30.01.2013 Aufrufe

Programmheft 1/13 - Volkshochschule Bonn

Programmheft 1/13 - Volkshochschule Bonn

Programmheft 1/13 - Volkshochschule Bonn


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Widerrufsbelehrung<br />

Widerrufsrecht<br />

Sie können Ihre Vertragserklärung<br />

innerhalb von 14 Tagen ohne Angabe<br />

von Gründen in Textform (z.B. Brief,<br />

Fax, E-Mail) widerrufen. Die Frist beginnt<br />

nach Erhalt dieser Belehrung in<br />

Textform, jedoch nicht vor Vertragsschluss<br />

und auch nicht vor Erfüllung<br />

unserer Informationspflichten gemäß<br />

Art. 246 § 2 i.V.m. § 1 Abs. 1 und 2<br />

EGBGB sowie unserer Pflichten gemäß<br />

§ 312e Abs. 1 Satz 1 BGB i.V.m.<br />

Art. 246 § 3 EGBGB. Zur Wahrung der<br />

Widerrufsfrist genügt die rechtzeitige<br />

Absendung des Widerrufs.<br />

Der Widerruf ist zu richten an:<br />

<strong>Volkshochschule</strong> <strong>Bonn</strong>,<br />

Wilhelmstraße 34, 53111 <strong>Bonn</strong>,<br />

Fax: 0228 77 3671,<br />

Mail: VHS@bonn.de<br />

Widerrufsfolgen<br />

Im Falle eines wirksamen Widerrufs<br />

sind die beiderseits empfangenen<br />

Leistungen zurückzugewähren und<br />

ggf. gezogene Nutzungen (z.B. Zinsen)<br />

herauszugeben. Können Sie uns die<br />

empfangene Leistung ganz oder teilweise<br />

nicht oder nur in verschlechtertem<br />

Zustand zurückgewähren, müssen<br />

Sie uns insoweit ggf. Wertersatz<br />

leisten. Dies kann dazu führen, dass<br />

Sie die vertraglichen Zahlungsverpflichtungen<br />

für den Zeitraum bis zum<br />

Widerruf gleichwohl erfüllen müssen.<br />

Verpflichtungen zur Erstattung von<br />

Zahlungen müssen innerhalb von 30<br />

Tagen erfüllt werden. Die Frist beginnt<br />

für Sie mit der Absendung Ihrer Widerrufserklärung,<br />

für uns mit deren<br />

Empfang.<br />

Besondere Hinweise<br />

Ihr Widerrufsrecht erlischt vorzeitig,<br />

wenn der Vertrag von beiden Seiten<br />

auf Ihren ausdrücklichen Wunsch vollständig<br />

erfüllt ist, bevor Sie Ihr Widerrufsrecht<br />

ausgeübt haben.<br />

General Terms of Business of <strong>Volkshochschule</strong> <strong>Bonn</strong><br />

General Terms of<br />

Business of<br />

<strong>Volkshochschule</strong> <strong>Bonn</strong><br />

Section 1 · General<br />

(1) These General Terms of Business shall<br />

apply for all courses and events organized<br />

and hosted by the adult education institution<br />

<strong>Volkshochschule</strong> <strong>Bonn</strong> (hereinafter<br />

referred to as VHS), including those realized<br />

by means of electronic data transmission,<br />

but not in relations with participants<br />

who have been referred to VHS by<br />

social security institutions (ARGE, Jobcenter,<br />

employment agency, pension insurance<br />

funds, Federal Office for Migration<br />

and Refugees, etc.).<br />

(2) Study tours, excursions and events for<br />

which a third party is named as organizer<br />

and contractual partner are not VHS<br />

events. VHS shall only act as intermediary<br />

in this context.<br />

(3) Insofar as the masculine form is used<br />

in the provisions of these General Terms<br />

of Business, this is merely done for the<br />

sake of simplicity. The provisions also apply<br />

equally for women and legal entities.<br />

(4) Unless specified otherwise in the present<br />

General Terms of Business or the<br />

consumer's statutory right of revocation<br />

in conjunction with distance selling transactions,<br />

legal declarations (e.g. applications,<br />

notice of rescission or termination)<br />

shall only be valid if made in writing or<br />

equivalent technical form of communication<br />

(fax, e-mail, e-post). Declarations by<br />

VHS shall comply with the requirement for<br />

written form when an unsigned preprinted<br />

confirmation form is used.<br />

Section 2 · Conclusion of contract<br />

(1) Courses and events shall be announced<br />

without obligation. Such announcements<br />

shall not constitute an offer<br />

to conclude a contract.<br />

(2) A contract shall be concluded when<br />

the participant applies to take part in the<br />

course or event and the application is<br />

accepted by VHS. The contract shall be<br />

deemed to have been concluded when<br />

acceptance of the application is explicitly<br />

confirmed by VHS in text or written form,<br />

or 14 days following receipt of the application<br />

unless explicitly refused by VHS in<br />

writing.<br />

(3) If the announcement of a course or<br />

event contains a closing date for applications<br />

or if the course or event has already<br />

commenced, all applications received by<br />

VHS after the closing date for applications<br />

or after commencement of the course or<br />

event must, in derogation of paragraph<br />

(2) above, be explicitly accepted. Without<br />

such acceptance, the application shall be<br />

deemed to have been refused.<br />

(4) If all the places available for a course<br />

or event have already been taken when<br />

the application is received, the applicant<br />

shall be put on a waiting list and informed<br />

of this circumstance within five working<br />

days. The applicant shall then declare,<br />

within five working days, whether he wishes<br />

to wait for a vacancy within the minimum<br />

time-limit specified in paragraph<br />

(2) above, or whether his name is to be<br />

deleted from the waiting list.<br />

(5) The statutory right of revocation in<br />

conjunction with distance selling transactions<br />

shall remain unaffected by the provisions<br />

of paragraphs (2) to (4) above.<br />

Section 3 · Contractual partner<br />

and participant<br />

(1) On conclusion of the contract, contractual<br />

rights and duties shall only be established<br />

between VHS as organizer and<br />

the contractual partner. The contractual<br />

partner may also establish the right to<br />

participate on behalf of a third party who<br />

shall be named to VHS. The participation<br />

of persons other than those named shall<br />

require the consent of VHS. VHS shall not<br />

refuse its consent without good cause. All<br />

provisions governing the contractual partner<br />

shall apply accordingly for the third<br />

party.<br />

(2) VHS may make participation contingent<br />

upon personal and/or technical requirements.<br />

Participants must be at least<br />

15 years old. VHS may grant exceptions<br />

to the rule for individual participants and/<br />

or events.<br />

(3) VHS shall be entitled but not obliged to<br />

confirm applications. If such confirmation<br />

is issued, the participant shall be obliged<br />

to carry the confirmation letter with him<br />

and to present it to an authorized representative<br />

of VHS on demand. If this is not<br />

done for reasons for which the participant<br />

or contractual partner is responsible, the<br />

contractual partner may be excluded from<br />

the course or event without acquiring any<br />

entitlement to reimbursement of the fee<br />

paid.<br />

1<br />

Politik,<br />

Wissenschaft und<br />

Internationales<br />

2<br />

Lebensgestaltendes<br />

Lernen<br />

3<br />

Fremdsprachen<br />

4<br />

Deutsch und<br />

Integration<br />

5<br />

Beruf und<br />

Qualifizierung<br />

6<br />

Kultur und<br />

Kunst<br />

7<br />

Gesundheit und<br />

Ernährung<br />

8<br />

Studienreisen<br />

Service<br />


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