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EmploymEnT, woRk, and hEalTh inEqualiTiEs - a global perspective<br />

the istas21 method as a reference for the assessment of psychosocial hazards in the region of catalonia. a technical note<br />

of prevention (ntp, a technical reference bookmark in spain) was also issued by the national institute of occupational<br />

Health and safety.<br />

6. communicate and share the experience with workers’ representatives. a strategy to “socialise” the experience<br />

to workers’ representatives was settled using a “cascade” design. the first phase was “learning by doing”. thus, working<br />

together with safety reps, trade union heads and trade union occupational health consultants, experiences at the firm level<br />

were used to develop trade union guidelines and tools that are helpful for workplace action. after these guidelines, istas<br />

developed materials for the training of trade union occupational health consultants (who later provided technical support to<br />

workers’ reps at the firm level) and training of safety representatives. this strategy helped to socialise and multiply these<br />

experiences.<br />

7. gain trust among occupational health experts and researchers and oH professionals. previous steps (particularly<br />

steps two through five), al<strong>low</strong>ed for substantial increases in the general awareness and technical legitimacy of the istas21.<br />

the catalan society of occupational safety and Medicine, for example, awarded this method as the best research project in<br />

occupational health (Moncada et al., 2005). public funding from the spanish national plan of research and development was<br />

obtained further on and the methodology is currently being used by most important spanish preventive services.<br />

8. evaluate and learn from experience. Workshops were made to analyse the feasibility of what has been learned<br />

through interventions and analytical research in an on-going dynamic learning process with university researchers, health<br />

and safety professionals from private firms and administration, trade unionists, workers’ representatives and trade union<br />

occupational health consultants. in october 2007, for example, the 5th istas meeting on occupational Health gathered<br />

around 300 persons, including union leaders, workers’ health and safety representatives, occupational health professionals<br />

and managers to discuss preventive actions to be taken (istas, 2007). a total of 42 intervention experiences were presented<br />

and conclusions were issued (Moncada & llorens, 2007).<br />

istas’s work could be seen as a form of knowledge activism as defined by Hall in the sense that what istas does is to<br />

work in both technical (scientific and social) trade union arenas in order to strategically collect and use technical, scientific<br />

and legal knowledge to empower worker health and safety representatives at the company level.<br />

references<br />

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