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360 <strong>RESPONSIBLE</strong> <strong>ENTREPRENEURSHIP</strong><br />

Strategic<br />

At a strategic level, there are three (sub-) recommendations. Firstly, to bring more continuity<br />

to innovation projects, placing them on hold or stopping them altogether when a client<br />

withdraws should be avoided. Instead, we would suggest using a system of opportunity evaluation<br />

so that, when an opportunity is positively evaluated (i.e., Ampelmann is convinced of<br />

its market potential), it should be easier to decide to continue a project even when a client<br />

withdraws. When the opportunity is thoroughly evaluated, Ampelmann itself can be convinced<br />

of its market potential and continue its development even without immediate market demand.<br />

This may also mean that Ampelmann must be able to say no to a client. At the moment, Ampelmann<br />

responds positively to every opportunity that present itself. However, by saying no to<br />

certain opportunities, the focus and consistency with regard to the company’s strategic decisions<br />

and actions can be increased.<br />

Secondly, Ampelmann could improve the formulation and communication of its strategy,<br />

vision, mission and values to make them more meaningful to employees, both in operation<br />

and in innovation. This study showed that Ampelmann’s mission and vision are unclear to<br />

its employees and that they are directly associated with innovation. However, a clear and<br />

(relentless) communicated strategy (and mission, vision and values) increases a company’s<br />

ability to behave in an ambidextrous way. One approach would be to use the so-called Monday<br />

morning meetings to consistent communicate the strategy, provide updates on projects,<br />

highlight their priorities, inform people possible future to occur and inform them as to how<br />

these things fit the strategy.<br />

Thirdly, when applying organizational models from Mintzberg et al. (2002) to Ampelmann,<br />

we see that one important characteristic from the entrepreneurial organization (i.e., dominant<br />

influence from the top manager) is (still) present, even though Ampelmann has already developed<br />

into a more mature organization. The current organizational form is more comparable<br />

to the innovative organization and, since these models suggest a different leadership style for<br />

these kinds of organizations, it may be worthwhile to discuss whether the current leadership<br />

style still matches the kind of organization Ampelmann is becoming.<br />

Organization of innovation<br />

The organization of innovation at Ampelmann is still in an early stage. The following recommendations<br />

should help the company identify starting points for further development. To<br />

begin with, Ampelmann’s innovation process is still relatively narrow and to a large extent a<br />

project management process. There are many studies into innovation processes that can help<br />

Ampelmann develop a more complete innovation process, for instance adding opportunity identification<br />

and evaluation, project selection, project evaluation, etc., to the existing process.<br />

Secondly, Ampelmann can start evaluating innovation projects, by formulating evaluation<br />

criteria to determine project success, index project determinants (i.e. team size, experience,<br />

innovation type, team work, etc.) to identify critical success factors for a project, and<br />

process evaluation to extract learnings. These project criteria, lessons and the innovation process<br />

mentioned earlier be assembled in a Ampelmann guide to project management.<br />

Thirdly, Ampelmann can work on its definition of innovation. At the moment, innovation<br />

projects are seen as projects that run across multiple units. Distinguishing types of innovation<br />

can help determine how projects should be organized and managed. Both explorative

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