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400 <strong>RESPONSIBLE</strong> <strong>ENTREPRENEURSHIP</strong><br />

perspective, educational policies are defined as “a specification of principles and actions,<br />

related to educational issues, which are followed or which should be followed and which are<br />

designed to bring about desired goals” The author recommends to approach educational policies<br />

from the perspective of a process, of an ongoing interaction of all factors involved in<br />

their development, in order to permanently follow the effects versus results (Trowler, 2003,<br />

pp. 95-96) A high-performing educational system could be defined as that system which contributes<br />

to individuals’ personal development, leads to well-paid workforce and, equally important,<br />

contributes to the well-being of the local community through each individual’s civic<br />

involvement. This way, an educational system’s main contribution is to lead to the development<br />

of a strong economy (Winch & Gingell, 2004, pp. 11-12) The authors highlight the multiple<br />

forms a country’s strong economy can take: an economy which allows the country to<br />

exist and develop through its own resources, in which a variety of goods and services are<br />

produced or an economy which allows the country to become strong politically and militarily.<br />

For this reason the governments’ and local communities’ preoccupation lies in evaluating<br />

how investment in education leads to economic development, through local projects which<br />

stimulate those fields of study which lead to the country’s or region’s development in the<br />

desired direction. Following this line of thought, if there is a wish to develop a branch of<br />

industry which requires highly skilled and trained workforce, then educational policies will<br />

be directed at stimulating those educational programs which will produce qualified workforce.<br />

Thus, the permanent evaluation of educational performance aims at identifying whether<br />

adopted measures led to desired results.<br />

The evaluation of graduates’ performances can be quantified on the one hand through results<br />

obtained during studies and on the other hand through the degree of future involvement in<br />

community development. (Winch & Gingell, 2004, pp. 65-68) The authors name this evaluation<br />

“the culture of responsibility”. This culture of responsibly using funds for education<br />

applies at the level of governments and of local communities as well. To demonstrate that<br />

the resources were efficiently used becomes a responsibility for both the educational system,<br />

and governments/local administration, which need to direct resources towards those programs<br />

of studies that focus on a certain country/regional development direction.<br />

We firstly need to highlight that one of the constant preoccupations of the EU is the development<br />

of policies for ensuring EU competitiveness globally, this being connected to the promotion<br />

and financing of research and innovation projects, especially through provisions in<br />

Horizon 2020 strategy.<br />

Such projects focus on strengthening the scientific and technological basis of European<br />

industry and encourage the participation of research institutions (universities, research centres)<br />

in partnership with enterprises/private companies and non-governmental associations<br />

for developing joint projects. The purpose of supporting such projects through EU policies<br />

is to stimulate EU economic growth through the creation of new workplaces (at http://www.<br />

europarl.europa.eu/atyourservice/ro/displayFtu.html?ftuId=FTU_5.9.6.html). The governments’<br />

preoccupation for the development of educational policies to create new workplaces has deep<br />

roots, and their establishment is related to the development of mass education and development<br />

of the educational system in the modern states. (Green, 2013, pp. 35-81)<br />

In developing educational policies with an impact on the labour market one needs to take<br />

into consideration that under the influence of globalization complex effects impact on the<br />

level of human resources qualification, as a result of technological development (Bell &<br />

Stevenson, 2006, pp. 41-58). This type of development is based on the technological prog-

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