CATULLUS 68 - Scuola Normale Superiore

CATULLUS 68 - Scuola Normale Superiore

CATULLUS 68 - Scuola Normale Superiore


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SIGLA<br />

Reconstructed manuscripts<br />

X The common ancestor of G and R 14 th c.<br />

A The common ancestor of O and X 14 th c.<br />

V The ancestor of A late 13 th c.?<br />

Primary manuscripts<br />

O Oxoniensis Canonicianus class. lat. 30 14 th c.<br />

G Parisinus bibl. nat. 14137, olim Sangermanensis 1375<br />

R Vaticanus Ottobonianus lat. 1829 between 1375 and 1392 (1390-92?)<br />

R 2 the hand of Lino Coluccio Salutati, who after R, and before 1407<br />

commissioned and corrected R<br />

Secondary manuscripts<br />

Three types of abbreviations are used for these:<br />

- m for an early copy of R (see p. 75);<br />

- the Greek letters α-θ for two manuscripts and six groups of manuscripts from the 15 th century, each of which contain<br />

a group of humanistic emendations (see p. 79);<br />

- underlined numerals in all other cases, corresponding to the number of each manuscript in the catalogue assembled<br />

by Thomson (see p. 79).<br />

α = 8<br />

β = 78<br />

γ = 1 38 40 56 73 103<br />

δ = 3 59 84<br />

ε = 10 49 59<br />

ζ = 28 45 46<br />

η = 42 75 107 108 116 118 122 128<br />

θ = 48 52 66 85 90<br />

m = 115<br />

1 Austin, Texas – Humanities Research Center 32. 1451<br />

3 Berlin – Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Diez. B. Sant. 36. 1450-60?<br />

4 Berlin – Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Diez. B. Sant. 37. 1463<br />

7 Berlin – Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Diez. B. Sant. 56 1481<br />

8 Bologna – Biblioteca universitaria 2621. 1412<br />

10 Brescia – Biblioteca civica Queriniana A VII 7. ca. 1455-60?<br />

12 Carpentras – Bibliothèque Inguimbertine 361. 1440-50?<br />

13 Cesena – Biblioteca Malatestiana 29 sin. 19 1474<br />

14 Cologny (Geneva) – Biblioteca Bodmeriana Bodmer 49 ca. 1495<br />

17 Edinburgh – National Library of Scotland Adv. 18.5.2 1495<br />

23 Firenze – Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana plut. 36.23. ca. 1425<br />

24 Firenze – Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana Ashburnhamensis 260 ca. 1500?<br />

28 Firenze – Biblioteca Nazionale Magl. VII 1158 1460-70<br />

30 Firenze – Biblioteca Nazionale Incunab. Magl. A 3 39. notes added in 1522 181<br />

31 Firenze – Biblioteca Riccardiana 606. in or just before 1457 182<br />

181 This is a copy of Calphurnius’ 1481 Vicenza edition that was annotated by Bernardus Pisanus in 1522 with the help of<br />

F[ranciscus] Puccius’ much-emended copy of the book (thus the subscriptio on fol. 28v). Puccius’ emendations date back to 1502<br />

(see Thomson 1997: 88, on no. 119).<br />


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