1997 QUT Handbook

1997 QUT Handbook

1997 QUT Handbook


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Credit Points: 24 Contact Hours: 3 per week<br />

Incompatible with: LWB201<br />

■ LWB234 EQUITY & TRUSTS<br />

The major principles of equity including: fiduciaries, unconscionable<br />

dealings and the principal equitable remedies; trusts<br />

and trusteeship.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LW41, LX31, LX33<br />

Credit Points: 24 Contact Hours: 3 per week<br />

Incompatible with: LWB301<br />



The constitutional arrangements effected by the Commonwealth<br />

Constitution; the structure and institutions of the constitution;<br />

the division of power between Commonwealth and<br />

states; and relations between the different levels of government;<br />

emphasis to Commonwealth legislative powers, executive<br />

and judicial powers.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LW41, LX31, LX33Prerequisites: LWB231<br />

Credit Points: 12 Contact Hours: 3 per week<br />

Incompatible with: LWB203<br />

■ LWB302 FAMILY LAW<br />

The manner in which the law treats the special social relationships<br />

which exist among members of a family and transforms<br />

them into legal rights and duties. The family as a legal<br />

phenomenon; annulment of marriages; dissolution of marriages;<br />

consequences of separation and divorce, such as maintenance,<br />

adjustment of interests in property and parental responsibilities.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX31, LX32, LX33<br />

Credit Points: 12 Contact Hours: 3 per week<br />


LAW<br />

The sources of legal authority for the government of cities,<br />

towns and shires; laws relating to town planning and subdivision,<br />

including the principles applicable to the rezoning of<br />

land; uses of land; control of developments by local governments;<br />

rights to object to development; control exercised over<br />

subdivision of land by local government; rights of appeal from<br />

local government decisions; structure, purpose and procedure<br />

of the Planning and Environment Court; other legislation related<br />

to the town planning process, such as heritage legislation<br />

and contaminated land legislation.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX31, LX32, LX33<br />

Credit Points: 8 Contact Hours: 2 per week<br />


The insolvency of individuals and the Bankruptcy Act 1966<br />

(Cth); winding up of companies, schemes of arrangement and<br />

voluntary administration as procedures other than winding up<br />

which may be open to an insolvent company; the law relating<br />

to receivership; relevant provisions of the Corporations Law.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX31, LX32, LX33<br />

Prerequisites: LWB132 & LWB234<br />

Credit Points: 12 Contact Hours: 3 per week<br />


Rights and duties of employers and employees; unfair dismissal;<br />

entitlement to workers’ compensation and the benefits<br />

available; the law governing the operation of trade unions<br />

and the rights of members; settlement of industrial disputes<br />

in the Commonwealth and state spheres by conciliation<br />

and arbitration; enterprise bargaining; industrial action.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX32, LX33<br />

Credit Points: 8 Contact Hours: 2 per week<br />


Intestate and testate succession; definitions; joint and mutual<br />

wills; formal requirements for execution of valid will; altera-<br />

tion, revocation and revival of wills; administration of assets:<br />

duties, powers, rights and liabilities of personal representatives;<br />

family maintenance provisions: power of court to vary a will.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX31, LX32, LX33<br />

Credit Points: 8 Contact Hours: 2 per week<br />


The principles involved in the construction of contracts for<br />

the sale of land, with special emphasis on the current standard<br />

REIQ Contract in use in Queensland. Statutory requirements<br />

as they affect such contracts, including those relating to building<br />

units and group titles conveyancing.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX31, LX32, LX33<br />

Prerequisites: LWB132, LWB233, LWB234<br />

Credit Points: 12 Contact Hours: 3 per week<br />



An examination of the law and policy with respect to discrimination<br />

and equal opportunity in Australia; relevant international<br />

treaties and Australian legislation such as the<br />

Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act; the Anti-Discrimination<br />

Commission and procedures.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX31, LX32, LX33<br />

Credit Points: 12 Contact Hours: 3 per week<br />


The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot, run under the<br />

auspices of the American Society of International Law, is the<br />

premier mooting competition in any area of the law in the<br />

world attracting participants from every major jurisdiction.<br />

The competition requires the ability to research, analyse, apply<br />

and communicate (both orally and in written form) legal<br />

argument with respect to a complicated problem in Public<br />

International Law. Members of the <strong>QUT</strong> team will participate<br />

in the joint preparation of two memorials (one for the applicant<br />

and one for the respondent) satisfying the requirements<br />

of the Official Rules of the competition, with respect to the<br />

contents of and issues raised by the problem for the given<br />

year. Some or all of the team members will then present oral<br />

arguments in the Australian rounds of the Jessup Moot competition,<br />

and at the international rounds in the United States if<br />

the team wins the Australian round.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX31, LX32, LX33<br />

Credit Points: 8<br />

Contact Hours: As needed in December, January and<br />

February.<br />


The law relating to judicial review of executive decision making<br />

and control of government officials and public authorities,<br />

especially where the exercise of power affects the rights<br />

and interests of individuals.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX31, LX32, LX33<br />

Prerequisites: LWB231<br />

Credit Points: 12 Contact Hours: 3 per week<br />

Incompatible with: LWB311<br />

■ LWB332 PROPERTY 2<br />

Fundamental concepts of personal property law; the concept<br />

of negotiability; transfers of personal property; protection<br />

of personal property interests; agency; bailment; sale of<br />

goods.<br />

Courses: IF31, IF33, IF34, IF35, IF36, IF37, IF38, IF40, IF41,<br />

LW31, LW33, LX31, LX32, LX33<br />

Prerequisites: LWB233 Corequisites: LWB233<br />

Credit Points: 12 Contact Hours: 3 per week<br />

Incompatible with: LWB303<br />


The legal theories of industrialised society; historical contexts;<br />

underlying values and assumptions; economic, political and<br />

741<br />


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