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eMployMent relations and health inequalities: pathways and MechanisMs<br />

would go to local gay bars in santiago de chile. however, staff rearrangements in his company made him redundant, leaving<br />

him without resources. thus, he was faced with choosing between emigration and going back to his family home and its<br />

“unbreathable” atmosphere, as he has called it, which involved being pressured to marry. he decided to go to spain and chose<br />

barcelona because of its reputation as an open and cosmopolitan city. in chile, he was leading a double life, “closeted”, hiding.<br />

in spain, he presented and manifested himself everywhere from the start as gay, including at work where he reports “feeling<br />

comfortable and performing better”, since he no longer had anything to hide.<br />

Four years ago, the catalan regional government set up an equality programme for homosexual, transsexual and bisexual<br />

persons, an exemplary and pioneering institution which promotes their normalisation and equality in the community. this is an<br />

ongoing experiment, with institutional involvement and backing, in an area which is largely only tackled in legal terms and by<br />

voluntary organisations (to date, never by the administration, with the single exception of sweden’s homosexuals’ ombudsman).<br />

José carreño is currently president of acathi (asociación catalana de homosexuales inmigrantes), whose aim is the<br />

integration of immigrant homosexuals, who find themselves doubly discriminated, even facing triple discrimination if they are<br />

carriers of hiv/aids.<br />

Conclusions and proposals<br />

despite recognition of the rights of persons of homosexual orientation in the european union and other regions of the world,<br />

a large number of people still suffer situations of homophobia, discrimination and stigmatisation in their family and occupational<br />

settings, which generate vulnerability and problems. there are currently no systematic studies which permit obtaining a<br />

complete, global view of the impact of these problems on health and inequality. the present division in the united nations (with<br />

about 50% of countries in favour of homosexuality) paralyses the realisation of studies, policies and international encounters<br />

similar to those organised in the case of women and gender problems. the most immediate political proposals are as fol<strong>low</strong>s:<br />

(1) that local and national public administrations should facilitate the resources necessary to al<strong>low</strong> studies to be conducted, as<br />

well as the diffusion of current problems and set-up of policies that would lead to improvements in the social and occupational<br />

situations of homosexuals; (2) that a global observatory on homophobia should be created which, in collabouration with ngos<br />

such as the international lesbian and gay association (ilga) and amnesty international (ai), as well as professionals and<br />

universities, should perform a global diagnosis of the state of homophobia and its effects on health in the world (examples of<br />

which include problems such as occupational mobbing, the “invisibility” of lesbian women or the socio-occupational problems<br />

of homo-parental families); (3) creation an international policy institute which would help to eradicate homophobia and<br />

elabourate programmes of international advisory to countries intended to aid the legal and social normalisation of<br />

homosexuality, including the problems of bisexual and transsexual persons.<br />

acknowledgments: our thanks to journalist alba payàs; to Mr. daniel borrillo, lecturer on civil rights, university of paris-X<br />

and member of centre national de la recherche scientifique (cnrs) in France; to Mr. José carreño castro, president of acathi;<br />

gay-lesbian coordinator for catalunya (http://www.cogailes.org); and to the international lesbian and gay association<br />

(http://www.ilga.org).<br />

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