CATULLUS 68 - Scuola Normale Superiore

CATULLUS 68 - Scuola Normale Superiore

CATULLUS 68 - Scuola Normale Superiore


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man (and a Roman citizen), that is, as a very different kind of sexual agent. „Die heißblütigen Südländer<br />

begannen gleich darauf mit Liebschaften“, “hot-blooded Southerners began their love-affairs straight away”,<br />

as Kroll remarked in 1923: in 21 st -century Europe this haste looks less unfamiliar.<br />

The passage implies that Catullus was well past his teens when he wrote poem <strong>68</strong>a.<br />

16 Catullus describes the joys of his youth in a verse with strongly intertwined word-order, the daring<br />

artificiality of which seems to resemble the vigour of his amorous adventures.<br />

Cicero Top. 32 dismisses a legal definition that is too general with the words hoc est quasi qui adulescentiam<br />

florem aetatis, senectutem occasum uitae uelit definire: evidently it was commonplace to speak of youth as<br />

‘the flower of one’s lifetime’ or else as here as ‘the flowery age’. This has its roots in Greek (note Il. 13.484<br />

×βη! νψο!, Solon frg. 25.1 W. ×βη! ⁄ρατο⇑!ιν ⁄π νψε!ι, Theogn. 994 πα⇑! καλ∫ν νψο! ƒξϖν, Xen.<br />

Smp. 8.14 ⊄ρα! νψο! etc.) and recurs frequently in Latin, often with erotic overtones (Porc. frg. poet. 3.4<br />

FPL 3 ob florem aetatis suae, Cic. Cael. 9 in illo aetatis flore and Phil. 2.3 gratiam non uirtutis spe sed<br />

aetatis flore conlectam, Lucr. 3.770 and likewise 5.847 cupitum aetatis tangere florem and see further TLL<br />

6.1.934.60-935.40; thus Cat. 17.14 uiridissimo nupta flore puella and cfr. 100.2). On the other hand,<br />

references to youth as the springtime of one’s life is relatively rare in Greek (only in a series of speeches:<br />

Hdt. 7.162.1, Pericles ap. Arist. Rhet. 1.7.34 = 1365a32f. and 3.10.7 = 1411a2-4, and also Demades frg. <strong>68</strong><br />

De Falco ap. Athen. 3.99d), but becomes common in Latin (thus Lucr. 5.888 puerili aeuo florente iuuentas,<br />

5.1074 equus florenti aetate iuuencus, 3.1008 aeuo florente puellas, Cic. Sen. 20 temeritas est uidelicet<br />

florentis aetatis, Hor. A.P. 115f. maturusne senex an adhuc florente iuuenta / feruidus, Liv. 30.12.17 forma<br />

erat insignis et florentissima aetas, Eleg. Maec. 7 iuuenes prima florente iuuenta, CE 1240.3 prima florente<br />

iuuenta and see further TLL 6.1.922.72-82). floridus is rarer than florens, but is a favourite word of Catullus’<br />

(also at 61.21 and 63.66, and used for youthful beauty at 61.57 floridam … puellulam and 61.186 ore<br />

floridulo nitens, with florens only found at 64.251); the other attestations of florida aetas are of uncertain<br />

date or late (CLE 473.2 cum frui debueram aetate florida luce; Vulg. prov. 17.22 animus gaudens aetatem<br />

floridam fecit, for καρδ⇔α ε⎡φραινομϒνη ε⎡εκτε⇑ν ποιε⇑ in the Septuagint; Cassiod. in psalm. 24.6 p.<br />

178B Migne iuuentutem uero non tantum floridam aetatem posuit, sed praecipitationis audaciam).<br />

Here uer ageret means “was keeping its springtime” (Fordyce). The vocabulary of this verse appears<br />

strongly conventional: compare Lucr. 6.359 cum tempora se ueris florentia pandunt.<br />

17 multa satis lusi ‘I have had my share of fun’.<br />

multa satis Not attested elsewhere, this phrase is the inversion of the standard prose usage where satis<br />

precedes a case of multi (at Cat. Agr. 32.2; Cic. Verr. 2.1.36, Clu. 202, Sest. 1, Mil. 92, De Orat. 1.264, Top.<br />

1 and 90, Rep. 2.70, Luc. 147, Fin. 2.59, Off. 1.151 and 3.33, Fam. 6.4.4 and 9.15.1, Att. 11.25.3 and 14.14.1,<br />

Q.fr. 2.1.3; Varro L.L. 6.97; Cels. 3.6.9 and 5.26.21c; Col. 5.5.16; Liv. 23.18.6; Sen. Ep. 19.1 and 81.3; Val.<br />

Max. 3.2.24 and Tac. Dial. 32.7; in poetry only satis multas at Ov. Pont. 3.5.10). satis, nimium and ualde go<br />

before the adjective that they qualify (this is generally true of Latin adverbs qualifying any type of word).<br />


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