Maravilhosa Graça - Noiva de Cristo

Maravilhosa Graça - Noiva de Cristo

Maravilhosa Graça - Noiva de Cristo


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9.Kierkegaard: Soren Kierkegaard, Training in Christianity, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947, p.20.<br />

Capítulo 5: A nova matemática da graça<br />

1.Lucas: Lucas 15:3-7<br />

2.João: João 12:3-8.<br />

3.Marcos: Marcos 12:41-44.<br />

4.Mateus-. Mateus 20:1-16.<br />

5. "Amigo, não te faço injustiça": Mateus 20:13-15-<br />

6. Buechner, Fre<strong>de</strong>rick Buechner, Telling the Trutb, San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1977, p.70.<br />

7."Até quantas vezes": Mateus 18:21.<br />

8."Paga-me": Mateus 18:28.<br />

9.Lewis: C.S.Lewis, "On Forgiveness", em The Weight of Glory and OtherAddresses, New York: Collier<br />

Books/Macmillan, 1980, p.125-<br />

10.Lewis Himself C.S.Lewis e Don Giovanni Calábria, Letters, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Servant Books, 1988, p.67.<br />

11.Volf: Miroslav Volf, Exclusion and Embrace, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996, p.85.<br />

12."Pois os meus pensamentos": isaías 55:8:9-<br />

13- "O Senhor não retém": Miquéias 7:18.<br />

14."Cairá a espada": Oséias 11:6-9.<br />

15."Vai outra vez, ama": Oséias 3:1<br />

16."Mas on<strong>de</strong> o pecado abundou": Romanos 5:20.<br />

17.Buechner: Fre<strong>de</strong>rick Buechner, The Longing for Home, San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1996, p.175.<br />

18.Sayers: Dorothy L.Sayers, Christian Letters to a Post-Christian World. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969, p.45-<br />

19.Dr. Bob Smith: História contada por Ernest Kurtz, em The Spirituality of Imperfection, New York: Bantam,<br />

1994, pp.105-6.<br />

20.Donne: John Donne, John Donne's Sermons on the Psalms anâ the Gospels, Berkeley: University of Califórnia<br />

Press, 1963, p.22.<br />

21."Deus âe toda a graça": 1 Pedro 5:10.<br />

Capítulo 6: Ciclo ininterrupto: uma história<br />

1: Missionary in Lebanon: Kenneth E.Bailey, Poet & Peasant (Poeta e Camponês), Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,<br />

1976, pp.161-64, 181.<br />

Capitulo 7: Um ato nada natural<br />

1.Tolstói: William L.Shirer, Love and Hatred: The Stormy Marriage of Leon and Sonya Tolstoy, New York:<br />

Simon & Schuster, 1994, pp.26,65-67.<br />

2.Au<strong>de</strong>n-. W. H. Au<strong>de</strong>n, "September 1, 1939" (1 <strong>de</strong> setembro <strong>de</strong> 1939), em Selected Poems, New York: Vintage<br />

Books/Random House, 1979, p.86.<br />

3- 0'Connor. Elizabeth 0'Connor, Cry Pain, Cry Hope, Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1987, p.ló7.<br />

4."Perdoa-nos": Mateus 6:12.<br />

5.Williams: Charles Williams, The Forgiveness o/Sins, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984, p.66.<br />

6."Porém se nãoperdoar<strong>de</strong>s": Mateus 6:15.<br />

7.Dry<strong>de</strong>m Louis LBredvold, etc, The Best of Dry<strong>de</strong>n, New York: T.Nelson and Sons, 1933, p.20.<br />

8."Portanto, se trouxeres a tua oferta": Mateus 5:23-24. 9- "Assim vos fará": Mateus 18:35.<br />

10.Jones (rodapé): Gregory Jones, Embodying Forgiveness: A Theological Analysis, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,<br />

1995, p.195.<br />

11."para que sejais filhos": Mateus 5:44-47.<br />

12.Bonhoeffer: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, New York: Macmillan, 1959, pp. 134-35.<br />

13- Thielicke: Helmut Thielicke, Waiting, op.cit., p.112. 14. Nouioem Henry Nouwen, Return, op.cit. pp.129-30.<br />

15- "Não vos vingueis": Romanos 12:19-<br />

Capítulo 8: Por que perdoar?<br />

1. Lutero: Citado em "Colorful Sayings of Colorful Luther", em Christian History, vol.34, p.27.<br />

2. Márquez: Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Love in the Time ofCholera, New York: Alfred A.Knopf, 1988, pp.28-30.<br />

3- Mauriac François Mauriac, Knot of Vipers, London: Metheun, 1984.<br />

4. Karr. Mary Karr, The Liar's Club, New York: Viking, 1995-5: Sme<strong>de</strong>s: Lewis B.Sme<strong>de</strong>s, Shame, op.cit., pp.<br />


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