GoD's WorK - God's Puzzle Solved

GoD's WorK - God's Puzzle Solved

GoD's WorK - God's Puzzle Solved


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286 God’s Workbrews 11:13). Paul warned Christians in Galatians 4:8-11 whenThe Gentiles kept pagan days (Easter, Halloween, Valentine’sDay, etc), they were reverting back to observing days again (Colossians2:16). Only in this case, these are days, which The Jewskeep as God’s Days, which God intended only for the unconverted(Galatians 4:12-28 and I Timothy 6:10).Paul further states that your city is Jerusalem “in heaven.” It isnot like the earthly City of Jerusalem where they were in bondagerequiring them to keep Legal Holy Days in the temple.These were all days that were “a shadow” of Christ. When TheSeventh Day Sabbath is to be observed, the Greek word is “sabbaton”not “sabbatismos.” “Sabbaton” is only a shadow (Colossians2:16), but “the real rest” for Christians is “sabbatismos.”This is to be “baptized into Christ’s death.” The true Sabbathrest, where Christ is “In You,” gives you God’s rest, the rest ofsalvation.Christ Said The Same ThingAfter healing the man who was infirmed for 38 years, Jesus said,“My Father worketh hitherto, and I work” (John 5:17). Thishealing was performed during God’s Seventh Day Sabbath (Sabbaton)(John 5:18). Christ said that He works and even His Fatherworks on The Sabbath (Sabbaton). The Greek word for “work” inthis case is “ergozomai.”This word goes beyond “ergo” or “human works” but actuallymeans “to toil” or have “a trade.” In The Letter of The Law,Christ said that He toiled - which is contrary to the legal requirementsof The Law. That is why Jesus gave the example of a manfeeding and watering his ox on The Sabbath. That was real work

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