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Mobile - Katz Marketing Solutions | Radio Advertising | Media Agency

Mobile - Katz Marketing Solutions | Radio Advertising | Media Agency


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higher levels of education. Why are some people mostly using theirphones to go online?The majority (64%) of ―cell-mostly‖ users cited convenience and theubiquitous nature of mobile phones as the main reason. They alsosaid mobile devices better fit their online habits (18%), and 10%pointed to a lack of other options for going online.Looking at the broader population, Pew found 88% have a mobiledevice, and almost half (49%) use their devices to access the Web oruse email. Three-quarters of mobile Web users (74%) go online ontheir phones at least once a day, or 41% of all cell owners.The report highlighted that mobile Web browsing and email use hasrisen steadily in recent years, to 55% of mobile owners as of April2012, from 31% three years ago. The Pew figures roughlycorrespond with the latest data from comScore showing that 49% ofmobile subscribers (13 and over) used a browser in April.The Pew findings were based on telephone (and cell phone)interviews conducted by Princeton Survey Research AssociatesInternational from March 15 to April 3, 2012 among a sample of 2,254adults 18 and over.Consumers Show Lack of Comfort With FacebookTargeted AdsJuly 23, 2012inShare0Consumers who are aware of Facebook‘s use of their profileinformation and posts to target ads towards them aren‘t veryaccepting of this practice, according to survey results released in July2012 by Placecast. Just one-third of these consumers say they aresomewhat or very comfortable with it, the lowest proportion amongthe list of 7 data usage cases identified in the survey. By contrast,233

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