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Hochbegabung und Sonderpädagogik - sonderpaedagoge.de!

Hochbegabung und Sonderpädagogik - sonderpaedagoge.de!

Hochbegabung und Sonderpädagogik - sonderpaedagoge.de!


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I<strong>de</strong>ntifikation von Hochbegabten<br />

REIS, S. M., MCGUIRE, J. M. & NEU, T. W. (2000). Compensation<br />

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RENZULLI, J. S. (1977). The enrichment triad mo<strong>de</strong>l: A plan for<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloping <strong>de</strong>fensible programs for the gifted and talented: II.<br />

Gifted Child Quarterly, 21, 227-233.<br />

RENZULLI, J. S. (1984). The Triad/Revolving Door system: A research-based<br />

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the gifted and talented. Gifted Child Quarterly, 28, 163-171.<br />

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HOPKINS, B. (Eds.), Motor <strong>de</strong>velopment in early and later<br />

childhood: Longitudinal approaches (229-246). New York:<br />

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STÖGER, H. & ZIEGLER, A. (2005). Un<strong>de</strong>rachievement <strong>und</strong> Prüfungsangst:<br />

Forschungsbef<strong>und</strong>e <strong>und</strong> Interventionsmöglichkeiten<br />

bei hochbegabten Schülerinnen <strong>und</strong> Schülern. Journal für<br />

Begabtenför<strong>de</strong>rung, 5, 7-19.<br />

STÖGER, H., ZIEGLER, A. & MARTZOG, P. (2008). Deficits in fine<br />

motor skill as an important factor in the i<strong>de</strong>ntification of gifted<br />

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ZIEGLER, A., (2005). The Actiotope Mo<strong>de</strong>l of Giftedness. In R.J.<br />

STERNBERG & J.E. DAVIDSON (Eds.), Conceptions of giftedness<br />

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ZIEGLER, A., DRESEL, M. & STÖGER, H. (2008). Addressees of<br />

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ZIEGLER, A. & STÖGER, H. (2003). ENTER – Ein Mo<strong>de</strong>ll zur I<strong>de</strong>ntifikation<br />

von Hochbegabten. Journal für Begabtenför<strong>de</strong>rung, 4,<br />

8-21.<br />

ZIEGLER, A. & STÖGER, H. (2004). I<strong>de</strong>ntification based on ENTER<br />

within the conceptual frame of the Actiotope Mo<strong>de</strong>l of Giftedness.<br />

Psychology Science, 46, 324-342.<br />

ZIEGLER, A. & STÖGER, H. (2007). The Role of Counseling in the<br />

Development of Gifted Stu<strong>de</strong>nts’ Actiotopes: Theoretical backgro<strong>und</strong><br />

and exemplary application of the 11-SCC. In S.<br />

MENDAGLIO & J. S. PETERSON (Eds.), Mo<strong>de</strong>ls of Counseling<br />

Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults (253-283).<br />

Austin, TX: Prufrock.<br />

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