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Knowledge management challenges: The case of SMEs in a competitive business environment 101<br />

culture; IT and technology; resources based view; infrastructure; human resources and evaluation<br />

systems. This paper enlightens the importance of knowledge management by means<br />

of which innovation and business performance can be brought in industrial SMEs. The innovative<br />

aspect of this paper is the complex conceptual framework focus on KM and the practical<br />

studies that knowledge management elements are incorporated simultaneously through<br />

the three steps methodology to examine their impact on industrial SMEs. Moreover, this<br />

research represents an important tool for decision makers, researchers and practitioners.<br />

Further studies will focus on the development of a hybrid model necessary to an efficient<br />

knowledge management and an assessment procedure of the model because knowledge brings<br />

innovation and innovation brings competitive advantage and performance. Also, for future research<br />

the attention will be on separate studies on large national and international organisations.<br />

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