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386 <strong>RESPONSIBLE</strong> <strong>ENTREPRENEURSHIP</strong><br />

As also established in the global project (REINVEST), these two aspects are core shapers of<br />

industry and the best practices from industry can be replicated to future start-ups. However,<br />

in true alignment with the literature findings, the results of this study also show a great percentage<br />

of neutral/indecisive responds in relation to this topic which is primarily driven by<br />

the infancy stage of the quintuple helix model (meaning thus lack of awareness and access<br />

to information for the involved parties). Nevertheless, a core implication of this gap resides<br />

also in the perceptions of the respondents related to their skills in the area of responsible<br />

entrepreneurship – in the sense that by not having a proper/clear view over this topic, the<br />

perceived skills that they possess might not be the actual skills required to properly implement<br />

responsible entrepreneurship in a quintuple helix co-creation environment. Finally, given<br />

this bias, another limitation that may hinder the validity of the findings resides in the low<br />

number of respondents across a wide geographic span. Future research should focus on<br />

local/regional areas in an in-depth approach towards unveiling the coherence of the<br />

local/regional quintuple helix context that drives the overall growth.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Success in the global competition is heavily dependent on the ability of the economy to<br />

produce innovative enterprises with high growth potential that can give stimulus to the actors<br />

of the socio-economic environment; can stabilize the labour market; can strengthen the small<br />

and medium size enterprise sector and can creatively work with all the actors that build up<br />

a future-oriented society. In order to ensure the long-term sustainable development visions<br />

of nowadays society a quintuple helix co-creation approach where university, industry, government,<br />

society and the environment are core players of socially and environmentally responsible<br />

growth is required. Considering the infancy of this concept, this paper investigates the<br />

perceptions, intentions and related knowledge of responsible start-ups in relation to the quintuple<br />

helix approach. The results (n=20) show a strong interest and understanding of the necessity<br />

of the quintuple helix co-creation for properly enabling responsible (environmentally and<br />

socially) entrepreneurship, however, the results are influence by a general lack of information<br />

and skills of the respondents in this area. The contribution of this paper is relevant especially<br />

for policy practitioners as well as for responsible entrepreneurs which need to be updated<br />

to these modern requirements of sustainable development and which must ensure a proper<br />

dialog with all stakeholders towards ensuring mutual co-evolution. Academically, this paper<br />

sustains the important of the quintuple helix eco-innovation model. Future research in this<br />

highly necessary area should focus on researching these elements in a more regionally/locally<br />

focused environment as well as should consider how responsible models from exiting industries<br />

can be replicated to future responsible start-ups.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Parts of this research have been made available through the EUROPEAID funded project<br />

(REINVEST) in terms of ensuring the project’s impact by providing means of best practice<br />

replication from REINVEST to other domains/sectors across the EU. This publication/<br />

com munication represents only the views of the authors and the EU Commission cannot be

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