the ethnological notebooks of karl marx - Marxists Internet Archive

the ethnological notebooks of karl marx - Marxists Internet Archive

the ethnological notebooks of karl marx - Marxists Internet Archive


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Notes to Introduction, pp. 4-5.<strong>the</strong> sequence <strong>of</strong> events as ascertained by us.’ The rational meaning<strong>of</strong> teleology which is empirically explicated by Darwin’s naturalscientific conceptions is set forth in this passage, as well as passim inhis Origin <strong>of</strong> Species.Marx understood Hegel’s anthropology as a process <strong>of</strong> humanself-creation. Cf. Marx, Ökonomisch-Philosophische Manuskripte (1844)(see note 4); this is an anti-teleological position. See below ref. note 4and note 156.2 There is no reference to supernatural design or teleology by <strong>the</strong>Darwinians, whe<strong>the</strong>r Darwin himself, T. H. Huxley or Lubbock.This notion was developed later by C. Lloyd Morgan and o<strong>the</strong>rs whoassociated <strong>the</strong>mselves with Darwinism and with <strong>the</strong> doctrine <strong>of</strong>emergent evolution.3 J. B. Bury, The Idea <strong>of</strong> Progress, 1932. In this distinction, Bury wasfollowed by K. Löwith, Meaning in History, 1949 and M. Ginsberg,The Idea <strong>of</strong> Progress, 1953.4 Differenz der demokritischen und epikureischen Naturphilosophie(Doctoral dissertation), 1841. Das philosophische Manifest derhistorischen Rechtsschule, Rheinische Zeitung, no. 221, 1842. ZurKritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie, 1843, to which <strong>the</strong> introductionalone was published in: Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, 1844.Ökonomisch-Philosophische Manuskripte, 1844. Die Heilige Familie,1845 (with Friedrich Engels). Thesen über Feuerbach, 1845. Diedeutsche Ideologie, 1845-1846 (with Engels). Karl Marx, FriedrichEngels, Historisch-Kritische Gesamtausgabe (MEGA), v. I, 1; v I, 3;v. I, 5, 1927-1932. Marx Engels, Werke, (MEW) 39 v. plus 2 suppl.1959-1969. Cited hereafter by volume and page.5 Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie, 1859. (Critique <strong>of</strong> Political Economy,N. Stone, tr., 1913).6 D. [David Borisovich] Ryazanov, Novye Dannye o literaturnomnasledstve K. Marksa i F. Engel’sa. Vestnik Sotsialisticheskoy Akademii,no. 6, 1923, pp. 351-376, has raised <strong>the</strong> question <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> light that <strong>the</strong>se<strong>ethnological</strong> manuscript materials shed on <strong>the</strong> biography and character<strong>of</strong> Karl Marx. This question will not be discussed in <strong>the</strong>se pages,save as it bears upon <strong>the</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>ethnological</strong> materials<strong>the</strong>mselves, for which see below, note 83. On continuity-discontinuity<strong>of</strong> Marx’s thought, cf. Auguste Cornu, La feunesse de Karl Marx, 1934;id., The Origins <strong>of</strong> Marxist Thought, 1957. Georg Lukäcs, Der fungeHegel, 1948. Jean Hyppolite, Etudes sur Marx et Hegel, 1955. KarlKorsch, Karl Marx, 1938.The turning point, according to Cornu, was <strong>the</strong> composition <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts <strong>of</strong> 1844; but <strong>the</strong> erudition<strong>of</strong> Cornu is here caught in a trap <strong>of</strong> its own devising, that <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>quest for origins, turning points, as a game <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> intellectual history<strong>of</strong> a person. An even more extreme view <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rupture between <strong>the</strong>young and <strong>the</strong> mature Marx has been advocated by Louis Althusser355

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