Maila Aurreratuko Kurrikulua (B2.1 eta B2.2)

Maila Aurreratuko Kurrikulua (B2.1 eta B2.2)

Maila Aurreratuko Kurrikulua (B2.1 eta B2.2)


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o Gertakari bat egunerokoa denean, <strong>eta</strong>, ondorioz, etorkizunean ere gertatuko dela ziur<br />

gaudenean, will/won’t + aditza + -ing erabiltzen dugu (They’ll be paying us their monthly<br />

visit tomorrow, so I’ll show them our new project then).<br />

o Geroaldiko esanahia duten esamoldeak: etorkizunerako antolatutako gertaerez hitz<br />

egiteko, be to + infinitive (The President is to give a speech at the beginning of the<br />

ceremony).<br />

o Antolatutako gertaerez hitz egiteko, due to + infinitive (The last book of the series is due<br />

to be released in October).<br />

o Etorkizun hurbilean/berehalakoan gertatuko dela uste den gertakizun bati buruz hitz<br />

egiteko, honako hauek erabiltzen dira: be about to (Hurry up! The train is about to<br />

leave!), edota on the point of/on the verge of (She is on the point of having a nervous<br />

breakdown).<br />

o Probabilitatea <strong>eta</strong> ziurtasuna adierazteko, be(un)likely / bound / sure to + infinitive<br />

erabiltzen da (He’s unlikely to win the election).<br />

o Geroaldiko esanahia duten aditzak:<br />

verb + to + infinitive: decide, hope, intend, promise, swear (I swear never to<br />

reveal any of the secrets).<br />

verb + noun/-ing form: anticipate, predict, foresee (We anticipate congestion on<br />

all major roads).<br />

verb + (noun) + to + infinitive: arrange, expect, guarantee, undertake (We are<br />

planning a long stay to improve our English).<br />

o Zenbait moduzko aditz errepasatuko ditugu <strong>eta</strong> haiei buruz gehiago ikasiko dugu: hain zuzen ere,<br />

treb<strong>eta</strong>suna, aukera, planak, baimena, betebeharra, beharra, betebehar edo beharrik eza, debekua,<br />

ziurtasuna <strong>eta</strong> ohiturak adierazteko balio duten moduzko aditzak. Honako funtzio hau<strong>eta</strong>n<br />

sakonduko dugu: purrustada, aholku edo gomendioak, dedukzio logikoa, probabilitatea orainean<br />

<strong>eta</strong> iraganean, <strong>eta</strong> nahi hipotetikoak.<br />

o Subjuntiboaren erabilera:<br />

o Forma <strong>eta</strong> erabilerari buruz ikasitakoa errepasatu <strong>eta</strong> areagotuko dugu.<br />

o Subjuntiboa ez den beste zerbait erabiltzeko aukerak:<br />

Erregistro neutroan: should + infinitive (It is vital that every applicant should<br />

complete the form in triplicate); for + subject + to + infinitive (It is vital for every<br />

applicant to complete the form in triplicate).<br />

Erregistro informalean: present/past simple (It is vital that every applicant<br />

completes the form in triplicate; They demanded that he left).<br />

o Lehenaldi “irreala”ren erabilera finkatuko dugu: wish/if only + past simple, wish/if only +<br />

past perfect, wish/if only + would, wish/if only + could (have).<br />

o Esamolde finko<strong>eta</strong>n duen erabilera (Long live the republic!; Be that as it may; Come what<br />

may).<br />

o Agindu<strong>eta</strong>n: you + Vp infinitive (John, you be a good boy and eat your spinach!).<br />

o Pasiboaz ikasitakoa errepasatu <strong>eta</strong> areagotuko dugu:<br />

o Boz pasibo inpertsonala: subjektua + aditza pasiboan + to + infinitive (He was said to be<br />

innocent); it + aditza pasiboan + that clause (It’s said that he has commited suicide).<br />

o Partikula duten aditzak/multi-word verbs finkatuko ditugu (The company was taken over).<br />

o Aditz preposizional iragangaitzen egitura pasiboa (He was laughed at).<br />

o Infinitiboa egitura pasibo<strong>eta</strong>n (To be given the role of Hamlet was his greatest ambition).<br />

o Balio arazlea duten aditzen berrikuspena: have/get + objektua + lehenaldiko partizipioa<br />

(Have/get that mess cleaned up at once!).<br />

o Nahastea sortzen duten aditzak nola erabili aztertuko dugu: lay / lie, raise / rise, rob / steal.<br />

Aditzaren osagarriak<br />

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