SEEDS & WEEDS: The Funniest Things People Have Said About GARDENING

Hours of laughter for gardeners (and anyone who likes to laugh). Dig in and discover a shedload of hilarious gardening tweets, blog posts, memes, cartoons from award-winning cartoonist Mark Parisi, one-liners, verse, witty definitions, bushels of photographs, and more. Here is your garden center of laughter about all things gardening-related — from compost to cutworms . . . sheds to shovels . . . bee stings to back pain . . . dibbers to dandelions . . . sunburn to slugs . . . seed packets to squirrels . . . lawn mowers to leaf blowers. Enjoy bales of laughter in this romp through the world of gardening.

Hours of laughter for gardeners (and anyone who likes to laugh).

Dig in and discover a shedload of hilarious gardening tweets, blog posts, memes, cartoons from award-winning cartoonist Mark Parisi, one-liners, verse, witty definitions, bushels of photographs, and more.

Here is your garden center of laughter about all things gardening-related — from compost to cutworms . . . sheds to shovels . . . bee stings to back pain . . . dibbers to dandelions . . . sunburn to slugs . . . seed packets to squirrels . . . lawn mowers to leaf blowers.

Enjoy bales of laughter in this romp through the world of gardening.


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I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself.

— Peter Smithers, botanist and British diplomat

I belong to Gardeners Anonymous. Whenever I feel the urge to break the

soil, I call a number and a horticulturist rushes over to tie me to the

trellis. You see, I have a black thumb. I’m an Israeli in reverse: I turn

gardens into deserts.

— Michael Feldman, Whad’ya Know?

Can’t even get compost to rot . . .

My ability to produce compost efficiently is way up there with my ability

to attract nesting birds. What happens when I put leaves or grass into a

compost bin would surely interest scientists.

Nothing happens at all. No decomposition takes place whatsoever.

It’s like the moment plant matter goes in through the top everything

becomes cryogenically frozen.

— Ivor Grump, The Grumpy Gardener’s Handbook

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