of thecommunicati<strong>on</strong>s system. We will thussimply point out that, althoughuniversity degrees in communicati<strong>on</strong>ssciences were eventually introduced inItaly (decades late compared to theUSA but also France), and developedvery popular, still successfulprogrammes, the creative workshops inthe sector were already pursuingexperimental methods with importantc<strong>on</strong>tacts in industry (banks were toarrive late and fairly insignificantly inthe sector) and professi<strong>on</strong>al c<strong>on</strong>tactswith architectural faculties, publishing,cinema and TV. This led to thec<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of a set of models,semiotics and an ec<strong>on</strong>omy that may bec<strong>on</strong>sidered as having “specificallyItalian features”.In the mid-1980s, when the instituti<strong>on</strong>salso finally decided to begin their owncommunicati<strong>on</strong>s history (from publicbranding of a str<strong>on</strong>gly symbolic,historic kind, usually developed in thename of traditi<strong>on</strong>, to servicecommunicati<strong>on</strong>s, modernised forms ofsignage and full-blown socialadvertising campaigns), they drew <strong>on</strong>the recent past decanting its ideas,people and formats.Today the entrepreneurial system,instituti<strong>on</strong>al system and system ofsocial players c<strong>on</strong>sist of around 100distinct professi<strong>on</strong>al profiles with anemployment base (direct andc<strong>on</strong>sulting) of over 300,000 people.The resources are still growing at amoderate pace or at least evolving, dueto the combined effect of a widening ofthe disciplines involved in the marketand, most importantly, the influence ofthe technological evoluti<strong>on</strong> and thec<strong>on</strong>tinual proliferati<strong>on</strong> of newoperati<strong>on</strong>al areas.In 2003 the Istituto Civicom (Rolando,2003) estimated that the professi<strong>on</strong>alcommunicati<strong>on</strong>s markets (excluding thenews<str<strong>on</strong>g>paper</str<strong>on</strong>g> and publishing sector)employed a total of 260,000 peoplewith various kinds of c<strong>on</strong>tracts. Thefigure of 300,000 jobs is thus based <strong>on</strong>the expected expansi<strong>on</strong> throughout2007. Jobs were divided into thefollowing categories:• Media relati<strong>on</strong>s: 16,000 (6,000 inthe public sphere, 6,000 in companies,4,000 in the area of c<strong>on</strong>sulting)• Communicati<strong>on</strong>s and advertising:92,000 (2,000 in the public sphere,40,000 in companies and 50,000 in thearea of c<strong>on</strong>sulting)• Web, networks and informati<strong>on</strong>counters (excluding call centres): 86,000(41,000 in the public sphere, 20,000 incompanies and 25,000 in the area ofc<strong>on</strong>sulting)• PR and events (includingc<strong>on</strong>ference organisati<strong>on</strong>): 38,000 (5,000in the public sphere, 18,000 incompanies and 15,000 in the area ofc<strong>on</strong>sulting)• Other sectors (including internalcommunicati<strong>on</strong>s): 28,000 (3,000 in thepublic sphere, 7,000 in companies and18,000 in the area of c<strong>on</strong>sulting).These estimates thus yield the followingtotal jobs per sector: 57,000 in thepublic sphere, 91,000 in companies,and 112,000 in c<strong>on</strong>sulting.WHITE PAPER ON CREATIVITY 233

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