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136 <strong>RESPONSIBLE</strong> <strong>ENTREPRENEURSHIP</strong><br />

Organizations are interested to attract and keep skilled employees, leading companies to<br />

high results (Danish & Usman, 2010). Moreover, motivated employees become one of the<br />

critical factors that bring competitive advantages (Lockwood, 2007).<br />

According to Ciorbagiu-Naon, (2010) there are small number of organizations that pay<br />

attention to their human resources. However, until employees of any organizations are not<br />

satisfied, encouraged and motivated none of them can achieve success and progress (Kuvaas<br />

& Dysvik, 2009).<br />

The purpose of the research is to examine the contribution of non-financial motivation<br />

on employees performance in private sector, which according to Morrell (2011) became a<br />

timely one during the current economic recession and lack of financial resources. Furthermore,<br />

what motivational factors have greater impact in the context of an emerging country,<br />

in our case the target population are emplyees from Republic of Moldova. There are differences<br />

of managerial practices between emerging countries and developed countries. The reason<br />

could be different, on the one hand managers in developing countries are not aware with<br />

new managerial practices or they are not applicable. On the other hand, motivational factors<br />

that have great impact in developed countries do not have the same value in emerging countries.<br />

According to Chen and Huang (2009) managers that work in emerging countries are<br />

not trained and familiar with new practices, or the economic environment do not allow them<br />

to use these practices. In addition to this, employees have different values in countries with<br />

diverse level of development. As result, the research finds out motivational factors that are<br />

more suitable for private sector SMEs and employees perceive them as the most important.<br />

The research is organized as follow: the second chapter discusses theoretical framework<br />

and based on that are proposed the research hypotheses. The third chapter provides information<br />

about methodological approach of the research and questionnaire design. In the fourth<br />

chapter presents the findings and results. While last section includes final conclusion and<br />

research limitations.<br />

Theoretical framework and hypotheses<br />

Generally, motivation pays a significant role in employees performance (Drake et al., 2007).<br />

This area has been researched over the years, as result, has been adopted numerous definitions<br />

and theories regarding employees motivation (Martin and Dowson, 2009). According<br />

to Sheers (2014), employees motivation is something on what the company efficiency and<br />

results depends on, therefore maintaining a high level of motivation is one of the most critical<br />

and difficult task.<br />

Motivation comes from the word “motivate”, which means to influence or push someone<br />

to achieve a want (Manzoor, 2012). Kumar (2011) affirms that the term of motivation is one<br />

commonly used but its meaning is poorly understood. It is quite important to know what motivation<br />

is, because it explains how and why employees behave at the workplace (Kong, 2009).<br />

Achakul and Yolles (2013) show that motivation is an individual phenomenon. Moreover,<br />

according to Kong (2009) employees are not the same, and they have different needs, values<br />

and of course different tasks, meaning that motivation process is individual one and may<br />

differ according to the person.<br />

The first approach regarding motivation makes distinction between two types of motivation,<br />

intrinsic and extrinsic (Achakul and Yolles, 2013). The motivation that comes from inside,

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