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EmpLoymEnT, work, And HEALTH inEquALiTiES - a global perspective<br />

restaurants, and transport, storage and communications. in Jamaica, for example, working hours for security industry<br />

workers have been estimated at 72 hours per week (lee, mccann, & messenger, 2007).<br />

in some wealthy countries such as Japan, however, employees also work for very long hours, an issue related to the structure of<br />

employment relations, work organisation and production methods, and a culture of labour that promotes long work hours. Working for<br />

long hours has been associated with health-related effects such as fatigue, mental health problems, and cardiovascular and<br />

musculoskeletal disorders (landsbergis, 2004; Johnson & lipscomb, 2006). in Japan, serious social concern over health effects due to<br />

excessive working hours has been reported since the 1970s, when a number of deaths due to overwork (karõshi) with claims for<br />

compensation were identified. in the 1980s, media and public concern increased, and the Japanese government began to publish karõshi<br />

statistics regularly. between 2002 and 2005, about 300 cases of deaths were recognised for compensation by the ministry of health, labour<br />

and Welfare, as deaths due to cardiovascular attacks (e.g., strokes and myocardial infarction) triggered by excessive workload (iwasaki,<br />

takahashi, & nakata, 2006). Karõshi deaths have been linked to long working hours, shift work, and irregular work schedules. most victims<br />

had been working long hours exceeding 3,000 per year. although precise data on the incidence of these deaths are not available, it has<br />

been estimated that one-third of cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disease cases in the 20 to 59 years old age group (more than 10,000<br />

deaths annually) in Japan might be work-related (Kawahito, 1992). however, a significantly more conservative estimate has also been<br />

given (nishiyama & Johnson, 1997). data on compensated cases of karõshi indicate that most are male, and that about 40 per cent<br />

occurred in the 50-59 year age group (in 2006). however, about half of all compensated cases occurred in workers younger than 50 years<br />

old. contrary to the public image of the karõshi victim as a higher status white-collar (non-manual) worker, compensated cases included<br />

many blue-collar (manual), service, and clerical workers, in addition to white-collar workers (ministry of health, labour, and Welfare,<br />

2007). it is possible, of course, that compensated cases are not representative of the much larger number of estimated karõshi cases. the<br />

extent of cardiovascular-disease risk associated with excessive work has not been clarified completely.<br />

deaths from cardiovascular diseases due to overwork may represent the tip of the iceberg, simply revealing the most visible<br />

indicator of the health effects of overwork. thus, karõshi may also include other acute deaths related to delayed medical treatment due<br />

to a lack of free time to see a doctor, or suicides attributable to overwork. the number of suicide cases in Japan has been increasing<br />

since 1990, accounting for more than 30,000 deaths annually since 1998. in addition to deaths from overwork, karõjisatsu (overworkrelated<br />

suicide) is a spreading occupational threat and a social problem in Japan. some evidence has linked deaths by suicide to working<br />

long hours and experiencing heavy workloads (amagasa, nakayama, & takahashi, 2005). the age distribution of the 205 compensated<br />

cases of karõjisatsu in 2006 was younger than the distribution of compensated karõshi cases. only 16 per cent of the cases occurred in<br />

the 50-59 year age group (in 2006), while 18 per cent occurred in the 40-49 year age group, 40 per cent in the 30-39 year age group and<br />

18 per cent in the 20-29 year age group. similar to karõshi cases, compensated karõjisatsu cases included many blue-collar (manual),<br />

service, and clerical workers in addition to white-collar workers (ministry of health, labour and Welfare, 2007). however, once again it<br />

is also possible that compensated cases are not representative of the larger number of estimated karõjisatsu cases.<br />

the Japanese government has tried to address the problem of overworking by encouraging workers to take leave when they start families<br />

or need to care for elderly parents, and promoting a five-day work week. in 2002, the government provided its first countermeasures for the<br />

prevention of karõshi, launching a program for the prevention of health impairment-associated overwork, stating that they should not work more<br />

than 45 hours overtime per month. in 2006, a governmental intervention in the form of administrative guidance to employees and their<br />

employers was enforced for cases where overtime work exceeds 100 hours per month. attempts to reduce hours and resist pressure to<br />

overwork have been largely unsuccessful thus far due to the long-standing and widespread practice of overtime by employers to increase<br />

productivities, recent increases in part-time positions, lack of job security, and workers' need to work long hours to make ends meet. recently,<br />

the first legal cases of karõshi have appeared in countries like south Korea (gwarosa) and china, a phenomenon which might be due to increasing<br />

industrialisation and changes in work organisation, as well as the work culture shared among the east asian countries.<br />

References<br />

amagasa, t., nakayama, t., & takahashi, y. (2005). Karõjisatsu in Japan: characteristics of 22 cases of work-related suicide.<br />

Journal of Occupational Health, 47(2), 157-164.<br />

iwasaki, K., takahashi, m., & nakata, a. (2006). health problems due to long working hours in Japan: working hours,<br />

workers' compensation (Karoshi), and preventive measures. Industrial Health, 44(4), 537-540.<br />

Johnson, J. v., & lipscomb, J. (2006). long working hours, occupational health and the changing nature of work<br />

organization. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 49(11), 921-929.<br />

Kawahito, h. (1992). Karõshi shakai to nihon (Karõshi Society and Japan). tokyo: Kaden sha.<br />

landsbergis, p. (2004). long work hours, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 20(6), 1746-1748.<br />

lee, s., mccann, d., & messenger, J. c. (2007). Working time around the world: Trends in working hours, laws and policies in<br />

a global comparative perspective. geneva: international labour organization.<br />

ministry of health, labour and Welfare. (2007). retrieved october 20, 2008, from,<br />

http://www.mhlw.go.jp/houdou/2007/05/h0516-2.html [in Japanese]<br />

nishiyama, K., & Johnson, J. v. (1997). Karõshi-death from overwork: occupational health consequences of Japanese<br />

production management. International Journal of Health Services, 27(4), 625-641.<br />


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