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7. Starmer, G., Antihistamines and highway safety. Accidents Analysis and Prevention, 1995.<br />

8. Neutel CI, Benzodiazepine-related traffic accidents in young and elderly drivers, Hum. Psycho-Pharmacol Clin<br />

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9. Wingen M., Bothmer J., Langer S., Actual driving performance and pshichomeotor function in healthy subjects<br />

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ROLUL CONSUMULUI <strong>DE</strong> DROGURI<br />

ÎN PRODUCEREA ACCI<strong>DE</strong>NTELOR <strong>DE</strong> CIRCULAŢIE<br />

cms. drd. ing. chim. Maria Georgeta STOIAN<br />

insp. pr. drd. farmacist Mihaela GHEORGHE<br />

I.G.P.R. - Institutul de Criminalistică<br />

Serviciul Expertize Fizico-Chimice<br />


There is increasing concern across the EU Member States about the role drugs use (legal and illegal) may<br />

play in traffic accidents, about relationship between different patterns of drug consumption, road safety and traffic<br />

accidents. In general, whilst alcohol still remains the biggest problem on the roads, the lesser problem posed by<br />

other drugs is still important.<br />

When you drive, your hands, eyes and feet control the vehicle, and your brain controls your hands, eyes and<br />

feet. To drive safely, you need to be alert, aware and able to make quick decisions in response to a rapidly changing<br />

environment.<br />

Alcohol and other drugs alter the normal function of the brain and body, and interfere with even the most<br />

skilled and experienced driver’s ability to drive safely. While different drugs can have different effects on driving,<br />

any drug that slows you down, speeds you up or changes the way you see things can affect your driving - too often<br />

with tragic consequences.<br />

Alcohol is a depressant drug, which means it slows down your brain and body. Other drugs, including some<br />

prescription drugs such as sedatives and painkillers, affect a person’s ability to drive safely, in a way similar to<br />

alcohol. When alcohol and another drug are combined, the effect is more intense and dangerous than the effect of<br />

either drug on its own.<br />

The role of other drugs, used on their own or in combination with alcohol, is not routinely assessed in<br />

traffic accidents, but is known to be an important factor in many road deaths.<br />

In this paper there are presented most common effects of psychotropic drugs and alcohol that may affect<br />

driving.<br />

Young people who drink and drive may be particularly at risk for being involved in a motor vehicle accident<br />

because they have less experience with driving, and are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviour.<br />

Conform statisticilor Organizaţiei Mondiale a Sănătăţii, în lume, accidentele de circulaţie sunt a 10-a cauză<br />

de mortalitate la toate vârstele, reprezentând 2,2% din mortalitatea globală, şi a 9-a cauză de povară globală a bolii.<br />

Întrucât bolile infecţioase se află relativ sub control, se constată o creştere a interesului care se acordă<br />

mortalităţii cauzate de accidentele care se produc în circulaţia rutieră. Probabilitatea ca, într-o oră, o persoană să fie<br />

rănită într-un accident de circulaţie este de 30 de ori mai mare decât probabilitatea ca, în acelaşi interval de timp, o<br />

persoană să sufere un accident de muncă. Conform estimărilor statistice, într-o ţară cu trafic rutier intens, jumătate<br />

din populaţie va suferi în timpul vieţii un accident grav de circulaţie. Tinerii sunt mai afectaţi de accidentele de<br />

circulaţie decât alte segmente ale populaţiei, la care mortalitatea se datorează în primul rând bolilor cronice. În multe<br />

ţări accidentele de circulaţie constituie cauza principală a mortalităţii în rândul tinerilor şi au o pondere mai mare<br />

decât alţi factori în scăderea mediei de viaţă a populaţiei.<br />

În ceea ce priveşte România, ţara noastră ocupă primul loc în Europa privind severitatea accidentelor<br />

rutiere. În România o persoană moare la fiecare trei accidente, în timp ce media europeană este de un decedat la 40<br />

de accidente.

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