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EMployMEnT, worK, and HEalTH inEqualiTiEs - a global perspective<br />

reservoirs, especially in more arid regions. in the Usa, the sierra<br />

club has joined with unions and other agencies to develop a host of<br />

green job opportunities along these lines (see sierra club, 2009).<br />

again, these opportunities apply to both rich and poor countries.<br />

similar arguments can be applied to food production. Beyond the<br />

disastrous economic consequences of poor countries substituting<br />

export commodities for food production (which even the imf<br />

recognises now), food security and the relative costs and benefits of<br />

localised production for some food items require a reconsideration<br />

of food sourcing and production which will generate employment<br />

(existing examples include reactivating unused urban space, a<br />

process already pioneered by some community groups in the<br />

UK). changes to agriculture aimed at minimising dust and soil<br />

erosion, encouraging natural pest predators, re-vegetation/reforestation,<br />

as well as measures to ensure clean water, water<br />

table remediation, water recycling and waste recycling, should<br />

re-emerge as important areas of employment in both poor and<br />

rich countries, thus addressing both the threats of<br />

environmental degradation and climate change and establishing<br />

more sustainable production systems. again, research and<br />

development in association with technologies appropriate to<br />

achieving this can be undertaken and shared by both poor and<br />

rich countries.<br />

With regard to transportation, the shift away from active,<br />

healthy forms of land transport such as walking and riding bikes,<br />

river and canals and railroads towards road transport for both<br />

people and freight, which has taken place since World War ii, has<br />

al rashidy El Mizan production site. rashidi El led to a mix that is inefficient (even in an economic sense, once<br />

Mizan is Egypt's leading producer of halawa full road costs are calculated), land hungry, unsustainable and<br />

and tahina, two sesame-seed made products causes pollution (Buehler, pucher, & Kunert, 2009; Genter,<br />

(Cairo).<br />

Donovan, & petrenas, 2009; mcGimpsey, havermann, &<br />

source: © ilo/M. crozet (2008)<br />

sutcliffel, 2009). a combination of economic pressure,<br />

deregulation, hidden subsidies and failure to invest in rail<br />

infrastructure has resulted in the expansion and restructuring of<br />

road freight transport involving bigger trucks and elabourate<br />

subcontracting leading to work intensification and contingent pay<br />

that has had negative effects on both public and occupational health<br />

(saltzman & Belzer, 2007; Belzer, 2009; christopherson & Belzer,<br />

2009). solutions include a substantial extension and upgrading of<br />

freight (such as heavy rail) and passenger transport (which includes<br />

heavy rail, light rail and subways), as well as the establishment of<br />

multi-modal centres to interface with short-haul trucking. as in<br />

europe, high-speed rail will also present an effective alternative to<br />


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