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ۙ<br />

178 <strong>With</strong> <strong>Love</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa the Khātam-un-Nabiyyīn<br />

هُوَ‏ اذلَّ‏ ‏ِىْ‏ بَعَثَ‏ فىِ‏ ْ الاْ‏ ‏ُمّ‏ ٖ ‏ِينّ‏ َ رَسُ‏ وْ‏ لاً‏ مّ‏ ‏ِنهْ‏ ‏ُمْ‏ يَتْلُوْا عَلَيهْ‏ ‏ِمْ‏ اٰيٰتِهٖ‏ وَيُزَكّ‏ ‏ِيهْ‏ ِ ‏ْم<br />

وَيُعَلّ‏ ‏ِمُهُمُ‏ الْكِتٰبَ‏ وَالْحِكمْ‏ ‏َةَ‏ وَاِنْ‏ كاَ‏ نُوْا مِنْ‏ قَبْلُ‏ لَفِىْ‏ ضَ‏ لٰلٍ‏ مُّبِينْ‏ ۝ ٍ<br />

وَّاٰخَرِيْنَ‏ مِنهْ‏ ‏ُمْ‏ لَمَّا يَلْحَقُوْا بهِ‏ ‏ِمْ‏ ؕ وَهُوَ‏ الْعَزِيْزُ‏ الْحَكِيمْ‏ ۝ُ<br />

Meaning: That Gracious God is that God who sent a<br />

messenger among the unlettered people from among<br />

them, who recites un<strong>to</strong> them His verses, and purifies<br />

them, and teaches them the Book and Wisdom,<br />

although they had been, before, in manifest<br />

misguidance. And in the same way, that Messenger,<br />

who is training them, shall train another group who<br />

shall become a part of them and shall develop the<br />

same excellences but they have not yet joined them.<br />

And God is Mighty and Wise. Here, it should be<br />

واٰخَرِيْنَ‏ مِنهْ‏ ‏ُمْ‏ لَمَّا in the verse اٰخَرِيْنَ‏ remembered that the word<br />

verse, is maf‘ūl [object]. It is as if the entire يَلْحَقُوْا بهِ‏ ‏ِمْ‏<br />

with its preceding words, is this:<br />

وaاذیaبثaaالانaرولاaمaتواaمaاتہa<br />

وaزمaوaمaاتابaوaاحۃaوaمaالا ٓ خر aن<br />

مaاaحواaبم<br />

Meaning, other than the sahāba ra [companions], there<br />

are others who are Our sincere and perfect men, a<br />

large group of whom shall be born in the Latter Days.<br />

The way the Holy Prophet sa trained the sahāba ra , he<br />

shall also train this group, indirectly. This means that<br />

those people shall come in a period in which direct<br />

provision or receipt of help shall be no more. The<br />

religion of Islām shall become filled with many

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