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294 <strong>RESPONSIBLE</strong> <strong>ENTREPRENEURSHIP</strong><br />

fessional ethics principles of the banker) that, by their results, indicate the how big the adhesion<br />

to the ethics principles is, when we speak about the activity that one bank will develop<br />

on a market, as a newcomer. The set of quantitative indicators offers a clear image upon the<br />

bank’s capacity to make profit, to be efficient, to develop its assets and its capital, in one word,<br />

to face the prudential requirements that the banking authorities impose the moment when one<br />

bank requires entering on a new banking market.<br />

It is absolutely fine and without any doubt that, these financial quantitative indicators must<br />

look good, both from their value point of view, as registered at the moment of presenting the<br />

request to entry the Romanian market and also from their dynamics perspective, starting from<br />

the bank establishing until the present moment.<br />

But in a nowadays economy that is subject to globalization and that is not avoided the<br />

voth the good and the bad effects that the foreign banks and othe foreign corporations bring<br />

while entering the Romanian markt, a major role must be played by the compliance with the<br />

ethics principles.<br />

Respecting the best practice and ethic promotion rules for the banking business, will be<br />

subject to monitoring by means of the indincators that are proposed in the Matrix, within the<br />

chapter Qualitative indicators. Namely, these are the quality of the shareholders and of the<br />

executive managers and the strategy, all having to promote ethic principles in what the future<br />

activity development concerns.<br />

It is extremely important to be able to evaluate, by the proposed instruments in this paper,<br />

the transparecy level of the accounting papers. The accounting reports must be reliable, without<br />

any doubts, without hidden annexes and not to allow acknowledging possible misleading<br />

towards the authorities, in future.<br />

The banking market conditions where the bank comes from and the way it activated there<br />

are also crucial. All these indicators that we frame as qualitative indicators must be evaluated<br />

in the light of the ethics code and of the banking best practices as admitted by the law<br />

and also by the banking and business environment to be deontological, legal and ethic.<br />

How we will achieve this goal by using the important help of the Matrix analysis instrument,<br />

we will better understand by guiding ourselves with Certo’s words (2002) that stated<br />

that “…the ethics is our preoccupation for a better behavious, our obligation to have in view<br />

not only our own welfare but also the others“. Or, in our opinion, this is exactly what the banks<br />

must do. The response to the question how can the banks namely take care about the general<br />

welfare, of the ones around is the CRS (Corporate Social Responsibility). CRS represents the<br />

totality of actions, principles and practices by which a company, in our situation the bank,<br />

involves itself for a community and for the society, with the purpose of granting a positive<br />

impact of its activity and of contributing to the development of that society.<br />

At a first sight, this may seem as a sophisticated term, that is frequently used in the business<br />

strategy language, but our paper tries to demonstrate that the CSR is more than an instrument<br />

within the business world. It is the closest concept to an ethic code or even to an ideology,<br />

within a field in which it is supposed that the profit the shareholders are targeting is, in fact,<br />

the final objective. Moreover, as Zbuchea stated (2013), “Many researchers consider corporate<br />

social responsibility (CSR) a key element in developing sustainable businesses today.”<br />

The corporate behaviour based on responsibility is an ethical one. This because the ethics<br />

is facing what is good and what is bad. It is a code of unwritten rules that governs us in the<br />

attitudes we have towards the others, as Cordoneanu (2007, p. 35) stated. The meaning of<br />

the words “wright”, “correct” and “just” find its determination in what we name ethics. To

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