SCT Banner Student / Release Guide / 7.0

SCT Banner Student / Release Guide / 7.0

SCT Banner Student / Release Guide / 7.0

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Section 7 Concurrent Curricula Phase 1 - TechnicalNew Foreign Key Constraintspk_soblmodThe pk_soblmod primary key constraint has been added to SOBLMOD.pk_sobcactThe pk_sobcact primary key constraint has been added to SOBCACT.pk_sorlcurThe pk_sorlcur primary key constraint has been added to SORLCUR.pk_sorlfosThe pk_sorlfos primary key constraint has been added to SORLFOS.New Foreign Key ConstraintsThe following foreign key constraints have been added.• fk1_sorlcur_inv_stvlevl_code foreign key (sorlcur_levl_code)• fk1_sorlcur_inv_stvadmt_code foreign key (sorlcur_admt_code)• fk1_sorlcur_inv_stvcamp_code foreign key (sorlcur_camp_code)• fk1_sorlcur_inv_stvcoll_code foreign key (sorlcur_coll_code)• fk1_sorlcur_inv_stvdegc_code foreign key (sorlcur_degc_code)• fk1_sorlcur_inv_smrprle_key foreign key (sorlcur_program)• fk1_sorlcur_inv_stvterm_code foreign key (sorlcur_term_code)• fk2_sorlcur_inv_stvterm_code foreign key(sorlcur_term_code_admit)• fk3_sorlcur_inv_stvterm_code foreign key(sorlcur_term_code_matric)• fk5_sorlcur_inv_stvterm_code foreign key(sorlcur_term_code_ctlg)• fk4_sorlcur_inv_stvterm_code foreign key(sorlcur_term_code_end)• fk1_sorlcur_inv_stvlmod_code foreign key (sorlcur_lmod_code)<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>7.0</strong> January 2005228 <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> Confidential

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