CATULLUS 68 - Scuola Normale Superiore

CATULLUS 68 - Scuola Normale Superiore

CATULLUS 68 - Scuola Normale Superiore


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62 grauis … aestus For grauis meaning ‘oppressive’ see TLL 6.2.2296.9-29 and compare Varro R.R.<br />

1.6.3 ubi lati campi, ibi magis aestus, et eo in Apulia loca calidiora et grauiora, Hor. Od. 2.5.6f. fluuiis<br />

grauem / solantis aestum, Sen. Herc. Oet. 1566 grauis Titan ubi promit aestus and Tac. Ann. 15.43 nulla<br />

umbra defensam grauiore aestu ardescere. Though aestus is a common word for ‘heat’, witness the<br />

quotation from Varro, it is established in high poetry as early as Naev. trag. 48 iam solis aestu candor cum<br />

liquesceret and is common in Republican drama, especially tragedy (Plaut. 2x, Pacuv. 3x, Acc. 1x). In<br />

Catullus compare aestuosus at 7.5 and 46.5.<br />

exustos … agros exuro ‘to scorch’ is a venerable verb, attested already in Plautus (6x), Turpilius (1x),<br />

Pacuvius (1x) and Accius (1x) and also used by Lucretius (2x), Cicero (orat. 5x, phil. 2x), Caesar (1x) and<br />

the author of the Bellum Africum (1x). For its application to scorching heat compare Pacuv. trag. 12f. sol si<br />

perpetuo siet, / flammeo uapore torrens terrae fetum exusserit and Sal. Iug. 19.6 loca exusta solis ardoribus,<br />

and also Verg. Geo. 1.107 exustus ager morientibus aestuat herbis and Aen. 3.141 sterilis exurere Sirius<br />

agros (in both cases Virgil may be echoing exustos … agros in the present passage).<br />

hiulcat A bold expression: the heat makes the ground hiulcus, ‘gaping’, by filling it with cracks. The verb is<br />

found again only at Venantius Fortunatus 6.10.5f. ecce uaporiferum sitiens Canis exerit astrum / et per<br />

hiulcatos feruor anhelat agros, which imitates this passage both directly and through Verg. Geo. 2.353<br />

hiulca siti findit Canis aestifer ora, and at Pseudo-Augustine, Sent. 16 v. 57 (p. 730 Migne) autumnus frigore<br />

torpet, siccitate hiulcat. This is also the first attestation of the use of hio or a derivative for ground that has<br />

been cracked by the heat, a usage that is to become quite common in a matter of decades in poetry and prose<br />

with a poetic colouring, witness Sall. Hist. frg. 4.17 M. hiauit humus multa, uasta et profunda, Verg. Geo.<br />

1.89-91 calor … uenas adstringit hiantes and Colum. 5.9.12 cum terra aestibus hiat and 10.49 terra bibat<br />

fontes et hiantia compleat ora. This, and its unusual ending, make it unlikely that hiulco should have been a<br />

coinage of Catullus’.<br />

63 The line may well be echoed at Verg. Aen. 1.442 iactati undis et turbine Poeni.<br />

ac Here O writes hec (i.e. haec), which makes no sense; X has hic, which is possible, but not inevitable; the<br />

archetype may have read either hic, which was then garbled by O, or hec, in which case hic is a conjecture<br />

by X (this can certainly be said of neque at 22.18 and cecilio at 35.2, passages in which O’s inferior readings<br />

nec and occilio are confirmed by citations of the respective passages by Geremia da Montagnone and Benzo<br />

d’Alessandria, two authors from the first third of the 14 th century, before any of the principal MSS had been<br />

written: see further the apparatus of Thomson). In the eyes of Trappes-Lomax (2007: 234) O’s hec points to<br />

heic in the archetype “and the survival of the archaic form would be further evidence that the reading is<br />

correct”, but it would be surprising if heic had survived up to the archetype, only to be regularized all of a<br />

sudden in both branches of the tradition. In fact the archetype was not markedly conservative, while O was.<br />

hic is retained by Ellis, Baehrens, Riese, Kroll, Quinn and Thomson, is defended by Trappes-Lomax (loc.<br />

cit.) and is considered more likely by Fordyce (on 57ff.), while Mynors and Goold print Palladius’ conjecture<br />

ac. If the correct reading is hic, it has to be taken as an adverb (‘here’, ‘then’, ‘at this point’) and not a<br />


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